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File: IMG_2180.jpg (3.65 MB, 4032x3024)
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and what is it for?
What you have there is a certified Dinglebop. You rub it against the grumbo to collect all the shleem
Where do I find a grumbo?
The Schlami has to show up and rub it...and spit on it
File: Hawk.jpg (10 KB, 310x163)
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Is this the Schlami?
No, that's your run of the mill hizzard, they often get in the way
Mods pls delete thread
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I don’t think that’s how it works.

I asked you bastards, a long time a, what this was and you did not answer. Or may I missed it. My kid recently took a picture with his space phone and it said it was a thingy to pick up cooking pots.
looks like a gaudy saw set
antique circumcizer. probably circumcized an entire generation of boomers.
This user is partly correct, though it's a deedlebop and is indeed, not certified. If it were you would have either an etched or stamped logo for the National Hamstroker's Legion somewhere on the tool.

You can use it *like* a dinglebop to collect schleem, and that's how most people primarily use them nowdays, but that was not their original purpose. That's why many are sold uncertified as it's quite costly to brumble the gleep to a very fine point.

Practically you are fine to use it for home use, but if you were ever caught professionally using an uncertified, unlicensed deedlebop professionally, you'd be subject to some pretty big fines and slarpage.

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