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zelda is very hot too
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I think it'd be better to avoid posting Samus, Pokemon and Fire Emblem girls since they already have a thread up.
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which zelda is the hottest?
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I wish I had this picture in highres, sadly I can't find it anywhere.
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Where can I find the Samus thread?
Sorry, I'm a bit retarded
...go to the catalog and type samus in the search bar, anon.
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Need more things like this, God damn.
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90% of the stuff ITT is w*stern. How come Japs don't like lewding Nintendo girls?
They do. The western fans are the problem.
>what a few people feel like posting on a random /e/ thread somehow lets you make a conclusion about the japanese art community
Meanwhile in reality, Pokemon alone is one of the tags with most fanart on Pixiv and the number of works tagged as R-18 is 142k, which even then only includes things that have genitals or female nipples rather than everything that we'd consider lewd. Also see >>2783365
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Hey dipshit
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who made this ...
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The best
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/w7bgzp.png
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/m396f0.png
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Actually depressing that this artist refuses to do NSFW
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Skyward Sword, botw close second
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/7y29on.png
This picture was on IMG in 2010
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ALBW/ALTTP/SSBU Zelda is the hottest, followed by Skyward Sword Zelda. BotW/TotK, ST, and OoT Zelda are also hot. I don't really care about the rest.
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For me SSBU Zelda is the cutest while BoTW Zelda is the one that has an actual porn body.
On what?
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id do Anything for Botw Zelda
Is this actually from the game unmodded?
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palutena should always have a green bush
you're a green bush.
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wow any more of this kind?
Sexiest in terms of overall aesthetics and elegance: TP
Hottest in terms of pure sexual energy: BOTW
Cutest: SS
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I vote Tetra
Should have a luscious blonde bush
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I need more Daisy
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>Hottest in terms of pure sexual energy: BOTW
botw is the most wholesome one wtf are you talking about
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Happy Birthday to this thread
I don't know what that guy posted but half of this thread is full of western artists
It doesn't matter if the artist is western, what matters is the artstyle.
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I love Callie boobie.
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that one
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Who's the one left of Alear?
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Kris from New mystery of the emblem.
Fe's first avatar character (if you don't count mark)
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I love saggers.
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Mach Rider
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Team Past represent
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She looks crazy.
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She is hyper
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Hope her new gerudo outfit gets lots of fanart.
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is there a nude version?
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Bro this post is so old I can't even open the image. Imagine getting a (you) one year after posting.
welcome to /e/.
>how to tell people you're a phoneposter without saying you're a phoneposter
I see the image just fine, anon.
ive seen close to 2000 days on the other boards
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Yeah, I like to masturbate to porn of nintendo characters, particularly Peach and Palutena, so what?
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Did my browser break? Why are so many images in this thread not functional?
which ones?
signs of age, it should've died years ago
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