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Lets get an abominations thread going.

>wtf is this editon
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Nothing wrong with any of these

I bet you're one of those homos who actually measures stuff and uses levels and shit
of course it's a log cabin
holy sheer strength lmfao
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Guy doesn’t have a saw, only a drill. And lots of time/money. Must be elon’s house.
Ah the legendary home of Damocles
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Battleshits arena
>>2894816 (OP)
>/abo/ - anominatios thread - #042

you spelled it wrong in your title. goddamn cant you even get something that simple correct? damn, son...
the typo fits the thread theme
Fuckin yuro showers suck
hey at least this one will take a while to overflow when you wafflestom the drain
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I’m saying that he temps the fates walking under the boulder; much like Damocles beneath the sword, but Sisyphus could work too
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Is that a staircase going into a wall at the top right?
Assuming it's properly secured that looks like a neat architectural element.
I assume this is a porn studio
This is gay I slop. Fuck off
The weaponized feng shui is kind of neat. Id have this in the entrance to my meeting room if I was wealthy
why not curbless?
>t. everything i have ever built is wonky as shit and falls down
creative, beautiful, and functional
come the fuck on, creative for sure, but hardly functional all the water overflowing the lowpoint sides would splash the door anyway even without wind and any directional wind would make the rain hit the door directly as well
wider with different fasteners, but great.
Yes, that is not going to make obnoxious sounds during a storm.
it's subtly and tastefully angled to the right. Wind blown rain would be an issue for any design
>I can shit faster than you
>prove it
I like this except for the casters on the table.
That's psychopathic
I'd never put this on any structure of mine, but this specific composition is great. it's the mona lisa of exposed concrete renovation
I have casters on my kitchen table (its stainless though)
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its gimmicky and not functional if it was 4x the area then maybe it would create a dry spot in front of the door, but the way it is in the photo is just pretentious af, form > function bs
What am I looking at here? Daylight? Arcing/fire?
A baby house fire
This is low key kinda hot
Am I the only one who thinks it looks better after?
That's going to kill someone.
I thought that was the main entrance at first. Is that a balcony?
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>Must be elon’s house.
>Teslas have the charge port in the left rear because that was the best spot in the garage at the place Elon was renting when he decreed that's where it would be on all models
It's also a lot safer.
Best board
Video game architecture
The funniest part is the shitty little self tappers that love to pop off under the slightest stress.
Holy shit I can't even imagine what the thought process would be
Those look like the manufacturer required shit thats actually really high grade?

The joists don't pass spec if they're not installed as the manufacturer designs so the manufacturer says you gotta use our speciaonbolts.
It's okay bro the architect signed off on it
Feel like I'd get attached by a balrog crossing that
No way you'd freeze in that thing
>drain error? again???

>someone got paid taxpayer money for this
fantasy will set you free
I remember this CS custom map from 1.6
Why are there so many toilets at the end of super narrow halls
That's like the fifth on I've seen
I agree, using OSB joists as roof rafters should be fucking criminal.
Roof leak? Whoops, the whole structural integrity of the roof is now compromised!
No, the before is one of the dumbest things I've seen.
The steel strapping itself is likely capable of supporting a few thousand pounds of load.
Should have used timber screws instead of nails.
My guess is that the tree was cut down years after the steps were installed. Whoever removed the tree had no ability or inclination to re-do that part of the steps.
Kinda ingenious in a maximum-lazy sort of way.
Thanks for stating the obvius idiot
Theres a picture out there of a guy who fell down stairs like these ass first and suffocated because he was wedged in so tight. Some codes are there for good reason
you VILL live in ze aesthetic open-plan pod
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How about a real deathtrap?
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Nothing wrong with this one
Nothing wrong with this and the guy looks like a fag
/balk/an engineering can't be beat
The photo is at least 12 years old.
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I bet they used a prefab house door in this just cause it was cheapest.
That looks like it's for cats.
Don't mind me, just on my way to the Abyss to fight Four Kings
Why is there a showerhead and hose connected to the toilet?
Got one from a job I was at today. Neighbours had added a story to their home. The contractor who built it decided that removing the chimneys was not important, and just used them as structural support. of sorts
I bet OSHA is behind this.
The other chimney was slightly off center, so he just put some trespa plate around the chimeny, and added a grate so the sewer ventilation still had a way out. You will not be schoked to learn that the roof was full of rot and the construction was only 10 years old.
Apparently that's common on submarines to clean the stains inside the toilet off them
t. has watched one documentary about submarines
>clean the stains inside the toilet off them

