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$350 a year to keep my house as warm as I want. power outage? No problem. 10+ hour burns, load at 10pm reload at 7am. 33 outside and 77 inside.
I couldnt sleep with the house that hot
Back bedroom stays a little cooler. Pretty awesome to not need tons of blankets in the winter. I get it warm and then let the temps come down over 10+ hours. When I refill tonight it will be around 71 or so.
Blankets are the best part of winter
Based. I have a woodstove insert in a fireplace downstairs. It gets pretty warm down there. Upstairs stays nice and cool for sleeping.

Unfortunately my only wood source around here that is plentiful is cottonwood, but I have an endless supply of it...
All we have is red, white oak and hickory. Which sounds great but I would like a few cords of soft wood for shoulder seasons.
Softwood is gay to burn because it doesnt leave any coals
local government here looks for chimney smoke and fines anyone not paying the gas company 10 dollars a day to heat their home
My grandparents offered me their wood stove because they're not physically able to handle loading it with firewood anymore. Grandad is disabled and can barely walk even with a walker, grandmother has blood pressure issues and rarely has a good sense of balance. I'm a hobo that spent all my money building a big ass workshop with a small living quarter inside of it, it would absolutely fucking cook me out of my little 800sqft apartment but the rest of the building is too large to be effectively heated by it. brainstorming what I could do with it.
Pick your self up a wood splitter, your shoulders will thank you, and they aren't all that expensive these days. I usually wind up splitting about 4-5 cord a year mix of soft and hardwoods.

Even softwoods can be a bitch to split by hand. Sometimes the grain structure will kind of do a twist around knots or other damage and it just won't fucking split. Even the wood splitter will struggle with those bitches sometimes.
You think i pay $350 a year for gas?
God I'm envious if you pay less than that. My gas bill in the winter usually averages around $150 a month. Fuck California energy prices man, hate that politicians seem to forget that their is more too the state than the coastal cities with mild weather.
Average nat gas bill in winter is between $120-200. I can guarantee that not keeping the house as warm or not stressing about opening closing doors. Let my door stay open to do stuff? IDGAF cost almost nothing. Friend at work last month bill for his nat gas was $250 and it was not even that cold.
You're burning too much shit at once. You'll cause heat damages to the chimney if you keep that up.
LMAO thats secondaries burning exactly how they should. I have a flue gas thermocouple and know exactly what my stovetop temps are. Do some research on wood stove secondary burn
That's like one month in my sieve of a house.
I'm the guy with the cottonwood above. Some of it is straight grained and splits nice, but most of it is an absolute nightmare to split by hand and all twisted up...
It was less than $20/month in Pennsylvania, but my house was pretty small.
You know you can burn smaller amounts of wood right, like heat output regulation
>$350 a year
no way you are getting several cords of wood for 350 dollars
>Paying for your firewood

>Considering yourself country

My saw was $300 20 years ago and has been in the shop once for $100 to replace the clutch. They're all the time cutting timber around here and leave scraggly little oaks. I just go get all I want for free
I am good friends with the tree guy so I get all the wood I can from him
The rest I take from my land from dead standing and dead falls. We have 20 acres of hardwood that has not been harvested since the 1950's but I really like them so we try to only take what dies.
Bruh find some company land they cut timber off of and just go to cutting, I've been doing it for decades and the owners of the land don't live anywhere around here so no one ever says anything. It's not unusually to run across pieces that make decent lumber, some nice older cedar usually. I don't have a sawmill tho so I have to have someone cut it for a share of it
December bill. Additionally we run the wood stove from 6pm through midnight, this shit is just daytime heating.

I’m burning oak and ash mix from a local farmer at €200/cord (which is considered cheap) and am almost through one since October. Any tips welcome
It will never cease to amaze me how much people underestimate wood burning fireplaces/stoves. My family moved into a house out in the woods with a wood burning stove years ago. My mom originally wanted to get rid of it, but the first winter with tons of power outages she realized having a woodburning stove was lifesaving.

When Texas froze over a couple of years ago, nobody in newly built houses had fireplaces and a bunch of people froze to death. I’ve even heard of people paying to REMOVE fireplaces from their homes. Absolute insanity. I will never live in a house without a fireplace.
Seasoning is the best tip I can give. Oak is really 3 years. 2 years is OK but 3 years is where its at. I know seasoning time sucks but it is what it is. Ash you can burn just about green but a year is perfect. Get a moisture meter when starting out to get an Idea where you are. I don't know what kind of stove you have if its catalytic I'm not experienced with those at all. In my stove I burn North South and air down as much as I can to get the secondaries firing hard and extend burn time. You can give your chimney a look to see if there is smoke with my stove when its in the groove and rolling there is zero visible smoke all you can see are heat waves. Also get a laser temp reader. It will give you a good idea on stove top temps to avoid over firing and give you a good number to shoot for. I have a soapstone Hearthstone Mansfield and when its cold I like to keep the stove top in the 520-600 range. Good luck and know there is a learning cure to any stove.
My house has a huge sunroom that keeps it warm enough when the sun shines that i dont need to heat even in negative double digit weather
Who would have thought that people with giant windows do not need heating in minus weather conditions
The citytards started to massively buy wood stoves when Russia invaded and gas price went through the roof. They burn wet whatever they could their hands on (because in cities good firewood became scarce) during windless periods while their neighbour (30ft away) is airing sheets and now the country is considering a ban because it’s ‘antisocial’

