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Shitty Manual Mosaic Editon
Last Thread: >>2885840

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [52/40/10 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, but if you gotta ask; just buy whatever Bambu fits your budget.
DIY: reprap.org/wiki/
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: FreeCAD, Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD,
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD, CadQuery
Participation medal entries: PTC Creo, Solvespace
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1782 days ago): pastebin.com/AKqpcyN5
Have resin printers stagnated? Seems like there are tons of new FDM printers with improvements but resin just stays the same.
theres only so much you can do to improve a resin printer.
the machine only goes up and down a tiny bit, and flashes lights trough a screen.
the big improvements are either going to be in new resins, or totally different curing methods.
Any recommendations for an enclosure? I need to print ABS, and I've read everywhere that it needs a heated chamber, also that it produces toxic fumes when printing, so also having a way to filter the air in the meantime would be nice. I guess I'll also need a filament dryer too.
B*mbucucks will defend this
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364 KB PNG
Is there any chance there's a way to make a single layer in the middle of a print thicker using Orca? Have a print that works in stages with pauses inbetween and I need every stage to start with a thick base layer
>that it needs a heated chamber
lolno, it helps and makes the preparation quicker, but people have been printing ABS just fine with only an enclosure and no heated chamber
DLP hit the markets a year or two ago, making a big impact to maintenance requirements. I’m also seeing printers with built-in resin heating. I can foresee them having built-in air filters, cameras, AI diagnostics, self-refilling vats, and progressive pigment addition, if these don’t exist already. Maybe even going to galvo laser systems, or using lasers just for the perimeters to reduce the pixel noise.
I asked in the other thread about filament choice for outdoor prints, and was told ABS. I think I remember printing with it 5-6 years ago and it loves to warp. Is it better to use a different filament or just try to get the ABS to work?
nylon is easily my favorite material to work with, specifically polymaker PA-6-GF. got a bunch on sale for black friday and it is extremely warp resistant for a nylon, has a nice color and texture, and feels robust in a way that PLA never could. If it werent for the expense it would be the only material I print with outside of very specific use cases
if you keep your chamber temp high it should be fine unless you are printing large, in which case mouse ears, a garolite bed, and the right glue can prevent most of the warping in my experience
Height range modifiers.
I have one of the enclosed bambus so hopefully that keeps enough heat in. I guess with the right amount of infill it should hopefully not pull from the bed.

Also this dancyn3dprints on youtube is insane. Hes going from like 200 printers to 400 from just printing articulating autism dragons. Have watched his etsy listings go from $17 down to $12. The other chinese on amazon are now selling some versions for $7 and some for $10.

I have no idea how you can pay employees, a commercial lease, power bill, filament bill, shipping materials, amazon fees, advertising fees, failed prints etc etc and stay profitable at $7 per dragon. For someone with 4 printers its doable. With 400 printers, if the market slows down and 30% of your printers go offline then you are still on the hook for the unused space in your lease. Add competition cutting your price by 30% I dont know how hes doing it.
>enclosed bambus
they are not anywhere near air tight and iirc are designed to let heat escape to protect the mobo. you can line the walls with reflectix insulation cut to shape or from a kit, but that is only worthwhile if you are printing engi filaments a lot. most people just throw a towel over the machine and preheat the chamber but heat retention can be challenging in a cold environement
Fuck Formlabs
Fuck Stratasys
ABS Pro is easier to print, there is ASA and PCTG to look into. If you print with fibres look into CC3d PBT Pro GF. CF/GF also make warping filaments easier to print. But if they're being touched by your hands I wouldn't use CF/GF filaments.

Also look into the biqu glacier ans frostbite Pro plates depending on your filament, better adhesion with lower bed temps which will help reducing warping especially in cold environments it'll reduce the temp differential, box over the printer with a reduced bed temp should help a lot
Pumped to add a resin setup to complement my P1s. Pic related can't come soon enough - tilting vat + integrated vat heater.
>$7 per dragon
Scale, exploitative labor, loss leader, enough market power to take losses temporarily as an anti-competitive practice to make it unaffordable for competitors
The United Postal Union has much lower fees for China as its classified as a developing nation and they throw an absolute fucking fit when any countries want to put China on a fair and even playing field when it comes to China. ePacket deal also allows small packages to be delivered from China more cheaply than domestic packages can be.

They also have state owned logistics and the government subsidizes shipping and exports as well as the CCP engaging in currency manipulation.

It's effectively all setup to funnel money into China. So effectively yes they are robbing other nations.
I guess 3dpg is dead then.

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