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Post girls wearing detailed footwear.
High heels, sneakers, loafers or even slippers, it does not matter.
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Oh, this is a great idea for a thread.
boots are shoes? Or should they have their own thread?
Boots do count as shoes.
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sexy nun in sexy boots!
boots are the sexiest kind of shoe!
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Needs more Christian Louboutins
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Wish there were more heel-less high heels without the ponyplay.
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Same. There are for some reason lots of sci-fi themed images.
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How did a shoe thread become a better leg thread than the pantyhose thread
It's shoe-real
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I heely don't understand it either.
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Louboutins were created to create boners
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she wears size 5 shoe!
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color variant with implied stirples for the boots!
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yeah this guy
he has always had shoes yeah.
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Exceptional thread anon, its rewired my brain
isnt there a term/tag for heels like this (black with red bottom)?
a designer called Christian Louboutin does them so i think just "Louboutins" works.
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a thread made for me
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need more high heels

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