come on, dude
that's a cheap version of a bidet
to power-wash your bum-hole after you shit, leaving you 100% clean
dumb americans still use paper
like the cavemen used leaves, small furry rodents, and their left hand
the dueling shits arena, let it rip!
I don't hate it. Honestly kind of comfy for a brutalist studio.
Le paralyze staircase
Latin american jobsite?
> What’s the difference between a ladder and a staircase?
I don’t know, but this is it.
Just cut your materials budget in half.
These are just issues of taste, there's no DIY abomination here
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They can be seen pretty regularly in 19th century Euro city buildings like pic related where large 3-5 bedroom apartments have been split into multiple 1-2 bedroom apartments.
There would usually be only 1 bathroom in the original layout so they need to add more when they split the apartments, but the walls are structural and solid brick a foot or more thick. So if the rennovations are done cheaply they just add an internal wall to an existing room which has access to the utilities. This often ends up in crappy corridor bathrooms.
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I've seen some less than 30sqft, the facades of these buildings are protected monuments but the landlords cook up some abominations inside
Why didn't they install a small ladder instead?
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Euro-coded as fuck
Took me a while. Thought it was the colour choice, then I saw the 1 blind on the window
hmm today I will... interior design.
why didn't they remove the painter's tape before taking the picture?
You can live here for £3034 (~$3800) a month.


It's a student house on a road full of student houses, it'll be hell. Inside is actually ok for a City terrace, garden is depressing as hell though.
This is rickety and you're definitely getting splinters using the railing, but the treads aren't going anywhere.
>>2895903 >>2897420 They bought four stringers from the closest hardware store and flipped the bottom pair around to fit. You can lag everything together so it doesn't move, but you're overlooking the bigger issue.
it's AI generated. look at the cupola, it's closer than the electric wires and totally crazy looking.
You're right. It looks like vector rendoring.
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It's real but upscaled. I could tell because none of the models have composition like that and they're not smart enough to figure out how to make something that stupid.
But will calls and notifications vibrate?
Flipping the generic Home Depot stringers around is such a natural thing a hack would do. I also see a lot of guys just buy skirt boards and screw blocks under every tread.
>>2894816 (OP)
Other than the furniture in front of the stairs, it's okay.

How bad is their eyesight?

What a lovely mosquito pool

Is this made out of school benches and walking canes?

>You need a fire exit
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Those are just Amsterdam stairs. I have those in my house and pretty much in every house.
The only problem with this is being able to see your homie but not hold hands while pooping
The Mr Beast shit trials
340 tons
>>2894816 (OP)
>chopping board on wall
that looks really tough to prepare food in
a half-ladder is a small ladder
painter's washroom
i like it.
never been down a ladderwell, shipmate? there's tons of these on the boat
>Would you like to play a game?
>Each of these toilets flushs to an airvent in the stall next to you
>you will be fed nothing but laxatives and cheese and cornbeef hash until 3 out of 4 of you have drowned
>let the games begin
More like amsterdammit-I-fell-again stairs.
Shitting on an elevated throne is absolutely king tier.
Sick elevator

