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What's the difference between upskirt and pantyshot?
Isn't it completely obvious? One refers to the viewing direction, and the other to what clothes you can see. You could have a no-pan upskirt, or a no-skirt pantyshot.
pantyshot implies panties regardless of the presence or not of skirts.
upskirt implies skirts regardless of the presence or not of panties.
OP implies faggotry regardless of the presence or not of homosexual males.
The difference is that pantyshots are better because panties are the best.
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panties are one of my biggest fetishes
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mein nigga
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This is all correct.
>this is now an upskirt-pantyshot thread.
this means images with panties and skirts at the same time.

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God bless Japanese writers who write pantyshots and embarrassed reactions
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love panties, simple as
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You see...

Panty shot.

The thrill of having seen what was supposed to be forbidden, that's what. There's a reason strippers never take the stage fully nude, you've got nowhere to go.
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upshorts exist
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A pantyshot isn't necessarily upskirt and upskirt isn't necessarily a pantyshot.
Same shit?
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based, I'm a lesbian with a fetish for women's undergarments and you'd be shocked to hear how common it is. A lot of people just don't talk about it.
>on 4chan
>word mentioned
quick start flinging irrelevant shit
uh, yeah? we exist.
tits or gtfo
Oh this is how people take upskirt pics? I just thought they held their phones down there
>lesbian on 4chan
Spiteful TERFy lesbifemcel, or MTF troomer hanging around people who hate your guts as a weird form of self harm?
Women don't talk like this.
that doesn't have anything to do with this, go back to /pol
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I love pantyshots so much, it almost seems crazy that girls actually wear skirts when it makes even the simple act of sitting down risky.
When I'm watching an anime with schoolgirls, a lot of times I'll just fap beforehand to save myself from being distracted and annoyed by the volume of short, pleated skirts, each one containing infinite potential, yet almost certain to provide perfect coverage, no matter how unlikely the scenario.
Definitely the latter.
Definitely this.
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great thread, thanks. was just in the mood for skirt stuff.
fucking retard
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i never really understood the panty fetish
it's the first level of Thing You Shall Not See
most of us eventually level up but some are just stuck on it
im not judging. to me its sound like caring more about the gift wrapping then the gift.
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Explain the next levels.
the gift itself isn't staring at a pussy so your point doesn't make sense either. The visual treat of pussy is a wrapper too, actually. The actual gift is busting fat nuts inside of her.
What's your favorite color? Mine's red.
White with stripes, but I always thought yellow was a pretty underappreciated colour
Yellowish is better for pubic hair
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for me, once you've seen a pussy or an ass you've seen em all

panties are the last great mystery on a woman, and it tells a lot about who they are, their personality, etc
I guess it's because that's your fetish. Really something you can just buy in a store is by definition more generic than an individual's own body parts.
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Panties are absolutely vile to me. It's always a disappointment to see up a girls skirt to find an ugly, obstructive pair of panties where there otherwise could have been a pussy.
Panties are absolutely crucial to me. It's always a disappointment to see up a girls skirt to find an ugly, Lovecraftian horror of a vagina where there otherwise could have been panties.
Panties are there to be removed.
You can't really explain panties fetish any more than any fetish, like a foot fetish.
I developed this big panties fetish 10 years ago from anime and 4chinz, but it still has a major impact on my IRL sex preferences. I like seeing panties even more than pussy, and I like having panties on sex a lot. Is what it is.
For all you young'uns, you're headed down that same path.
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This artist has a really cute OC, it's a middle schooler who tries to act cool and responsible but gets teased for wearing childish panties.
Aren’t there containment threads for babyraper shit like this
That's hardly the youngest girl posted in this thread.
don't engage obvious trolls
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what are some good animes for panty shots?
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Whoah mama

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