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Ive seen plenty of demon threads before, lets get an angel thread?
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Oops, accidentally filled in the name bar with the thread name.
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the halo is not spun with the plane of the brain which is kinda odd for me

i thought it weren't aligned then it were then it weren't ..
Ah, I see what you mean, its kinda like an optical illusion
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Have some biblically inaccurate angels
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is that a National Geographic angel?
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She counts, right?
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I don't see why not.
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Her wings may be more fairy-like, but Colette is definitely an angel
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Where did you find that one?
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pixiv filename makes it obvious
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amazing stuff
I dunno, Genesis does mention angels going to Sodom and the townsfolk trying to fuck them. Then again…
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very good thread
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The angels that went to Sodom were disguised as male, and that’s part of the reason that Sodom was punished, because they were so far gone that they couldn’t see beings reflecting the glory of God but instead saw fucktoys.
His original point stands, almost all popular depictions are biblically inaccurate, since the Bible never once has feminine angels. It has angels disguised as male and the “biblical accurate” form, but never feminine.
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>they couldn’t see beings reflecting the glory of God but instead saw fucktoys.
what's the man gonna do when he learns what we've been up to
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Oh yeah, this is who I'm here for
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"for client use only"
fuckin kek
if you're gonna use a watermark maybe make it a little bigger next time so it doesn't look like it's just some kind of minor scarring on the girl when viewed at full size
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Nah if they do that then it just gets edited out. Albeit, I'd edit out this one because its on the body if I were gonna save it.
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Is there any background/context to that pix or just a work of art?
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a quick iqdb lookup gives https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/27615137 as the sauce, and I don't feel like looking any further
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this is fuckin' weird, i love it
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Angels are CUTE
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