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Post bodysuits and similar.

Check ‘em
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Really anon? There's already a thread, you even reposted the starting pic >>2647561
Old thread is my thread too. I didn’t see it was still up initially. Simple mistake on my part.
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AAAAAAH I love one-pieces
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Holy shit she's cute. I've never heard of this game but I'll give it a go.
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eep eep
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This type of underwear needs to be more common
A teddy?
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>tit sizes
AI as fuck
Not AI.
To err is human.
Virgin spotted.
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Popful Mail! such a fun game.
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The best part of swimsuits is when they're on their way off.
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No ill will to you, anon, this pic is pretty good but god dammit why do people do this shit? The artist HAS to know it doesn't work like this and they actively, consciously did it anyway. The fabric is supposed to be straight here. There's supposed to be a gap under the breast. Some people want to stick their hands under there, maybe even stick their faces and they ERASED IT with some stupid glued or vacuum-sealed BULLSHIT. Curse the tasteless masses.
Here's an actual pic to make up for my ramblings
kekemotsu draws great meaty thighs. i could make a similar bant on the breast sizes he draws when they're more than your picrel. when they're out of the bag he overdoes it.
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I think it's because they draw a naked version first, and then lazily paint the swimsuit over it, so it comes out as though it was body paint rather than spandex.
As someone who draws girls himself, his thought process while making it probably was that he drew her nude first, then started drawing clothes on top, and when he got to that part he really liked the way the shape/silhouette of the boob/body looks right there, and drawing the fabric straight would cover it up so he opted to just make it stick to the body instead.
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Any anons here have experience with Realise or Leohex? I wonder which is better for a curious first timer
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My favorite position.
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old old gif
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Keijo is like 2018 isnt it?
'16, so it's over 7 years old. in seasonal terms it's pretty long.
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Leohex and Amoresy are the easy to buy brands for westerners and available with amazon prime usually. Both are nice. Bitysie is also an option but only on aliexpress. Realise is extremely overpriced for what you get, I felt like it wasn't worth it
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>posts webm
was over 4mb so i modernized it
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weirdly good
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Holy shitnickles, that is a gorgeous pic
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bluarchiveshit but how well made
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Took a perfectly good drawing and ruined it with those stupid balloon tits.
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Could you shoop them out?
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Damn nice, thanks
Sukumizu are the best
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AR cooked too.
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sexy lady in sexy leotard and sexy stirples!
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valley of recession kek
Thighhighs should be part of a standard swimsuit.
also gloves
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nice author
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Bump :3
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Good thread
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Aww shit I forgot about the hand breaking /e/ rules. Can't delete file for some reason. Please have mercy, mods.
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My Insta has daily posts with my AI content (this is one of them)
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>Fake transparency
Ew, brother, ew! What's that?
What's that, brother?
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Shit, didn't even realise because I was distracted by shiny.

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