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Why isn't there a device to melt a pile of snow quickly? Snow blowers are cool but if I have a pile that is getting icy and hard to break up, I'd just melt in with some kind of a heater.
Blast it with piss
it takes a ton of energy to melt snow and if you don't get rid of the water it will just freeze again
my railroad used have a jet engine mounted to a flatcar to melt and blow snow where spreaders and ballast regulators couldn't get to but the water just froze back into all the nooks and crannies of switches and such. in populated areas people also complained of noise
now we have hyrails with powerful cold air blowers that will send huge chunks of ice thirty feet away, which would be a good alternative for your situation if you needed something large
Propane torch.
Changing the phase of water takes a lot more energy then just changing the temperature, and changing the temperature of water takes quite a bit of energy
It's one of the principles that keep temperatures from fluctuating too quickly on earth and has made it habitable for life
Snow and ice piles are insulated by their nature. I work in construction and we point diesel fueled torpedo heaters at them there is nothing to be don't. Water itself takes a ton of energy to heat.

That's the answer too much energy.
The salt raises the freezing point of the water.
So cover that shit with salt.
The amount of self restraint of everyone in that video besides the "I didn't hear no bell" dude is kinda crazy, the way they keep pulling each other away after he's gotten a good beating.
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>The amount of self restraint of everyone in that video besides the "I didn't hear no bell" dude is kinda crazy, the way they keep pulling each other away after he's gotten a good beating.

I like how they beat him down and then immediately stop paying him any attention anymore, and allow him to get back up and come back and hit them again. Every. Single. Time. No one learned a damn thing the entire time this was happening.
Best bet for a large driveway, sidewalk, deck is use the leaf blower after more than 2 inches has fallen recently. This works on cars as well. Clears almost all of the snow without shoveling or cranking up a big snowthrower and helps dry out the surface as well. It's easier than blowing wet leaves and takes a fraction of the time of other methods.
why do people hold each other and their dogs back when attacked by some idiot? They could be working together with the dogs to pummel this nutjob so he doesn't get back up and start all over again.

>nonwhites cannot fight
you are using this in place of a snow blower?

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