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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Is it feasible to build one of these to live in? Just slap some fiberglass and a wood burning stove in there and call it good?
On /pol/ they were telling me to build cobson adobe but I want to build 4 of these connected to an outdoor area covered by a roof
Do it. Take pics.
I'm still packing up my house and getting it ready to rent out and waiting on my injury claim from an old boomer wrecking into me. Mumberg also wants me to waste the total loss payout on a 2010+ vehicle, if I can find a r*ntoid and a trugg and a trailer I'll be heading out there immediately.
I just need to make sure it's okay to listen to Reddit.
I would prefer plumbing but it's not necessary as I would build a reservoir within a rocket stove for a water heater.
Can I actually put a roof over this outdoor area?
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Did you really make 2 threads for this garbage?
>I just need to make sure it's okay to listen to Reddit
Jesus Christ
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That was about plumbing I went on walkies and discovered I could just build a rocket stove reservoir and run a hose from the well hand pump to the reservoir.
I really want to build 4 200 sq ft pallet sheds for at least my temporary dwelling and have them connected via walkway so I can mosy between them while staying /comfy/
Need a gym, a study, a bedroom/sauna and a kitchen, with the central area being a lounge. I think only the kitchen/shower and bedroom should be heated
How do I build a rocket stove reservoir kitchen shower and sauna bedroom?
>>2895648 (OP)
I wouldn't trust pallet wood.
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Why not?
I'll cob over it
>>2895648 (OP)
imagine wanting to create your own personal favela
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What's wrong with it? I prefer to be creative and also build something for free
>look at this thing I made with cheap shit!!! I could’ve built it better for just as much by correctly selecting my materials… but then how would I convince rubes to watch with the promise of similar results?
Do you have a large number of free, high-quality pallets close to where you’ll need them? No? Then why the fuck would you insist on copying a gimmick? At this stage you’re practically just daydreaming an aesthetic.
>hi guys I just finished The Old Man and the Sea, can I move to Cuba and become a fisherman who lives in a hut? No im serious!! Im wewy wewy committed to this!
They throw em out at carpet stores, the city is only an hour away too
>The old man and the sea

is about what it takes to build a cabin in the woods and then say it was no big deal
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Look how the dude writes. It’s obvious we are not dealing with the sharpest tool in the shed.
If it all works out then it would save me all the money in the world thoughever
Something worth looking into
Sometimes in life there are things that seem like good ideas. Then as soon as you start doing it for 30 seconds, you realize it's a horrible idea.
Breaking down pallets is one of those things.
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Why would I be breaking down the pallets?
I dunno... I kinda enjoy breaking down pallets.
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I wouldn't break down the pallet sheds
Plus I'll have a little r*ntoid keeping me afloat
Maybe I'll do it once I get a reliable vehicle that can tow like a Honda Pilot for cheap.
Will probably build 8 sheds in total, I want a big house.
>>2895648 (OP)
>Using shitty, untreated wood
>for a house
>to live in
Sounds like a pretty bad idea to me. Maybe if you cover up both sides, and ensure enough airflow, the wood won't warp or rot.
But if you build it like in your pic, the bottom most pallets will start rotting away within a few years, and all of them will have turned grey after the first summer.
>On /pol/ they were telling me to build cobson adobe
Well, /pol/ is one of the highest IQ boards here, after all. I'd go with straw bales (maybe even on a pallet frame) and adobe instead, but there's no denying that adobe is one of the easiest and cheapest materials to work with.
So I can't start with just sheds I gotta 'ob on the log?
Can I get more of a lucrative understanding of palletoid housing mate?
>>2895648 (OP)
>City designates your lean-tos as dangerous
>Can just pick them up with a large fork truck and haul them away

Seems like a win win for everyone senpai
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>city designates your LARP as DANGEROUS
>>2895648 (OP)
>Is it feasible to build one of these
>to live in
Have a nice day.
>>2895648 (OP)
>On /pol/ they were telling me to
When it comes to maladaptive daydreaming LARPs, always listen to /pol/. As far as LARPing, they've been daydreaming for two decades about whatever you just thought about.
Just called the city and they said that cobby adobe was kosher
>>2895648 (OP)
honestly seems like a great idea and I don't get the hate. you are basically using it as a control mechanism for your cob and wall internals not as foundation or support. make sure to pay real money for the beams and shit. However, despite giving you the green light I do see one significant problem. IF you are going out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of pallets thats going to cost you a lot of time you could be using building the house. unless you have a bunch of shit you can throw in the negative space in the pallets bringing all that sparse material to the site is going to be a huge waste of time. so basically weather you are huffing fumes or not doesnt depend on how dumb the pallet idea sounds and has, as most things, way more to do with logistics.

