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everything to do about the OG shipgirls gacha game
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fabulous 4
How can non japanese can be fan of this game if its not available outside Japan ?
coz of the fanarts really and also the design of the girls in general

feels more realistic than fantasy which Azur Lane is
this snail is a beauty
waiting for her get into AL
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New art for this sure has slowed down a lot the past months, which gacha is to blame?
i think it ramped up again because of Yamato finally getting her Kai-Ni

though as for gachas to blamed, possibly all the new ones really (Blue Archive, Honkai Rail, Genshin obviously
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need more of this duo in art and doujins
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waiting for the inevitable day skchkko does some nude/true NSFW works
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new work from skchkko
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new work from skchkko
Nagato looking beautiful with braids
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thicc snail thighs
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chocolate with vanilla coating
these 2 would get gangbanged hard
especially Mutsu she would get proneboned and mating pressed
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got whole folder just for work safe kantai kollection.
sure wish Scamp was more popular
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made a collage of best girl
some love for this chocolate hottie
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Yamato GF material confirmed
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bless Kasumi(skchkko) supremacy
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Back at it again with the hotpants
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Gonna dump these here
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A self done edit of the above post.
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>gubbmint get out reees
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Another topless edit
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And another one.
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And that's all for now, d00dz.
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I am so fucking horny
have you tried repeatedly orgasming until you can't anymore? That usually takes care of horniness for me.
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i don't know her name...
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choco bunny sushi
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kantai girls are the hottest anime girls ever
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Big sis Sara's ass
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double ponytail combo
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good taste

or actually, best taste
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ayo she came back with usagi Nagato
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Pantyhose > fishnets
I want to fuck Iowa
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damn Yamato ready for some night battles
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>bless Kasumi(skchkko) supremacy
Kasumi(skchkko) is now the standard of Kantai Collection fan art, as much as Tonee is for Mordred or Joy Division is for Belldandy.
I think another artist that might come close to her is Yunamaro, though she/he more specializes in Musashi. Another one would be Nonomiya (Yahagi)
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somehow I like them better without their boat gear
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hotpants season is making a comeback boisss
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1st time Kasumi drew Aquila
and this pasta looks good
I love these pasta ships! Littorio in particular is very breedable
Why is Sado such a bully?
yeah it's not like her name implies it or anything
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thank god that Kasumi remembered Mutsu exist
I love my cute Prinz!
You mean Ichinomiya?
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saratoga, or maybe johnston...
I want some pasta girls!
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Found some old KC stuff from my hard drive I doubt the source exist anymore
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Not sure how got this uncensored isemagu naganami but I think it was on enty or something like that
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the effects of Kai-Ni are impressive...
She got such a cute mature body
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Aryan shipgirls are the best!
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The sushi is back and sexier than ever
kancolle isn't gacha dipshit
I want to lick superior aryan pits!
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hotpants and bikinis are a match made in heaven
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pink hair!
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Delicious baguette
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Give her an ice cream cone already!
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The sexiest shipgirl in the game
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>rare pic of a hatching crane
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OK, here you are.
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Damn 2 new Mutsu artwork from Kasumi??

That's rare nowadays considering her focusing more on Yamato
Within a space of 2 days
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Quite possibly Kasumi's sexiest depiction of Mutsu yet
Quite possibly Kasumi's sexiest depiction of Mutsu yet
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new fav
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Summer season is definitely in
Prepping my babe Mutsu
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2 super dreadnoughts in hotpants

doesn't get better than this
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Torpedo tube reloading time
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Yamato is back being the bombshell that she is
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Mutsu is back
And sexier and cuter than ever
Musashi is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I wanrlt her so bad.
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can't beat Nagato in hotpants, just wouldn't
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battleships doing some gravure as a side job
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countless amounts of sperm to this character
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Nagato + hotpants = unbeatable
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Nagato using new tactics to catch criminals
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Nagato with bed hair is the best thing
ironic, when she's usually the criminal lusting after little girls
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was waiting for this
Context? Did she lose a bet to Prinz?
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Yamato giving out special service to the admiral
>wake up
>not the little spoon to battleship kanmusume
Why are we still here?
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mutsu casts a spell on you
This semen demon must be stopped!
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happy birthday to our Nagamon
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Kasumi is back in town and she's coming back with Musashi !
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Heating up Xmas this year with hot pants and underwear
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Yamato spending the xmas night with a special outfit
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starting off the new year with a banger
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Then Yahagi probably isn't far.
As if both artist agreeing to do a pair up or something lol
Loving the way Kasumi draws Mutsu nowadays, a bit plump-ish and soft
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nagato i made
not very recognizable actually
Looks nice to me, fuck the other anon
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We go classy right here
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time to smash
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Damn kasumi is cooking good with this one
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>oni with jeans
Nagato, what are you doing?
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Musashi joining in with her sister
Need the artists name please, this is so hot
then click the blue triangle
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Neko Mutsu best neko fight me
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Nagato is preparing for the next event
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Girls are the only good thing about gacha
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Admiral's hips are getting smashed tonight
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An erotic art of Kongo drawn by anime staff.
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for me, it's Atlanta
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The hotpants queen has comeback with Nagato with some added "buff" to her chest armor
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Lebe Love
lewd submarine
Man after so many years I wanted to check how my girls are doing, but now they won't even let me in, wtf
Lebe a cute.
does someone know what I can do when sadpanda just refreshes, when I log in, although I get the "You are now logged in!" message?
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the first step would be figuring out where to ask a question like this, and if your answer is "ideally a completely unrelated thread", we're zeroing in on the problem
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gonna update this thread again with Kasumi goodness

her output have recently taken a huge nose dive though, she is busy IRL nowadays
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Her boyish charm, her porcelain skin and legs, she is perfect.
This guy gets it.
I really like how she comes across differently depending on how she's drawn.
reading that back it that sounds stupid and obvious
I just mean that with small changes she can look or feel very different and it's all great. Makes her feel multifaceted.

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