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Today is paizuri day. Let's celebrate with some paizuri invitation!
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Good day.
Happy new year. Enjoy paizuri.
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Belldandy's tits are made for paizuri!
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Is irl paizuri any good?
Yes, though it's usually a fun diversion, not the main course.
For me, it is my favourite sex act. For other guys, they don't give a shit.
It think the two major factors are how sensitive your dick is, and how big the tits are. The bigger the tits the more it is actually a tit "fuck" rather than a rub, as you can adjust pressure and positioning easily. Also, if you have death-grip syndrome and a half-numb dick then yeah its not going to feel like a whole lot.

Also, drowning the tits in lube makes for good visuals but obviously reduces the sensation. First time I did it I used like half a bottle to make it look like it does in hentai then wondered why I couldn't blow lol.
Sorry for normalfagging, but I really like it, mostly because of how visually stimulating it is, especially if it's clothed paizuri. However, I agree with >>2833046. I like it as a wind down after sex.
this counts?
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all girls tits are made for paizuri
Do girls with big tits IRL know how badly guys want to fuck their tits?
Why are you asking in this thread? I doubt any girls are here.
Yes~ it make us horny too~~
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Mami's mammies
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Need some paizuri irl asap
good luck
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shit yeah
I want paizuri.
paizuri paizuri paizuri.
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No clue as I'm incel
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