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Where can I find arcade game cabinets that aren't $2,000 a piece?
They are (and always were) just cheap particleboard boxes with vinyl edging.
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at the >$2,000 arcade cabinet wholesale place. duh.
In the 90s
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He might mean a candy cab; they're all plastic. $2k is about what they go for.
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I was going to suggest TNT Amusements in Philadelphia. They were under $1k 10 years ago, but it looks like 2k is the new going rate. Just build a cabinet yourself and load MAME on a Raspberry Pi.
Nah, get a MISTer and a cheap VGA CRT.
It's a sawdust and glue box with the cheapest electronics inside. You make one at home

How can I BUILD an arcade game cabinet for less than $2,000?
Plenty of instructions out there but I'm sure you could find a cheap cabinet out there and convert it to whatever game you want for like $1000. Just figure out what game you want, find out what board it uses, then look for the cheapest one with that platform
Build your own and use mame
>i want an official one
Something like a taito x2 will go for $200-400 not including the game harddrive or the cabinet.
>these are the places your mom and dad go to and blow their retirement

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