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Do you think it's worth it to buy expensive headphones to harvest it's internal parts and stick them into industrial earmuffs with a 31nrr? I got an ear infection from my foam earplugs and the doctor told me to wear them sparingly. Now I don't want to rely on stuff that goes into my ear canal.
I’m no audiophile, but from taking apart a few speakers in my day, I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s some real goofy acoustics going on in name brand audio equipment that engineers designed a certain way and you probably won’t be able to replicate. Like you remove a piece that seems to be structural or 100% for aesthetics but you lose all of the bass because everything in that headphone was designed for optimal sound. At least if you’re going for quality music.

If you want to listen to AM talk radio, maybe you could give it a shot.
> buy expensive headphones to harvest it's internal parts
Why not just use cheap headphones instead? Because replicating acoustics is clearly not the goal here. That said, I wouldn't recommend it
>I got an ear infection from my foam earplugs
You sure this isn't because you've been constantly reusing those earplugs. Also, you should try rinsing the inside of your ears on occasion when you take a shower, it reduces ear wax build up as well.
The cheapo JVC headphones are good enough, try it with those. You could also just wear bluetooth headphones under the muffs like I do.
I'm pretty sure they've got fancy earmuffs with built in speakers now. In my experience headphones and earbuds are both too much trouble to fiddle with and I just end up buying new ones when they break.
>bluetooth earbuds
>earmuffs over top

checked AND based, this is the way
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>rinsing the inside of your ears
pic rel + hydrogen peroxide/water in 50/50 mix, or just pour the hydrogen peroxide + water into your ear and lay on your side for several minutes
Is the pressure of foam plug caused ear infection or you kept putting on dirty ones on your never cleaned ear holes.
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You can get headphones designed for drummers that combine decent audio quality with really good isolation.

I will also say though that good reusable earplugs could be worth looking at. I use pic related Peltors for shooting and they work well while being much more hygenic than foamies since you don't have to touch the part that goes into your ear.
reading comprehension
not worth it at all.
get picrel instead. apparently they started making a bluetooth model too, but can only vouch for the cable version. also replace your foam plugs from time to time negro.

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