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File: Musashi 4.jpg (1.99 MB, 1260x2651)
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Wonderful effect gravity has on boobs.
Size does not matter.
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From the thumbnail, the gaps in her hair look like milk gushing out of her tits. Clever if intentional.
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Indeed it does.
Some sag is always necessary
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more like this
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name of the artist? spent 7 minutes searching one handed, no results on reverse search or narrowing down tags on boorus
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need more this this
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Do you think women are happy with saggy boobs, or do you think they're usually ashamed/sad about it?
Also does it make a difference if they've always been that way vs they started to sag recently?
Its not necessary, but the nice thing is it comes for every woman. Every girl you know is going to watch her perky boobs sag eventually
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Not sure if it scratches the same itch
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But this has alot of similar content. I like the flop here
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consider bumping with content or else I'll bump you off a cliff
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Where sag?
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