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File: 102932305565.jpg (1.76 MB, 2130x3000)
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Gorgeous boob windows that show off the good stuff.
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not quite what i meant by "boob window" but i wont complain since it's funny
based retard
I mean there is a window but there's nothing to see...
File: 94019673_p0.jpg (2.18 MB, 3126x4093)
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2.18 MB JPG
Thank you my friend, this is the kind of thing i'm looking for. A window that shows the breasts formed with a closed shape. So not simply open at the top like regular low cut clothing.
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354 KB JPG
No. Not what i asked but I do like it. I am a fan of Miku's append outfit. Of course that window is for much more than just part of the boobs there.
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908 KB JPG
OP here. These don't count as "boob windows" since the windows(the hole that exposes part of the breasts) do not form a closed shape.
File: pro-p.jpg (880 KB, 1909x3000)
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880 KB JPG
Here is the original by the way.
>actual boobs window
Top kek, this guy delivered exactly what you said OP
She looks better when she has an elbow.
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very nice, the heart cutout really improves the outfit design
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1.99 MB JPG
why is she crying? i don't like to see my 2d girls upeset. who the fuck hurt her?
I recognize 2b but what are the other designs from? don't remember those outfits in the game
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big nose. bloody hell
You can't really breathe out of two-dimensional triangles, anon.
File deleted.
Who cares? Were you trying to be funny or something? I wanted anime art, not whatever that was. Anime styled characters have a reduced emphasis on the nose and a greater emphasis on their eyes. That's part of what makes them beautiful. Those pics with the big noses are not attractive at all. And 2d characters don't need to worry about oxygen intake logistics at all of course. They can be distorted in the aforementioned ways to achieve unrealistic levels of beauty.
Uploaded some random pic by accident so deleted it, never mind that.
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3.47 MB PNG
Here is an example of something much nicer. Top quality anime styled art with attractive shaped boob windows.
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what about sideboob
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I love Bubblegum Crisis
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1.03 MB PNG
my thanks to the guy who did the edit.
originally the window just exposed her armpit.
now the sweater is easier to obey.
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Glad she's back. Just wish she wasn't part of V-shit-show.
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useful post
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Anyone know of where to buy tops like these? Seriously even looking for lingeries just results in normie shit that isnt good for anything
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shionne my beloved
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How long is this thread going to last?
mods should pin the thread that lasts the longest in the archive
taking forever to fill up is not an outstanding achievement
just seeing the same content for months and months and months
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2.73 MB JPG
Boob window should be mandatory
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3.61 MB PNG
This one looks beautiful.
That's beautiful. I love it, thank you for posting.
File: paruvara.jpg (2.23 MB, 2894x4093)
2.23 MB
2.23 MB JPG
File: kamen_kay(naotosi).jpg (1 MB, 1080x1440)
1 MB
File: t2r.jpg (1.45 MB, 1447x2046)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB JPG
File: kamen_america(gyosone).jpg (253 KB, 1772x2127)
253 KB
253 KB JPG

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