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Post cute elf & company
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Linie seems strangely popular for how little screentime she had
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I'm gonna say it...I...I...want to defile Frieren with my disgusting pestilent seed.

I just wanna blast a bunch of baby batter as deep as I possibly can into that undying knife-eared slut and force her to live with the consequences for several times my natural lifespan.

If you don't agree you're sad, low-energy and cringe. You are the cancer slowly eroding away at the foundation of modern civilization and deserve only the wall or the rope.
Making as many half-elves as possible to exhaust her limited libido is surely the best way to deal with the elf infestation.
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Need elfussy
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We need more nip slips from her pajama dress
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Pantsu peek
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Delicious Frieren Chest
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Bro i would SINGLE HANDEDLY repopulate the earth with elves; from the brink of extinction, to overpopulation, if God reincarnated me as an elf in Frierans world. good LORD
you mean with half-elves
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>If reincarnated AS AN ELF
Learn to read.
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The Goddess will not forgive you all for this.
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Fern’s boobs look like fine pillows
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Haven't watched this but the purple haired girl does things to me
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Fern is gr8, watch the show
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I can’t get enough Frieren pantsu, especially under tights.
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Need Frieren boobs
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Need Frieren booty
Whoa. This one is horribly drawn, but the coloring/background are so serene. Very neat.
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I want to copulate with the elf
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Bro i am god and I am totally going to do this to you man
except i am reversing it and you are the only female elf in a world of male elves
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Racism has failed, need knifear
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The peak female body
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>each others hair in mouths

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Boots and black pantyhose... pacha.jpg
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we need more elf butts.
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look at that fuckin bulge. i bet "her" dick is bigger than mine
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Hot elf nipples
>bet "her" dick is bigger than mine
Not very difficult to be honest
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Anime of the decade
Been seeing rumors of a live action...Oh no
>source: i made it the fuck up
your ass.
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Is there any official source that confirms if what Frieren is wearing are pants or tights?
"Tights" are tight-fitting "pants". What kind of distinction are you intending to draw?
No, that would be leggings. In an early chapter/episode she comments that some adult she met was a kid that flipped her skirt when she last came through a village. If she was wearing pants, all he would see was her pants. If she was wearing tights, there would have been some visible underwear through the tights.
"Leggings" are also tight-fitting pants. The distinctions between leggings and tights vary with time and place, without a specific clear line between them. They are both pants: a garment which extends from the waist to the mid-lower legs (distinct from the shorter "shorts"), with the legs being fully enclosed separately (distinct from things like skirts and chaps). Pants can vary in thickness and tightness, with certain styles of pants often having specific names (jeans, sweat pants, yoga pants, etc.).

What Frieren wears is clearly tight-fitting and relatively thin, whatever you want to call it. Underlayers would leave visible lines, but underwear standards have varied widely. Frieren is implied to have grown up in a classical-Greco-Roman-style civilization, and they either wore loincloths of various styles (Roman women wore things very similar to modern bikinis for athletics) or none under their outer garments. The present setting of the show is vaguely medieval European, when people wearing long outer garments often went without what we'd consider underwear. It's plausible that Frieren doesn't wear anything under her visible pants.

In any case, flipping up her skirt would presumably give a good view of the shape of her ass, which is probably what a mischievous adolescent boy would be interested in seeing.
>t. not a woman
apples and oranges are both fruit but that's pretty reductionist
tight pants generally refer to
- thick (relatively) material pants that are form fitting due to a close cut (eg denim, canvas, cotton, latex etc)
tights or leggings generally refer to
- thin material pants that are elastically form-fitting (eg spandex, nylon, etc)
often tights and stockings can refer to similar or even the same thing in many English dialects. if the tights are multi-layered or thicker they are generally called winter tights or winter leggings. tights are often semi-translucent due to the thin material and corse weave.
tights can be considered tight pants but only an autist would actually make this conflation

frieren wears tights/stockings under a skirt rather than pants. i can't remember exactly when but i'm certain there is a scene of fern dressing frieren that shows this. also, every cosplay of this character without exception wears tights/stockings
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>apples and oranges are both fruit
Anon was metaphorically asking >>2875909 if something he saw in a bowl was an apple or a fruit.

>tight pants generally refer to
Pants... that are tight.

>tights or leggings generally refer to
A particular kind of pants that are usually worn tight. Though "leggings" can also refer to garments that don't reach the pelvis, like leg warmers.

>tights can be considered tight pants
Then that's that.

And do you really think the medieval fantasy character is wearing nylon or Spandex? The garments in question cover her feet, but that doesn't determine what material they're made from. Compare with what Lugner wears. Prior to the development of stretchy synthetics, clothes like that (including socks) were made form-fitting by a close cut, as you just described "tight pants" there.
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If there is one thing the Japanese are okay with doing anachronistically, it's having modern underwear and undergarments in general in their fantasy series. Sometimes they will handwave it away by saying it's magic that makes the clothing fit the wearer perfectly.

My question was more did the kid lift her skirt and get an eyeful of her underwear as well or did he just lift her skirt and see her pants covering her butt. Since they do cover her feet, I'm leaning more to them being modern stockings.
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