Can I use discarded street stones as bricks to build up walls? Or is there something about them that make them improper for that usage and only good for flooring?
>>2887133Follow up, what’s the scrap price for railroad tracks?
>>2887133the difficulties would be that they are not ideally uniform, you want uniform bricks to minimize mortar for cost and strength.the other thing is setts are normally squareish, which makes bonding courses difficult.the answer really is yes you could but the difficulty depends on the type of wall. garden feature? sure who cares. 2 story house? good luck with building control.
>>2887154I was thinking 1 story tiny house or shed, being that this is the only reliable manner in which I can get blocks of stone in my country. No one builds with stone anymore, you can only ever get tiny crushed rocks for mixing with cement. Nice blocks of stone for building something akin to pic related is impossible unless you happen to run into an old structure being demolished
>>2887133Bricks for walls typically have "cores" i.e. holes in the brick, the purpose of which is for mortar to get caught in which interlocks the bricks once set. Cores can also be used to place reinforcing bars.Walls can be built without cored bricks/blocks but the lateral wall strength is significantly reduced.