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Pantyhose/tights thread.

Anyone's got an aliexpress seller that deals with pantyhose that have run guards (bands of thicker weave on the upper thigh) like pic rel? Seems to be uniquely japanese phenomeon limited to their domestic brands like atsugi.

In the mean time, commencing dump.
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that's pretty hot
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Hello OP, you have exquisite taste.

pic related is me rn
U sure that's a japan only thing?
I have the feeling it's normal for pantyhose to have those bands, but I might be wrong.
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Good thread
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depends on the brand. thigh band is what you want to look for
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Mmm fuck
Love the panty lining
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My cock just got so hard
best thread this board has seen in a while
Have you tried searching "thigh band" pantyhose? I have a pair or two and I could have only bought them off US amazon at some point but I can't remember the brand. There's also a chance the brand just won't mention it and you'll just have to look at the pictures.
Also, I'm glad to see most of the pantyhose itt is rendered pretty well. We've had more than a few threads where outside of Yom art it's all been legs painted brown
nudes are HIGHLY underrated
seems impossible to find the japanese ring style run guards, even in japan. I wonder where the concept even comes from. maybe it's just something old fashioned that stuck in artwork.
They definitely exist, like I said I own a few, but yeah I think it's probably something anime has made seem way more popular than it actually is, like shimapan. Most hose will just have a control or reinforced top, there isn't a good reason to use a thigh band over just reinforcing the entire torso and/or crotch area like pic rel
I'm glad reinforced toes are a thing and relatively common, too, at least.
hey that image was next in my queue, what are the odds.
>Most hose will just have a control or reinforced top
And honestly this isn't even really true. Most hose will have nothing, especially pantyhose since they're so fragile they're almost disposable.
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Really like the way the nylon is drawn in this one
>it's all been legs painted brown
slime girl hentai has this same problem
95% of it is just generic anime girl colored blue
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In the words of Daffy Duck:
"Duh-rool, duh-rool!"
I wish their tights didn't have reinforced toes, it'd be a 10/10 otherwise :(
Pantyhose are the best
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Pantyhoses should be in fashion again
good luck getting that to catch on
you'll love the fine_fabric_emphasis tag
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Good lord that res, i kneel.
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are you that "femanon" from a past incarnation of this thread whose irl pantyhose pics I fapped to over a year ago?

That was a fun enough orgasm to remember. I didn't say it at the time but I had been eating handfuls of male enhancement suppliments from amazon the entire time while edging for over 12 hours. Easily in my top 100 as far as climaxes go. I knew the reality of the situation but I was too exhausted and worked up by that point to care.

Hope your doing well. I don't have your pics anymore but I wouldn't mind going again sometime. I'd totally cum on your legs irl.
Totally agree on nude being underrated
Pantyhose in general are underrated
I wish I could spend all day just caressing an anime girl's nylons
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I like it when she wears panties under her pantyhose.
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Are you talking about the one that posted pics on /soc/ after some cajoling? Because I busted some fat nuts to that one too
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Yes, wish they'd post new pics. I think I busted at least twice to them but the first one was really intense with 11+ ropes and lasted over a minute with almost painful contractions and the first shot was so powerful it made a very loud sound when hitting the water

Leggy anon I want to cum to your legs again, come back so we can.
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I've been looking for pics of girls wearing sandals with their pantyhose.
Holy shit that is one of the sexiest images I've ever seen. It's perfectly naughty with the teasing message and condom. That is truly epic.
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got an archive link or keywords to search for this by? sounds hot as fuck
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are there any good anime this season that put pantyhose on a good display?
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i'm the one wearing pantyhose btw, male -
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God damn i love pantyhose
Me too
I need a pantyhose girl in my life
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Become your own pantyhose girl
just date an asian girl, they still all mostly wear pantyhose
I can't give myself footjobs...
skill issue
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totally possible. i like to poke a hole in my pantyhose sole and shove my cock in there.
Seems like a flexiblity issue rather than skill
Ican't reach my with my soles
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Wanna take a whiff so bad
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