I guess you'll be playing a lot of half and quarter notes?
I'd mirror every wall so everyone would see the infinite toilet effect.
Let me guess... you need more?
I was forced to make a shorter version of this for a 1 story house when an inspector came by one time. They said all doors required a staircase for fire safety even though it was only a 5ft drop off a back door I never used in a decade I lived there, so I literally just hammered something together to prop against it until they left the next time. I had to weigh the thing down with rocks to prevent it from wobbling
They changed the map geometry but forgot to move the props. Happens all the time.
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>Aww shieet it's THAT goldeneye level.
this looks like ass with the triangle brackets visible, completely ruins the effect
So if the toilet breaks, you have to take out the wall. Pure genius.
It looks like there's a wall panel you can remove.,
>single story
>it was only a 5ft drop off
How did it end up not at roughly ground height to begin with?
If it was say, a foot drop, you could have reasonably dumped a few wheelbarrows of soil in front of it or something.
No no. This >>2897408 is Rickty.
NTA but it probably had a porch once
It's still unacceptable in case of a fire. You don't want to inform everyone that there's a huge drop when a fire is happening. Either you should remove the door, bang it shut or install proper stairs.
Imagine going into crippling debt to own a house in this modern era, and still having to deal with outsiders coming up and telling you what you can and can't do with your own property.
Where do you live, fucking Alaska?
Aperture offices
would to that just to fuck with people
Wouldn't it be easiers to drive a big nail through the board into the beam?
Also in the EU it's standard rental law that any rental property must have a functional & separate bathroom & kitchen facilities, but many sketchy landlords get around this by installing the bare legal minimum of what legally constitutes a bathroom or kitchen in a crammed, ancient 1 bedroom apartment.
For a short time I rented some Irish guys garage basically, there's no way it could be considered a legal residence and it had a bathroom of about this size with a hanging sliding door right next to the bed. if you had people over you had to pray that nobody would have to take a shit
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you feel like meeting your maker, punk?
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So the problem with this is that it's not steel beams and is over three floors??
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blame these guys
If there's never ANY moisture intrusion that goes undetected, it'll be fine. But, they chose those materials because they were cheap which means the rest of the materials and the labor that put them up will also be cheap. Plus, if it's an apartment building the inhabitants are apt to say "not my problem" to any sign of leaks while the building management is told to not spend money on repairs. So a few years down the road, it'll be a shitshow. If you want similar real world examples, look up failures of EIFS stucco after it came out and was installed incorrectly in the early 2000s.

Also that looks like an insane deathtrap if there's ever a fire. Steel and concrete don't burn.
This shit should be reported to the fire marshal.
>Steel and concrete don't burn.
No, but concrete can thermal fracture, and steel rapidly looses strength when heated.

Meanwhile charred wood retains its strength.
>Use 50+ squares of TP trying to get to a no-poop wipe
>Use 2-3 to dry off
quit coping, youre not using anywhere near a single digit number of squares to wipe your now shit-water soaked ass crack
Save the copper for the still.
>Steel ... don't burn.
Shit dude, I don't even know how to break it to you
I think you're projecting here, why do you think people are installing bidet units all over the place in the US now?
because amerifats love CONSOOMing and because europeans do it they think its posh and fancy and its hip to have foreign customs in america
Because fags exist and marketing really wants you to spray water up your ass.
>Spotted the guy who thinks wiping your ass is gay
It don't get heated if it's not burning in the first place.
Ever wondered why the US is the only country which have entire cities that combust in few days?
this kinda rules
It doesn't.
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The did this before they had forced air and radiators. It's so hot air would go upstairs and heat the home.
Isn't this the piece that Tranny-is-Online defended?
Would be cooler without the visible brackets
Having everything calculated to be secured but look like it is being held by just the (reinfirced) corner of the wall would actually create the effect it was going for
"Old thing good; new thing bad" does not apply to everything, anon
Is bursting your rectum with a geyser of tap water really that much better than spreading your waste evenly across single ply squares of tissue? I mean mostly getting it on your hands and eventually giving up.
I think the old step up is something everyone would hate. Aged golden oak stain is widely unpopular. A darker stain or glaze could have been nice.

Everyone has stainless and shaker doors now. Plank flooring, useless floating shelf. They didn't even try.
What the fuck are you thinking of that a gentle spray of water is "bursting your rectum?"

It actually cleans your ass instead of just wiping it around.
These threads always make me laugh so hard
Best in thread lmao
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nothing like breeding mosquitos by your front door
Kill whoever approved this shit
this is modern art
Looks like some kinda pit you would have to traverse while playing tomb raider...
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There were probably tables going around the room where having the outlets there made sense.

