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Post cute and juicy meganekkos wearing the most detailed meganes out there.

Old thread: >>2741033
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The glasses stays on the bed
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tum link : https://www.tumblr.com/aicrazy123/738679761843437568/young-woman-with-a-physique-sculpted-by?source=share
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I just accidentally found out that if you highlight a tag in your prompt, you can in- or decrease its weight in 0.1-steps.
So "puffy nipples" automatically becomes "(puffy nipples:1.1)" and so on.
Was I the only one who didn't now about that?
wrong thread silly
Damn. I shouldn't post that late at night with 10 /e/ tabs open.
Can't delete it anymore, just report it for being off-topic, sorry about that.
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Surely you glasses lovers are glasses wearers too... right?
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no, and I see no reason why I would
>surely you thighhighs lovers are thighhighs wearers too... right?
Indeed I am.....
Yeah, though I do not think that is necessarily connected.
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absolute perfection!
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>shit hair style
Why'd you pick an ugly girl for the staring image?
Stop being a faggot.
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Just for that, I'll post another image of that character.
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Make that two.
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Posting best girl
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artist is Hizake btw. he's a legend
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go back to ai shit
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Why are most of the images in this thread dead thumbnails and 404 when you click them? did something happen? it's like this in most threads, actually
Probably a mix of the thread's age and that one site outage a month or so back that nuked entire boards.
>Why are most of the images in this thread dead thumbnails and 404 when you click them? did something happen? it's like this in most threads, actually
The archive site that /e/ - ecchi is linked to
>https://archived.moe/e/ - archive.alice.al
is mostly complete garbage. It doesn't save half the pictures posted there so after they spend about 2 months on the board they are seemingly just gone akin to being deleted entirely from both sites
Luckily there's a different 4chan archive site for /e/ which is
That saves all images consistently, so if you missed any, you can find them there. Hopefully the ecchi board is hard linked to this new one in the future.
thanks a lot megane anon.
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>completely forgotten by artists
Time to invest in commissions I guess
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