I have no neighbours for half a mile and since early 1800s nobody has ever complained about our stove so thanks city people I guess
>Any tips welcome
Insulate your house
>since early 1800s nobody has ever complained about our stove
Holy shit, you let it slip bro, we all know you're a vampire now
What about the cancer that comes with it?
Worse than breathing brake dust in the shity?
19 degrees out right now and 75 inside. Going to climb hard because I just stuffed the box with red oak, and she's cruising.
Where the fuck are you getting a few cords of wood that cheap? I was going through atleast 4 cords of wood in the winter alone. This post reeks of a LARPing retard.
>Where the fuck are you getting a few cords of wood that cheap?
cut your own. my old pops cuts several cord of mostly oak a year on the highway right of way. occasionally somebody stops and asks what hes doing but most 21st century humans dont even notice him working
cl/facefuck often has free wood if you can cut and haul it. it wont usually be instagram beautiful split cord wood but it all burns the same
it still isnt free. maintaining several saws buying chains gas etc costs a few hundred a year
I have 20 acres of hardwood and every year several are taken out by what ever so a lot comes from there. I am also good friends with the guy that cuts trees. He charges me $140 for a cord of all hardwood oak and hickory. Which is about how much I will usually buy. We are 3 years ahead on our seasoning seeing its all hardwood. 3 years brings us to a consistent 18% moisture.
Wow, 33 in January
15 right now
Commercially harvested firewood this year and last has broken $600/ton where I live kek
If I can't get it for free I'll just stay cold. Although it doesn't get below freezing around here.
I jjst have solar and then ducted AC. Costs me nothing and I have perfect temp in every room year round.
>look everyone I'm heating my house in the most inefficient manner I can! look LOOK!
he lives in a place where he has to burn wood to stay warm. I only just started running my heat yesterday because it actually is getting down to the high 30's here.

71 when I woke up this morning. 19 outside. Soooo inefficient. First morning burn will take it to 77 or so. All for a few pennies.
71 is what I get when I don't run the heat. cost 0 cents.
Sounds like an awesome barrio.
oh anon. it's a nice 99% white neighborhood in a nice part of town, and the local police actively throw the "homeless" out of the city, the only mesicans here do the yard work.

nice try though.
Yeah sure some place with 70 degree winters has no shitskins. My ass I lived in Az for 20 years. Winters are nice but browns are everywhere. Good job on finding the magical 99% white urban utopia .
What is the labor worth to feed the fire?

You cannot say where "here" is, so why did you poast at all?

Use it for partial heat of the large space to lower temps when it's seriously cold, or just hang onto it (not outside) as if you don't want it you could sell or barter it.
For me 100% worth it. I will gladly trade a small amount of daily labor and a week or two of heavier labor for ultimate comfort the savings is the the cream on top.
Your meter must have been broken. It's $20/month to for my gas water heater in the summer, let alone heat anything.
You shouldn't have any smoke in your house if you're using a half-decent woodburner and your chimney is in good condition.
Im sure hes talking about the particulate which in a honest discussion, there is scientifically backed studies that show more particulate matter in wood burners homes. But like you said with proper burning and cleaning techniques those problems are significantly reduced.
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>not having kids to load if for you as part of their chores
so you are so stupid you think if my house is 70 degrees inside the outside is 70? fuck son, what century do you live in. NO when it's 39 out I get 68 inside without running heat, and 71 when the outside is in the 40's.

try to keep up son.
>cost me nothing after i paid tens of thousands for solar
one weird trick
Self heating houses are awesome. STFU adults are talking.
>the amount of inbred retards that never heard of vacuum solar heaters
Imagine doing this cavemen shit when you could heat your house by doing fuckall all day.
Woke up 18 degrees outside, 68 inside. Stuffed her full of red oak and shes already taking off. this load should take it to 74-76 somewhere in there. 10 hour or so burn. 6-9 inches of snow tonight. be a cozy night.
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you are so fucking stupid. what kind of house do you live in where the outside and inside temps are the same without heat? do you even understand how insulation works? how things in the house create heat? lights, appliances, computers, tv's, and people.

I have a 1993 house with R15 in the walls, and R60 in the attic. it's 58° outside as I type this. it is 74° inside. I haven't run the heat since 9am. I won't turn on the heat till I go to bed and it won't even start until sometime around 2am. the low today was 33° and it will be 34° tomorrow. If I don't turn the heat on it will be 69° in the house in the morning.

you are dumb as a stump. now please come at me bro. I want to hear more stupid shit. please keep talking. asshole
woke up and it was 69° inside (34° outside), did nothing, and turned on no heat and it's 75° now.
LOL solar gain is real! Now give the stats on what the temps would be with 2 days of 10f no sun and wind chill of -5. My house will be 77 your house would be unlivable.
You have to build Rocket mass heater.
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those conditions don't happen where I live. enjoy your shithole hoopy.
>i live with browns in a city.
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Got mine going, mostly water oak and black cherry
This morning was some oak, wild cherry and I think maybe even a 3 year old ash split. Warming up today, 30's so 12 hours between burns is going to be possible. Oak and cherry are bot great wood BTU wise.
And I love cherry for smoking some piggy. I have a thicket of it behind my house that doesn't even belong to me but the owner lives several towns away so I just help myself
I'd love one because of ambiance and noise only but with leaky district heating it would have to get really cold until I could really use it.
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I just got a used wood stove. But it came with 3 free mice in the ash tray. I disposed of them and their poop. I scraped scrubbed everywhere real good and vacuumed it all real good. But I can still smell it a bit. I haven't run the stove yet.

Will the smell go away once it has time to air out? Or do I need to disassemble the whole thing and blast it all with a torch? Or what?
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I've posted it before, but this is the insert I made for my fireplace. Has a little squirrel cage fan that blows into a square tube on the bottom. The fire grate is made of curved pipe that start at the bottom, and curve around the back and then come back out the holes at the top. It gets nice n' toasty.
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What about your existing heatilator?

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