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My favorite has to be loose/baggy jackets on tight bodysuits, but I like other combinations.
...like a tight shirt, but baggy pants
This particular outfit... man, its just perfection.
The see through part of the blouse part just over lower breasts.
The absolute territory on one side.
The gloves with green palms...
Good thread
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It's very well put together.
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Love me some PVC clothes.
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The lower half of Juri's SF4 design is perfect for this.
Yk what her SF6 design too.
this might be my new favorite character design
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These are all *very* similar. Is there a real-life basis for this outfit, or is it just artists riffing off of each other?
It's Miku's 2022 Goodsmile Racing outfit, but I don't know if this >>2830349 >>2830350 was intentionally based on it or not.
It's just hot.
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Sauce? Looks oddly familiar
Two for one!
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by the infinite power of ai
Nice work
Nikke has some good ones.
These noses are really ugly. This doesn't look eastern, this looks like western shit.
Those noses are completely normal. Is your problem that they exist at all?
Can't have a thread like this without mentioning Plastic Little.
Or, for the one-piece swimsuit side of things, Gunbuster.

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