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Something a little more interesting. Not too young and not too old looking. Hopefully the fags who run this board won't become assmad and delete it. Keep it Ass and Non-Explicit.
The phrase you're looking for is "hebe".
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>hebe thread
FUCK YES. How'd I miss this for a month?
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If only...
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fucking same
hell yeah brother
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I could share a lot more if it weren't specifically for butts.

Just sayin.
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I know
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this one, specifically, looks deformed
if you're gonna post automatic idiot, post halfway-decent automatic idiot
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Show me the flattest girl you have.
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Thread needs Unicorn
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the flattest I have saved isn't thread-relevant so you'll have to settle for second-flattest
I know the context of that word but it isn't used much in the world of "loli" art. I've seen jap artists using the tag "JC" but it's not very widespread
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en sites sometimes use the petite tag
jp sites use small breasts/tiny breasts for more jc looking girls
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I've been wondering what to call this.
I don't want to see children.
But I don't want to necessarily see women over 25 either.
Somewhere between, like 16 - 24
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some terms to consider: hebephilia, ephebephilia
however, 16-24 is a pretty normal strike zone, not sure if it counts as either of those
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That's a boy lol
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Damn. Where can i find loli/borderline content
it feels as if it's being removed from every single place
Could be his twin sister. They look identical.
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I find a lot of it on pixiv, other than that there are some good threads here every now and then.
spot the balls?
Jesus Christ, keep this AI trash in it's own thread.
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Melusine by beloved. Post Melu.
Do these kusogakis count as hebe?
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there's no term for this. It's just heterosexual.
hebephilia is 11-14
so what's 15-17?
>Borderline Loli Thread
so hebe???????
yes nigga
Literal loli. You retards can't tell the difference anymore. Not that it matters because loli has been allowed outside of /b/ for quite some time now, so I don't know why you don't just make loli threads anyway.
literally stfu faggot
>mad because he can't report it unless it blatantly asks for underage

Pedos are sick but you're pretty fucked up for hoping them to be pedos
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Nah I've gotten temp suspensions for posting lolis on e.
Also, have you considered maybe some people like hebe but not loli? Everyone draws the line at different places.
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that is straight up loli
gonna cry? run to the janitor's arms?
Jesus Christ learn the difference between its and it's.
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As an AI "artist," keep your shitty gens out of this thread.
At least post something that doesn't look like it's missing a chromosome.
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what does JC stand for?
Female high school student
Female middle school student
Female elementary school student

Since Japanese don't use spaces between their words you can put a space between Joushi (female) and whatever school level they're in: Joushi Kousei, Joushi Chuugakusei, Joushi Shougakusei. Giving you JK, JC, and JS. These abbreviations are frequently used in Japan and we've picked them up. Borderline Loli fits very neatly into JC.
what ages do they have in middle school?
JS - 1st through 6th grade. Typically 6-12 years old
JC - 7th through 9th grade (in Japan). Typically 12-15 years old.
JK - 10th through 12th grade (in Japan). Typically 15-18 years old.

Japanese schools have 3 years for middle school and 3 years for high school instead of 2 and 4.
more like you can’t tell the fucking difference. shut the fuck up retard.
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That's a very nice butt.
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holy fucking shit that's the good stuff
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If you consider loli an age thing over an aesthetic thing, about a third of these girls aren't borderline at all. They're within the lolicon strike zone of 9-14, like in that book by Nabokov.
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Usage of the word "loli" seems to have changed. It more often refers to prepubescent or barely-pubescent kids these days.
Not sure if that's good or bad.
what are you talking, it has never had a different meaning here
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Pretty much all loli art depicts budding breasts. Just look through any Comic LO. It has never referred exclusively or even primarily to prepubescent girls.
on 4chan loli has always referred to prepubescent girls
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Hebe New Year, everybody!
I fucking love this gif
...... what?

