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Half naked animal people, triangle shaped buildings, jewellery with bugs in it? I got to admit, these Egyptians got style.
Damn I forgot how slow /e/ is
i like the slower pace. its more comfy imo. also egyptian is somewhat of a niche.
These proportions look wrong...
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Your existence is wrong, and yet here we are
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How about these proportions?
Please acquaint yourself with the /e/ Freaky Big Boobs thread before judging appropriate boob sizes for this board.
So, uhh

nobody in this thread has any culture?

so funny to call this 'aestetic' anything important like "egypt"
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Please don't let my thread die
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why are their heads the size of grapefruit
you spent all that drawing talent just to make their heads grapefruit sized
imagine the back pain
I prefer modern Egyptian with hijab
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Nice thread
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Threads can last for years.
choccy milk
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all of them are throat sluts
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