And nobody ever removes outdated wall ports unless they're replacing what's in them.
the worst part is they used CAT5 to run telephone lines to those outlets. not CAT5e.
i had to remove that entire line to run a new CAT6 cable.
Did you at least actually label them after that?
Did someone just buy a box of shims and decide they were damn well going to use all of them?
They bought the wrong wax ring and had to make it work somehow.
Label what? I only needed a single cable run for an ap. .a shelf is covering the rest.
He doesn't know about the jet fuel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exe4SoGr8T0&t=70 [Embed]
Potty v potty
because theres a lot of gays now.
thermostat fucking it up. everything else lines up
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people are retards. i once moved into a shared flat and a pipe under the sink had been leaking for years and everyone just shrugged it off like "that's what the pipe is supposed to be like" it was covered in brown mold and just dipping constantly into the floor. god knows what it was like under there. also if there's a fire that place is going up like a tinder box.
this is not an abomination, this is brilliant.
people make thier toilets these sterile disgusting de-humanizing boring rubbish. make it as beautiful and nice as anywhere else, shitting should not be any more unpleasant than it already is.
>>2894816 (OP)
This is neat for a guest house/suite

>Sized and fastened to engineer speck
I don't believe in using I joists because of burn time but a way better job than most

At least it's bolted
In mother Russia, house build you
Woulda made more sense to just square out the back into a corner so the keyboard is at a 45° and then taper the ends that never get played anyway
>Have to put a door in to keep other brownies out
>Have to rebuild the stairs because of this
>Take the """opportunity""" to do something """"cool""""
apprentices man lol
>Oh you're a plumber?
>How many traps does *your* sink have
I almost bought a staircase kit just like this
I can't find the gray one right now but here's how it's supposed to look
All they had to do was turn the bottom so it would be level and also do the handrail right

>When the plumbers beat the stairway guys to the jobsite
I don't think the side seams are supposed to line up idk
It doesn't come up high enough but you're supposed to crawl on the building side so the angle is actually fine since you're on top of it
>Browse phone till ass dries
The bathroom stays clean and you don't need retarded TP
A bidet only washes the outside, dumbass.
>Found another nasty "wiping/washing your ass is gay" moron
>browse phone until youre dry
do people actually do this? genuinely who has time for that outside of NEETs? also
>flushing twice every time you shit
lmao imagine the water bill
no wonder euros are broke and unproductive
>Doesn't even have time to shit
Back to the cagie wagie.

>imagine the water bill
There are EU countries where water is free. Also imagine talking about other being broke and then about being able to pay you water bill because you flush your toilet twice rather than once.
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>no argument
>my taxes pay for my free water
>There are EU countries where water is free.
that cant possibly be true. potable water is a limited resource, you need to have some mechanism in place to discourage people from using it. maybe you can get a tax credit for the first however many gallons you use, but no country has free unlimited water.
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You guys lack theory of mind.
>dry weather - bird shit collector
>windy - loud ass banging all day
>rainy - a fountain of water from each side that causes mud to splash on you
It's a built in nightlight
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How'd you get a pic inside of Warwick's house?
That's a bidet but I think they got the wrong head for it. It's usually smaller
They put them in top to bottom. Stacked over instead of under. Holy shit.
I'm in the US and my water costs the electricity for my pump. It comes out of a spring. If I wanted really shit water pressure I could just let gravity run it since the spring is above my house.
>It comes out of a spring.
well technically you already owned the water, so that doesnt really count as “free”.
"K2 is the shit, my boss and PO can't even piss test me dawg!"
I bet this is for the cat. If true, then it's actually pretty cool.
I moved into a shared house with some women once and got annoyed that the sink faucet was dripping so much because my bedroom was next to the kitchen. They told me "that's the landlord's problem it's leaked like that for years anyways". I ended up replacing the washer but so much limescale/hardwater had been built up over the years of constant dripping that it probably needed to be bored with a drill/auger or something.

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