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Girls that are armored up but not too armored
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The ova is pretty generic but cool, and lemnear is sexy
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sauce for these two?
click the saucenao button
Hollow carbon fiber? Aerogel?
99 STR
I don't care how STRong she is. Of thatvsword is any kind of metal, the center of mass of that system is like three feet behind her ass. She's toppling over.
Glowing lights on the floating part. That sword has a gravity control device in it. It no longer matters she can control its weight at will.
That first one is very well done. A few more like that and you will have a following.
Thank you but I didn't draw it, artist is Homare (fool's art). Fair warning, have your blacklist ready if you go check him out, unless you like gangrape and ugly bastard shit.
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There's this one picture I saw before, it's a flat chested girl and she had a bra made of armor plating the size of coins layered over each other
it was the hottest thing ive seen because of how the armor pressed against her flat chest

anybody have it?
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If you can't see the armour then that only means one thing
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But seriously, nobody has posted Bikini Warriors?
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AI sucks
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Get used to it bro. It's already as good as average artists and will soon be better than even the best artists.
no lol its dogshit
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Yup. And cars will never replace horses, am I right?
brother is that really the most apt analogy you could come up with
back on topic...
The handle is made of depleted uranium.
This bitch has 4 fingers, you retard
Agreed. It's fucking dogshit and it all looks the same.
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What a good stupid shit. Where can I read the manga or the original work/game?
Nice Blog.
>we will never have scans for this
>sold out everywhere
why live
it's easier to let go, anon
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I know anon... it hurts
This one has beautiful hair and nice skin.
and also only four fingers on each hand
Yea, though I'm not too bothered by the fingers either way because the context here is ecchi. What's more important is whether the primary and secondary female sex characteristics are accurately realized by the AI. The breasts in that AI image look good and that is what matters.
whats important is that the image does not suck dick
>and it all looks the same
This is a lie. But even if it did all look the same, that's good if it looks good. Things looking good is better than looking both good and bad.
High-quality lewd art and I could make it my wallpaper too. Nice. If you've got more of this girl, I'd love to see.
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It does, you can easily tell AI from a drawn picture just from the thumbnail, even if there's an effort to make it have a distinct art style like >>2787666. And regardless, it doesn't look good anyway, its like the art equivalent of fast food, cheaply and thoughtlessly made for mass consumption and little else, and it shows consistently. Sucks.
>and thoughtlessly made
Because you say so? Imbecile.

>made for mass consumption
>Because you say so
No, because it is. Sorry, did you pour your heart and soul into ordering your fourth big mac for the day too? You people are dumb.
>cretin is back with more embarrassingly dogshit analogies
Something being made in a more efficient manner does not entail it being made with less thought. Also, even if something is made "thoughtlessly", that doesn't have any bearing on whether it's good/bad. If someone hit a pillar of marble once with a hammer and it miraculously shattered into a perfect copy of La Madonna della Pietà, would the sculpture itself not be good? Of course not, it would be fantastic.

>You people are dumb.
Projection from an imbecile.
>Well its a good thing all of this roundabouts to AI being aesthetically horrible.
Except it isn't horrible and you're taste is revolting.

>Which it is, the embodiment of quantity over quality
More like a rare case of quality and quantity.

>You would think that you faggots would naturally pick up on that considering the almost universal pushback you get when you spam
You samefagging every day is not "universal pushback". God, you're cringe.
>people crying about bad/mediocre AI art
>they don't ever notice when the AI art is somewhat good
it's all so tiring
Often times it is far better than what the average person can produce. Sometimes it is better looking than most art in most places and with few flaws. Also, AI is only going to get better from here.

>people crying
Nah, it's mostly one spammer.

Inane screeching over hands has gotten really tiresome at this point, especially when it's not of primacy for ecchi in general.
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whoa there satan.

I'd disagree, it DOES objectively look good. But it's all got the same thing going on. One artist trained on one specific set and now it has it's style. Trying to push it into anime or a cartoony style adds a little, but the original artist's skill talent trends tropes and ALL THAT SHADING is all still there. And it's the same thing over and over. It's good, but we're bored of it because it's overplayed.

>oh look, someone commissioned our old friend Stably-D for yet another picture for a few pennies.
It gets old. This one has decent hands at least. I swear we're going to find out AI was capable of drawing perfectly good hands this whole time, it just really wants to mangle human fingers and keeps slipping in it's kink.
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I simply feel that dark elves are objectively better.
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I forgot to post modified image. Am retarded
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Depleted uranium handle and pommel.
so fucking low quality, that girl doesnt even have an arm
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I love the AI art, keep up the great work and don't respond to the haters! <3
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Nice to spot my old gens on other threads, I see that you changed the bikini bottom and give it some texture to match with the rest of the armor, good touch
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that little details keep turn me off. i hate AI too.
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Solange has so little art. It is a warcrime.
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Tacticool bikini armor
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>Bikini armor + pants
I like it.
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AI sucks and you suck. I sincerely hope you all die.
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Damn, in less than a week this thread will be over a year old.
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a little late, but happy anniversary
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>armored up but not too armored
This makes as much sense as "women want to be seen as sexy, but not seen as a sex object".
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It's obviously a joke
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What the fuck is this shit
AI or no AI why would you post dogshit like this?
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Overreact much? Even if its ai slop its definitely not the worst offender I've seen in the last hour. If you want to really twist your panties up theres a boobs visible from the back thread around somewhere thats like 50% ai images. Go get em tiger.
>I sincerely hope you all die
That's not a very nice thing to say
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Who is this goddess?
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