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2D art featuring gorgeous girls with beautiful, reflective mechanical battle armour. Not necessarily androids. Aim for at least three tones of shading. Use the images I've started with as a general guide for the kind of designs to post. If you can't find anything that meets these criteria exactly but have something similar, that might be good quality, then posting it here should be okay. AI art is also fine but no 3D.

Previous Thread:
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OP here. Let's get this thread going!!

Here's good example of the kind of niche sci-fi designs I'm interested in. Stylish mechanical armour but nothing too bulky.
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I know its shopped, but which episode was this from?
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feel free to join the robotization discord sever! we discuss and translate new content often:
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Busou Shinki and Frame Arm Girls are kind of an easy pick, but a nice one.
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does this count?
We need way more Bubblegum Crisis.

Why it doesn't have its own thread is beyond me.
very nice
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Where did you get those edits?
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l made it myself
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Anyone know of any good shoot-em-up games where you play as a mecha musume instead of just a boring old spaceship? The only one I know of is Triggerheart Exelica, which is really fun and I definitely recommend it, but there's probably more out there that I'm not familiar with.
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119 KB JPG
Nice job then. Like the way you fixed Key's breasts.
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this shit is 3d
File: yuu&hime(mazingkaizer).jpg (280 KB, 621x876)
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Nice Blog (TM)
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Brave of you to post AI but that particular pic is barely mecha musume.
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Cute but that's Female Corrin from Fire Emblem Heroes. That's an actual medival fantasy armor, not a tech suit.

No such a thing as enough Mecha Musume Date-a-Live art.
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do these work?
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She's not holding it, it's sitting on the ground and she's jumping a little while hanging off it.
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Oh my...a blast from the past...
Indeed. Looks much better.
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None of these have a pussy-machine interface though, how do they control their armor?
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Cute armour.
What's the tag for this? Getting 0 hits for mechanical_armor
mecha_musume gives me some good results
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I'm mad that there is almost no content of the girls getting into the armor/suit. I want to know what she feels putting on the interface suit, when she links to the armor, when it powers up...
Anyone can link me to something?
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Agreed on the AI, but Iczer 1 is an android.
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