Dude I've seen girls as young as 7 in Comic LO (Kuma Puro is a common artist for that age group). What the hell do you mean loli doesn't mean 'prepubescent'?
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You've either never read comic LO or never seen it in Japanese. You can't rate it based only on the few which are translated. No offense, I just want to inform you what it's like.

First comic: elementary schooler (page 14) age unknown.
Second comic: No age or grade given. Possibly pubescent?
Third comic: Middle school second year, 13 years old, page (page 60). Biggest tits in her class. Pubescent, certainly also very cute.
Fourth comic: 11 year old elementary school 6th grader (87 and 89) although it also shows her having sex at 5 and 8 years old.
Fifth comic: Elementary school 5th grader (page 116).
Sixth comic: 11 year old elementary school 5th grader (page 143).
Seventh comic: 12 year old and 5 year old daughters. (page 168) although it shows him fucking the 12 year old 3 years prior as well.
Since he knocks up the 12 year old at the end I'll give it a pass and say it's half pubescent.
Eighth comic: 2nd year middle school (page 193). Obviously pubescent.
Ninth comic: Elementary schooler (page 234).
Tenth comic: Elementary schoolers (page 254).
Eleventh comic: 9 year old elementary school 3rd grader (pages 279 and 283).
Twelfth comic: 10 year old elementary school 5th grader (page 303).
Thirteenth comic: Elementary school 3rd grader (page 353).
Fourteenth comic: 9 year old elementary schooler (page 374).
Fifteenth comic: Middle schooler (page 410). Unknown age.
Sixteenth comic: Unknown but she has 9 candles on her birthday cake (page 422) and she's an elementary school 5th grader (page 442).

So there's 1 girl with no explicit age or grade.
1 13 year old middle schooler
2 middle schoolers
and 1 12 year old elementary schooler who gets knocked up.
and 12 other girls that are 11 or younger grade schoolers.

So Comic LO is very definitely a prepubescent comic with only 3 girls over the age of 12 and no girl past the age of middle school. Although lolibabas are not unheard of in Comic LO they are extraordinarily rare.
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Jesus, she is made for rough sex
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Marnie just does that to you
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Higher res
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cunny time
These are literally all lolis.
Y'all are in denial.
kill yourself
Now kids don't make me turn this car around!
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yummy slit
>Keep it Ass and Non-Explicit
>tons of loli pussies
that worked out well...
retard anons cannot read
This is a literal loli thread and you're all in denial.
There are worse rivers to be in.
Only because you don't know what loli means.

This is a loli
This is a loli

This is not a loli
This is not a loli


Not loli


Not loli

Understand the difference? Teen girls are not loli. Girls who look 14+ is borderline. Which is what this thread is. Flat hebe girls.
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Is it still borderline even though she's seventeen?
Of course!

Range Murata is great. I'll post some of his stuff.
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>some people like hebe but not loli
You don't know what Loli means, like every clueless westerner on this topic. Attached is the quintessential Loli age range, the younger age ranges are sub-categories of Loli. Nowadays, the Japanese side of the internet uses Loli and Paedo to differentiate girls that make their dicks hard.
>Understand the difference? Teen girls are not loli.
Why are you using western image dump sites to prove your worthless western cluelessness?

Do you know how the Japanese even use these terms. No, you do not. And even if I show you, you'll continue to embarrass yourself because you cannot read Japanese and every time you see something in Japanese that disproves your incorrect understanding, you'll ignore it.

The reason those image dump sites don't use loli tags is cause westerners have been shitting their pants about the word loli for decades. Now everyone is lying to themselves they're shortstack or petite women.
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By that metric at least 40-50% of the girls that are posted on /e/ are loli.
This is a good thread.
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Arguing about its semantics on it is hardly profitable but prepubescent is almost always the standard. Which means typically 12 is the cutoff for most loli titles. Comic LO rarely ever goes into middle school. As I pointed out here:
Most of their works are shougakkusei. As I said in my post you discount that 14 years old is borderline. Hence the thread. Just because you CAN find 14 year olds listed as loli (such as Iori Minase being part of the "loli trio" in the original idolm@ster) it doesn't mean it's at all typical and is usually only counted as such when compared to older characters such as Haruka Amami. Also remember that Miki Hoshii IS THE SAME AGE AS IORI but never called a loli by anyone anywhere ever. Iori would therefore be an excellent candidate for this thread. Called a loli sometimes, but only when compared to older characters.

