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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: ss.jpg (2.1 MB, 2304x3060)
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So i installed a new kitchen and was planning on buying some huge American refigerator to cover this up. Basicly the plaster layer is broken due to previous owner not having a extractor hood for 20 years. I did paint over it to cover it up a little bit

My question is, can i just put a wallpanel over this to cover it up? and if so, should i screw it in or just use mounting kit?
They installed tile around the let-ins for the stove and fridge in my house. It was so there was an unbroken backsplash across the whole kitchen. They extended it to the floor. Surer as fuck makes cleaning the walls behind the appliances easy when it comes time to do so.
Can you zoom out? We get that the texture is wrecked. Of course you can cover with panels, shiplap, tile. You could skim coat it and fix it correctly.

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