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Picrel: Lego Minifigure head storage (small)
Storage seems made of polyethylene
Gap's about 5mm wide, 15mm deep; central part is about 15mm higher than the outer bottom of the box.
Was thinking using hot glue, but it's a tricky location, and temp might melt storage box plastic.
Silicone probably wouldn't last long.
Hoping to achieve a smooth non porous surface.
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Get some self-levelling concrete crack filler/sealant from home depot.
This stuff here happens to be polyurethane.
Does it stick to polyethylene, and is the surface smooth or granular?
> stick to polyethylene?
Virtually nothing sticks to polyethylene. Maybe not virtually, but absolutely nothing sticks to polyethylene.
Tuck tape kind of sticks, but it’s a tacky kind of bond and it’s removable. This kind of bond is not what you’re talking about here.
You can roughen the inner area with some sand paper, maybe 220 grit to help it not pull out as easily but thats about it.
Anything else you put in there won’t stick unless you’re melting it in there at around 120 °C
> surface smooth?
Look ar the picture. It’s completely smooth and non-porous as you requested in your original post.
Good luck!
I'd probably use a 2 part epoxy and pour it in there. If you do, you can gently heat the epoxy with a heat gun or even a torch if you don't go crazy and it will help it flow out and self level. I do this all the time with JB weld.
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Ok, appreciate all the tips. I think, though, I'm going to try picrel, which I had and completely forgot; it's some kind of (absolutely shit) chinese imitation of Sugru, which hardens like a fucking rock (and stinks unimaginably...), but which might work for the purpose.
I'll be outside lol
Wsh me luck
I hope you’re joking
>How do I fill picrel gap?
Why? Are Lego pieces getting stuck in there? Or are you using it to store 'something else'?
Yes, small parts get stuck there; it's a stupid design

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