A perfect example is Angela Balzac. Nobody in their right mind would argue Angela Balzac is a loli but compared to the adult characters in the series she's called such by the deuteragonist. Again, just because someone somewhere called a girl a 'loli' in context is rather meaningless to this discussion.

Since DMM eliminated 'loli' from their catalog despite games like

Still appearing on the site we must look elsewhere. To the previously posted Comic LO for an example or DL site

Oh look at that. Prepubescent girls everywhere. While borderline titles such as
Get the 'small breasts' tag instead. Wow, who'd of thunk?
If you're familiar with the trope of an adult woman lusting over a child that has been strangely common in anime, a lot of times there will be an image of a Japanese law that sends you directly to jail for assaulting someone under 13.
Why is there so little nudity on pixiv? I spent a good 10 or 20 minutes there before I realized it is even allowed.
Did you forget to enable R18 in your profile? Or to include it in your search query?
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Open your profile settings.
Region needs to be outside of USA or UK
enable viewing R18
enable R18G (gore/grotesque) at your own peril. Sometimes there's an image set where it gets weird on the 3rd image (like a warrior girl first getting her top slashed) or you're just straight up presented with a dismembered body being used as an onohole
this isn't loli
what are you talking about you idiot
This is so erotic I wish vaginas were real.
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There is also a lot of pubecent girls and on pixiv and exhentai there is also a lot of pubecent developed girls tagged as lolis,most popular lolis have developed sexual features.
Loli has not definition set everyone makes their own definition a lot of characters here would be lolis by my definition a lot of lolicon and anti-lolicons.
i dont know if you are all on denial or just definitions autism whatever.
on 4chan it has a very specific definition, that is used by the mods to apply global rule #3, and that's all that matters here
Is there an actual full-on loli thread out there or is it all just not allowed now?
not here. b is the containment zone for that sort of thing.
<12 = loli
12-15 = hebe
15< = normal
except pictures don't have ages so that's not helpful, instead you have to go by visual features alone
loli = pre-pubescent
hebe = pubescent
adult = post-pubescent
Totally counts.
Hebes are peak
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I like this.
Just call it Hebe retard
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Incredible how every loli you linked was exposed and every non-loli wasn't. Are you against nudity of characters over the age of 12?
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..... yes.
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Women like this should exist IRL
>Japanese schools have 3 years for middle school and 3 years for high school instead of 2 and 4.
i just realised my cunt is weird for having 6 yeas elementary, 3 years middle school and 4 years highschool
14 year old girls do exist, yes.
I'll believe it when I see it!
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you got loli and hebe switched around mate
no, but you literally did, look it up
>Hebephilia is defined as a chronophilia in which an adult has a strong and persistent sexual interest in pubescent children
does anyone have the "this is not a pipe" meme but with a slender anime girl?
I thought this was all standard knowledge around here . /e/ full of a bunch of tourist or something?
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The AI threads attracted a bunch of tourists from /h/ and /v/. Though people have always been bitching about what is/isn't a loli, mainly because of shitposters spamming pedo.
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blessed thread
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You're pretty deep in the weeds by the time you notice your anime schoolgirl characters are never Sophomores.
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JD is college girl(joshi daigakusei), though it rarely comes up.
Orenji drew one after his Twitter got mass reported, but I don't have it handy
If you want it to live, you gots to make it live, dammit!
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One of my all time favorites.
Hebe is love
Hebe is life
Could spend all day with that mound on my face
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my 29 year old girlfriend literally looks like some of these lol
liking petite women doesnt make you a pedo

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