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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 20250109_181709.jpg (2.59 MB, 4000x3000)
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>Installing bathroom ceiling fan in old house
>Has plaster on top of drywall for god know's what reason
>Ceiling fan does not have enough clearance to mount onto the plaster, I have to remove a 1 inch border of plaster all the way around the pic related square
>I have to do so without destroying the drywall underneath
>I tried drilling holes and breaking, but it broke the drywall underneath as well.

Wut do?
Multi tool with tape around blade to mark depth, cut border then stick a chisel between drywall and plaste and pry off pieces.

Use a circular saw with the blade depth set.
wdym multi tool with tape?
>plaster on top of drywall for god know's what reason

It's not drywall, it's rock lath AKA "gyp-lath" AKA "button board" because of the characteristic "buttons" (pic related) formed when the scratch coat squeezes through to holes, that lock the plaster on once it dries.

The other anon is generally correct however I would reccomend using a 4" angle grinder with a diamond blade to minimize vibration and to avoid wrecking a circular saw with mineral dust.
It's lath because it serves as a backer for plaster to mechanically bond to. There's also wire / expanded metal lath.
Wood lath came first (and is a modernized version of woven sticks known as wattle) , rock lath was the interim step between wood lath/plaster and drywall, which got that name because there's no wet plaster layer involved.

Rock lath was most popular from around the 30s- early 60s but was around in the WW1 era. Some of it didn't have the holes and there's also various finishes that aren't straight plaster...some of which had asbestos so use caution and maybe read up on the various types and/ or see if you can find printed ID from the attic side to see if you can ID it better.


You're a gentleman and a scholar, anon. Thx
Utility knife might just work too.
>>288743cut plaster and drywall, make a square wooden spacer the size you need and install that for the fan to mount to. Fuck that plaster AND fuck that drywall.
at a glance i see 3 different options , first bend the tabs so it hangs lower , seond skip there mounts and use the joist which is right there in plain sight , and third remove the 1/2 inch drywall leaving the plaster in place , you dont know what your doing so its pointless to explain how to do what needs to be done so go hire someone that knows what they are doing so it gets done right , there , i gave you 4 options ,
Thanks man very interesting, I deleted my post cause I zoomed in and saw what looked like lath pieces so thought I had done a tard moment.

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