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Post cute and juicy meganekkos wearing the most detailed meganes out there.

Old thread: >>2741033
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The glasses stays on the bed
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tum link : https://www.tumblr.com/aicrazy123/738679761843437568/young-woman-with-a-physique-sculpted-by?source=share
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I just accidentally found out that if you highlight a tag in your prompt, you can in- or decrease its weight in 0.1-steps.
So "puffy nipples" automatically becomes "(puffy nipples:1.1)" and so on.
Was I the only one who didn't now about that?
wrong thread silly
Damn. I shouldn't post that late at night with 10 /e/ tabs open.
Can't delete it anymore, just report it for being off-topic, sorry about that.
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Surely you glasses lovers are glasses wearers too... right?
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no, and I see no reason why I would
>surely you thighhighs lovers are thighhighs wearers too... right?
Indeed I am.....
Yeah, though I do not think that is necessarily connected.
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absolute perfection!
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>shit hair style
Why'd you pick an ugly girl for the staring image?
Stop being a faggot.
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Just for that, I'll post another image of that character.
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Make that two.
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Posting best girl
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