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I live in the basement, and the landlord insisted on checking the pipes going into and out of the valve. When he went in to look, he closed the door, as if he was hiding something. He wants to make some repairs but doesn't want me to be home while he does them.

>There seems to be a draft of cold air coming from the area where this valve is located.
>There is also cold air coming out of a nearby electrical outlet that doesn’t have a cover plate. he seems eager to put a plate on it, but he never mentioned it was because of the cold air.
>There is a transparent pipe leading to the valve and an orange pipe coming from the street and another orange one running through the basement.
>the transparent pipe seems to be wrapped with insulation foam
>the landlord said years ago the pipe bursted twice

I think he is hiding something, but I know jackshit about american construction so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.
>He wants to make some repairs but doesn't want me to be home while he does them

Time to put oil down the drain
he probably just needs to fix the sewer side and doesnt wants your turds coming down the pipe while hes got it open
do you know what a register is?
>do you know what a register is?
yes but im not telling you because you never mentioned anything about one or anything hvac related in the op
youre brown and from someplace where it never gets below 100 freedom degrees. welcome to the usa. it gets cold in the winter here and houses often lack perfect insulation. youre also probably renting and illegal sublet slum for less than the alternative so you can either shut up or pack up and find another place
The house is probably a high radon area. He fixed the radon fan and now it's sucking air out of the basement
landlord's chinese guys fixed a leaking pipe in my home a few days ago. since then when we turn on the sink after a while of non-use, we'll hear a gurggling sound. i suspect this could be the pipe leaking elsewhere and air entering the system. is this something that happens?
It's the landlord fart pipe. Maybe he'd forgotten to connect your unit or something. When he's done he'll go into the secret room, fart into the fart pipe, and vent the farts into the apartment. All landlords have fart pipes.

He wants to put a cover on the outlet cuz thats the rules. Outlets need covers.

Not sure why he doesnt want you home. Maybe its gonna be loud, maybe its cuz the guys working on it will be assholes.
Honestly seems pretty legit. Many landlords dont fix anything ever

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