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Gonna lie down for a bit
Why did we never get official Shirley nudes?
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I swear we got a really nice shower scene, but maybe that was Kallen
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Ok this might have been it.
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Why is Pornelia sweating
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Who's everyone's favourite?
dunno but it activates my neurons

Cornelia > Kallen > C.C. > Milly > the other girls > power gap > Nina
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Me too anon, me too.
>list of favourites just goes by size
Good taste
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But C.C. is still #1 for me
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>>list of favourites just goes by size
Didn't even mean to do that lel. I also just really don't like Nina too.
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Heh, that's fine
And I have seen legitimately and literally zero fans of Nina, for my entire life
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Remembered Ayano's Ayanos, unf unf
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>got Pornelia in the gacha
Things are looking up
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Kallen and Bulma are my favorite characters for my bunny suit fetish.
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I just now realized I fucked up.
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It's okay, you had every reason to be distracted.
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>its Euphy's birthday on the 11th
>just never saved that many images of her
That's fine. I wanted to see it twice anyway.
Pornelia's milkers are unreal
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Was she always this plump, or is it because it's peacetime
it's because she found a man and can let herself go now
>let herself go
She looks like she's still in her prime, just suited moreso for uh, defensive combat than offensive
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If they ever made something like this, I'd buy all of them. That C.C. is something godly.
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I hope the Geass girls have a fun Halloween this year
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Kallen might just be the pinnacle of female proportions.
Everything about her screams sex, her personality too
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>waking up to this from her lap pillow
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the only acceptable C.C. is bottom heavy C.C.
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She's not heavy, just well-cushioned!
Spankable either way...
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it was in no way an insult
in fact it was a compliment
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Truthful and appropriate, you may proceed
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But why is she sweating
I don't recognize her as a Code Geass character.
>literally the one character with consistent memory problems is forgotten by anon
Poor Anya...
made for naizuri
I want to rub my face all over her body until I fall asleep
Thanks for the art man.
You too
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What is she so smug about
Being her.
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That is a good thing to be smug about
I still fap to this
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Having the fattest tiddies in the entire series
yeah but that's not her fault
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>one of the biggest pair of knockers in the show
>molests those around her constantly
>always looks classy regardless of how much or how little she's wearing
Smug pres! Smug pres!
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And that's precisely why she's so smug
Ok now what does SHE have to be so smug about
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She's got a fat ass, and over 500 years of sexual experience to blow the minds of mortal men with her body
>over 500 years of sexual experience to blow the minds of mortal men with her body
CC is pure but if this were true I'd fucking die, I want to be her chair but this would be a fantastic death sentence
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Merry Christmas
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if you can't tell that's AI you need to get your eyes checked
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>セシル・クルーミー (コードギアス)(111503641)
Sorry, anon, I did my best.
Don't think Kallen's K-cups were overlooked either!
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Does anyone have the slingshot bikini edit of picrel?
Anyone have the one of Lelouche grabbing C.C's ass. Think it was promo art.
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Thank you, great file name.
I love the Akito pilotsuits
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Love me Leila's Leilas
Thank you very much anon.
Need more Corneliass to balance things out
i never found these girls to be erotic. Maybe its because they are too elegant.
I get wanting to not tarnish elegance, but 99% of the female cast is dick-draining material, I don't know why
Funny, elegant women being lewd is actually massive boner fuel for me.
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Could you explain a bit further?
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Not much to explain really. The contrast between how a character acts in canon versus being like a huge turboslut in hentai makes my dick hard for some reason.
Fair enough, I really enjoy that too, just don't have much pics of it
The only thing about this shitty ass boring show are the girls
They are hot af
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It may have had a few fumbles, but the show was hardly boring or bad
The crushing...
I wish I was Geassed into letting them use my face as a chair whenever they wanted
Good enough
Her body is indeed a temple
>not sure if smug or embarrassed or both
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cant tell if jesting or speedwatcher
I'm just a jestful horny retard
CC isn't pure she was used as a comunal cum dump for centuries, watch the show again
I-I know, but that's such a mean thing to say
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Why are all these designs so good at draining my nutslop
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Takahiro Kimura used to draw stuff for porn games occasionally in the 90s. I guess it's just something he always carried with him.
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I wish he worked on porn games for his regular IPs as well
For those who watched it a decade ago, PurpleEyesWTF uploaded a new CodeMENT episode a month ago.
>Akito was bad they said
>it's not worth watching they said
>literally just an innocent on-model picture is too powerful
The most powerful boob window for burying your face into
You really like Leila huh. Me too.
Sorry about the watermarks. Found it on yahoo auction.
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That's a lot of Leilas, especially that final pair, shame that the biggest one also has helpful text that lets you know that the product can be mass-produced.
>You really like Leila huh.
C.C. is number one, but big-titty blondes are a gigantic weakness
Already posted >>2841363
>Found it on yahoo auction.
The next step is obviously to start bidding
No worries anon, watermarks can be annoying, just felt like going the extra mile to find stuff not already on the regular boorus. Leila isn’t Number 1 for me either actually, but her in the pilot suit really puts me on edge haha.
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>just felt like going the extra mile to find stuff not already on the regular boorus.
Much appreciated!
>Leila isn’t Number 1 for me either actually
Who's number one?
>really puts me on edge haha.
Oh I bet
I’ll be a basic bitch and say Kallen is Number 1 for me (I love her pilot suits too), though I guess that’s kinda inevitable considering how often we she her. Leila’s pilot suit does appeal to me more than Kallen’s though (I have a massive bodysuit fetish as you can probably tell haha). Anyway I think I’ve just about posted all the Leila pilot suit art I feel motivated to dump today, so have a long, healthy life and Leila-On my LeilaBro.
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Fair enough, you do see her a lot throughout the show.. And no, I don't think I noticed about the bodysuits, I assumed that was just her best or most common outfit, although the gypsy dress is pretty nice as well. May you have a long and healthy life as well, Leilabro.
Same anon from earlier, got a better quality version of the Leila from >>2864405
Absolutely exquisite, thank you
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Beautiful, high quality, nice hair shading detail. I love it.
trash tier series
zoomer taste
It sure does make me fill up the trash every day
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