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Alright! Last thread was comfy and slow. This thread... probably still slow but with more movement this time!

Theme: Motion. Dynamics. Movement. Yada yada.

As suggested here
>"Life is all dynamics" / Motion captured in a single frame. Inspired by a song, hence the corny name.
>Now that we had a lot of resting, chilling and sleeping girls, it could be a topic where a motion or impending motion of any kind is being portrayed in the pic.
>It may be a motion of the girl, it might be a dynamic pose (middle of a stretch, lifting a leg, reaching for something...) it might be something moving in the background... something like that.

Really enjoyed the concept of this prompt and think it might be quite fruitful. Going to keep the other suggestion about facial expressions in my backpocket. I did really like the "anything but demure" thread ages ago so I'd like to revisit the land between chin and fivehead here sometime.
Obligatory Link Dump. Also pic related was the one anon attached to his suggestion. Or well - part of the same set anyway.

Bread 29 - Soft, fluffy and comfy.

Bread 28 - Color Synergies

Bread 27 - High Effort Backgroudns

Bread 26 - Out of this World

Bread 25 - Excess and Oppulence

Bread 24 - IKEA Edition

Bread 23 - Seasonal Content 2:

Bread 22 - Seasonal Content 1:

Bread 21 - Summer Edition 2:

Bread 20 - Anything but Demure:

Bread 19 - No Theme:

Bread 18 - Facial Expressions:

Bread 17 - Colour Coding:

Bread 16 - Outdoors:

Bread 15 + Links to 1-14 here.
On the note of the link dump.

I did a few months ago realize that the link dump is entirely redundant because I link both back to the previous thread and forward to the next thread.

So you could totally navigate through all of them without getting the list plastered in your face every thread.
But alas, these threads have been nothing if not a testament of my ability to continue doing something long after its original purpose was lost.
I'm going to try and see if I can get some pics in here with particularly dynamic backgrounds. The first thing I tried to look for when lining up my first handful of images was rain and wind.
Also - wringing water out of cloth will never not feel like I'm casting a "create water" spell. It fascinates my monkey brain.
All hail the new Bread!
Good first batch of pics, exactly what I had in mind.
Excellent! Glad to hear it

The first batch is always a bit of an "I hope I understood him right" moment.
One thing I'm trying to find a good example (that's also lewd enough for /e/) of is a girl balancing on a curb or a railing with her arms out like this.

Managed to dredge up a few but they mostly don't tickle my pickle enough for posting. Perhaps at a later stage of the thread.
Alright, sounds good to me
I feel like there might be a few water/beach/bath themed pics. Fine with me though, if memory serves, our last "water" themed thread was about 2.6 million years ago.
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Hey, I'm pretty sure I was looking for that exact image for my starting posts.

I only had a phantom of a picture bouncing around my head but pretty sure this is it. Nice
You can almost hear 'em flapping in the wind.
I like that one
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Hey BHS, nice to see that those threads are still going after all those years. Am I remember correctly that first one was from around 2017? I've been browsing them during my night shifts at work. Good times
Hey, glad to hear it! I'm just trucking along really, don't even know where an appropriate point to stop would've been so we'll just keep it rolling. Have had a lot of great help as well which has been fantastic.

2018 is the number I got in my head - I could check, of course, but where's the fun in that
Either way it's been a tremendously long time.
Indeed. I'll need to rebuild my collection and contribute sometime
At your leisure! I've been struck by how much time it can actually take out of one's day to sit down properly and look for good pics to post. Especially when trying to stick to a specific theme.

Always glad to see that people still come here in any case.
I fear I'm getting old. Time seems to go even faster than it used to.
I might need to start work on one of those youth-ening elixirs. Though that is an endeavour that has cost many a wizard all their time, energy and resources for no gain.
The girl in pic related looks kind of unbalanced. Like she'll have to take a step back in the next fraction of a second to prevent falling - wonder if there's a way to search for that.
Almost been gone an entire month, jeez.
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In hindsight "Is your refridgerator running?" would've made for a great thread title
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Does posting an animated gif count as cheating?
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Well. I can't say I wasn't tempted to do so myself already.

May the Great Vizier forgive us.
That's from that short with the peeping tom robot, isn't it?
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Aye, that's the one!
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I was there when Old Wizard (hallowed be his Trip) graced us with His bread. 2017-18 sounds about right.

I like to think He drops in to lurk periodically, to smell the Bread BHS keeps baking.
I feel him watching over us, bros
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Give the janitor a raise for the fantastic job he did polishing those tiles.
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That's a good one.
Page 10? after just 1-2 days? Did I miss a spam bot?
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The attack on our thread has left me scarred and deformed.
Great catch in any case - I had no clue anything was amiss.
Maybe the board has just been unusally active though. Page 5 as I post this.
Happy New Year's Eve and to a good/better 2024
Happy New Years! Hope everybody had a pleasant holiday season
I had to wait a minute before the captcha would let me in. Managed to entirely forget in that minute and only remembered that I had a post lined up because of you.
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Smaller than I thought it would be. Then again I didn't check.
I think the time to slowly start pondering a new theme for the next bread might soon be due.

I'd be open to anything that's not too restrictive to keep things flowing. Colors, something meta like "pics with lots of details" or idk.. "must contain the sky" or "nipple appreciation" or something else entirely.
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Right you are. There was also the suggestion last thread to do something with facial expressions. Could always do one of "anything that's not a blank stare"

Wondering if sometime when we don't feel like anything specific, we could gather up all the suggestions that have been made over the years and didn't get picked. Dedicate a thread to posting a few pics for each.

Anyway, I do like the sky, I'd be down for that.
I'll make do with the wee bit of wind in pic related.
I think I have also been a bit too strict with the of motion required, making it a little harder to find pics.
Although it was a little slow at times, it doesn't really feel like this thread has been going since June. Well, it'll still be under a year I think.
Perfect timing. I just got back from a wizarding conference an hour ago.

I definitely relate. For me it's been a matter of "Does the picture depict a movement?" vs. "Does the picture *feel* like it has movement" and trying to go for the latter really dried up the available material. Like images of girls stretching like pic related.
>with the amount of motion required
is what I meant to say.

Yeah, exactly.
Took me an additional two or three passes before I realized what you are correcting yourself on. Always fascinating how the mind just fills in the blanks.
The amount of these "underwater pics" is also remarkable.
Well, I guess at least we had a lot of nice pics with an adequate quality that way. I sometimes wonder if people are still lurking these threads.
I ask myself that question on the reg. Or would if it weren't for you anyway. It's very much like shouting into the forest, innit.
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I do like to try and keep it quality over quantity in any case. Not in the least because I'm not active enough these days to be able to provide quantity in the first place.

But also: no reason for anyone to come to the world's slowest thread just to see the same 200 pics that get posted everywhere else.
Yeah true, likewise. And fair enough.
It works for me though, I don't mind the slow pace.
Is it just me or do image links on the archived.moe threads not work?
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They absolutely do not, you are correct. I do recall that there were considerations being made at one point about linking a different site but I don't remember the details any more.

In any case, the site that archived.moe redirects to has been straight dog-shit as long as I remember. When I do find myself in the archived threads, I generally reverse image search the thumbnails.
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