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A thread for everyone's favorite hero.
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Why is there so little pussy on this thread? Did the artists forget tatsumaki’s whole appeal or something?

I got you, anon.
How embarrassing for her. She's wearing underwear.
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sio gonna post the new tatsumaki panels
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theres gonna SO much lewd thats going to come out of this one
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this face will be very meme-able
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and this for the ass lovers
shes still the queen of "going commando"
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is this show good?
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The first season is
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The second season is good too. And the OVAs.
Yes, it is a fun show.
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I literally wish for Tatsumaki to be real and my wife
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I LOVE the way Mogudan draws her.

Also, proud girls like her were made for anal play.
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Very nice but kinda wish the artist had made her look confident
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Cool-looking AF
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>Oppai Tatsumaki
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Does anyone have Space_Panda's Tatsumaki video?
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she needs some spanking.
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No way she wears panties
What site do you think you're on?
a foxconn factory anime board?
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promise is a promise.
>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
and many more examples.. really starting to hate the way thicc culture is ruining rule 34 and ecchi in general. I can't find fanart of someone who has wide hips without them being drawn as ludicrous fat-asses
another example. fuck your fatties this sucks :/
tatsu's whole appeal is that she's slender and petite with nice hips and thighs. she doesn't have a buh-donk-a-donk dumptruck ass like all these artists seem to want. so sick of this culture.
I would love to see some examples of what you think she should look like
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I mean, you're not wrong, but hey, you can't stop people from drawing that kind of stuff. Don't like it? Go commission on-model stuff
Agreed, I hate hack artists making petite girls into fat cows. Definitely the kind of fags who deserve getting replaced by AI.
What is she wearing?
Not underwear
>three pictures in two months
that's it, you can stop bumping
low t
Don't wanna
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I guess it's a matter of taste, but personally, I find on-model Tatsumaki hot because of how she looks; petite, kinda lithe and supple with thighs I'd love to wear as a scarf, given a fraction of an opportunity. I'm happy to see a little bit of variation - slightly thicker thighs, for example - but I'm not keen on her having dump truck proportions.

But if people want to see or present her like that, who am I to stop them? I'll just go look at someone else's interpretation.
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got these in midjourneys new niji6, rather strict filter but i've manage to break it a bit
This is why AI art is the future.
How about I just commission it to some AI model since it’s becoming obvious that too many artists are becoming slack jawed retards.
No because then you get stupid shit like tanlines and triforces like the above.
The only reason they’re getting that shit is because whoever prompted that is on the same level of brain damage as the slack jawed discord commission trannies who add grotesquely fat asses, comically large thighs, disproportionate giant tits and cocks on petite female characters to their already dog shit art style.
didn't ask cope seethe etc
They're both so hot, it's hard to decide which one I like more
why not (pick) both ?
Both, yes. Both is good.
You can only choose one
I KNEW she didn't wear underwear
Very hot
Since when is she in Zelda?
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I refuse.
That's the spirit. Fight the power.
What is she saying?
>oh, there you are
>fo-o-ound ya
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Thank you

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