Logistics, by the way, is why people do things like make log cabins, cob houses, etc. they used the materials they could source to build their home as close as they could get it. it sounds like you are also moving so definately dont do this shit if you are commiting to a bunch of trips back and forth.
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Trying to purge as much as possible, hoping one, maybe two trips at the max
Should I just use concrete or gravel as a base foundation?
>pallet thread #1654951697
>op that doesnt deliver #1654951697
See you all next week.
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dont ever skimp on foundation.
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So I need a basement or what?
How much we talkin', goy?
here you go lazy jew-sama. 5 seconds in jewgle by yours truly, shabbos goy
Oy vey that's too much reading for my feeble jewish mind
Can't I just pour gravel and have the goyim do everything?
sure but you better wave those chickens ever day cause god might actually huff and puff and blow your house down.
Oy GEVALT this is antisemitic
Do you know how much I have to PAY for a concrete slab foundation or even a BASEMENT?
It's anudda shoah
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why make things complicated
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They're too expensive
You need new ones too
Can't buy or pilfer used ones
It's essentially just over already
its like 500$ for a one room house excluding the roof.
idk if someone mentioned this but make sure you can read the stamps on the pallets because some are soaked in hazardous material.
Grim grim GRIM laddingtons
You have to break down the pallets for the spare wood. You'll also need to get ALL the nails out, good luck not killing yourself on the kickback for step 2.
step 2; cut all the boards in half, then fold the halves back on eachother to cancel out the bends and the warps.
Step 3; cope. Pallets are expensive, and often used in toxic environments. the only semi-reliable way to get them is to work in a food factory, i.e. where they make frozen pizzas or cat food.
step 4; you're still going to have to buy stud beams to reach ceiling height. We haven't even gotten to the
step 5; assembly. hope long wood screws and nails are cheap in your area.
step 6; cope because now you have to laquer all the wood to prevent mice and black mold from immediately ravaging your house.
step 7; finally realize this was a bad idea, although cute in theory. Buy a used steel shipping container, 6 concrete blocks, and set the container on them.

Step 8 ;Either know a guy who has a plasma torch and welder or be the guy. Cut out doors. If you're afraid of tornados and/or falling trees and/or weather blowing your house away (presumably not since you were going to build this shit out of pallets of all things) tie it down with semi-conical sunken concrete pillars with embedded rebar (or you can rent a skid steer and partially sink the container into the ground, not reccomended due to moisture). Optional is a rolled square tubing arched roofing, acting like a crash cage on a race car to deaden the blow of anything that falls on it. That'll cost you around a grand no matter what size you go for.

step 9; clean the inside with a power washer and dawn dish soap, coat the outside with railroad grade paint.

step 10; Furnish the inside with the 3 pennies you have left from fucking around with a pallet shed instead of just buying used steel that's designed to contain things and protect the things it's containing from open sea water.
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Those shipping containeroids only last like 20 years whilst cobson is forever
I agree, 20 years if you're lucky. However, shipping containers are about 2-3k a pop, are easily modifiable, movable, and hassle free. Cobson is literally a stonemason's job. Your house won't avalanche onto your dumb skull because you didn't pick the right grout or some shit in a shipping container.
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/pol/ made it sound easy
"Just slap some cobbie adobe on the pallets and put a metal roof on."
They said
Just use pallet wood as the removable frame/mould for the cob. If you're cash poor, labour rich, cob is the best building material, so long as you're not in an overly wet climate.
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How would it be removable? How do I build the frame?
>>2895648 (OP)
I saw a homeless guy make a little shack out of pallets in a highway median. He even had a woman, so really no excuse from the incels.
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the multnomah county mansion
>so hot right now.jpg
>>2895648 (OP)

I never understand why homeless crackheads in blue states don't do this. Surly in a moment of clarity, they glance at the stack of pallets in the warehouse lot they're sleeping in and think "let's build"
Getting the pallets is the easy part. You still need to pour concrete inside of them, contain the concrete for it to dry, and build a new one once they get rained on and get rotten and moldy.
Niggaz don't have tools yo
if you've lived in a homeless encampment in the last 25 years the answer is that we're too afraid to get out our clothes in front of each other
>we're too afraid to get out our clothes in front of each other

Why? Sexual assult? Frankly I wouldn't want to be raped but if I was, a small part of me would be happy someone found me attractive enough
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A tried and true concept.
like a mongol yurt

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