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are girls in wrestling outfits fine as well?
Is this specifically for pro wrestling only or are regular girl fights cool?
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I see why not

So long as there is wrestling of some kind.
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Not sure why but from the thumbnail il looks like she's smiling while getting slammed into the floor.
Was so disappointed when opening the image that I had to fix it.
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That's a hot move
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Shaming hold <3
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For fun I made a survey about girl fights. I would be happy if you would like to take it and provide any feed back.

Voted, mate
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Secelia teaching the pineapple an important lesson: Burion House ALWAYS beats Jeturk.
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I’m currently making a comic called Tatakae Hero, which is about a girl named Hana who’s trying to become the National wrestling champion! Nuron_art on pixiv if y’all are interested - issue 2 coming soon
Can't find it, mate.
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Show me a anime girl giving someone a stunner.
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Go to Heaven!
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Naked wrestling is even better
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Wrong! Wrestling outfits are pure sex by themselves, extremely revealing and form-fitting, therefore when you combine it with wrestling, it becomes double sex. Furthermore, the participants can always tear and strip each other, meaning I can enjoy both clothed wrestling and potentially naked wrestling in one match. Add in the fact that stripping is also pure sex on its own, I can confidently say that clothed wrestling is at least three times sexier than naked wrestling for the reasons above.
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damn, the more competent you are in grappling the less fappable these threads become. I'm more fixated on the shitty technique than i am on the ass and titties
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Anons, are there any pics with some nice nudity and an unmasking?
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