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A place to post pictures of figures that we otherwise can't over on /a/

If you're interested in buying any of these, there's a guide:

Prevous thread: >>2758698
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anyone have pics of the tifa jacko statue that went viral a while back? Never actually saw it other than the promos.
>not Sasha at the top
what blasphemy is this
slow clap
>the lolis look ugly as sin, don't even register as female
Good, I'm not sick.
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I know this whole site has a complete disdain with jewcob and fakku
but what do you guys think with hmarket/J18/J-list?
Good. they don't do takedowns on sadpanda
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So I'm an actual dumbass (in more ways than one) and I managed to scratch up the sides of this insight elf loli when I was trying to get her randoseru on her. Here's a picture of the front. Everything arrived intact by the way. All the parts were wrapped up in ungodly amounts of bubble wrap.
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and here's a picture of the back. The paintjob isn't too bad but it could be a LOT worse. Verdict? The concept is down right stellar, the execution was alright, but it's not worth the 29k price tag for the 1/4 scale version.
>but it's not worth the 29k price tag
That seemed to be what I got from the other Anon that posted his Insight shit a few weeks ago.
Quality seems to be befitting of items that should be sold at half the price they're asking for.
A shame, their ideas really are nice—though I'm not sure if I only think that just because of the basically constant loli fig drought.
Aside from the usual suspects this wonfes, it looks like this drought is going to last practically forever.
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Best of thread. <3
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Got some new posters, which one do you think is the best?
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I also got some others but I can't show them here

Damn. Did you have those made? Or did you find them somewhere?
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Damn you, Insight.
They are custom made
Any suggestions where to get those kinds of tapestry hangers? I like the little hook thing in the middle instead of a rope.
I got them from Etsy
>Etsy, Inc. is an American e-commerce company focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies.
Interesting. So they do lewds too? Who are these people? Do you just like, commission them or something?
etsy is a platform where individuals setup their store fronts
Oh, okay. So you just look for someone who's willing to make what you want. I suppose it wouldn't be easy to get anyone to make loli shit.
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Quick pic for fellow buyfags on /a/
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I hate that he's successfully making money off of drawing fgo because I'm really pissed at how he can't draw feet and doesn't seem to want to get better at it. I'm admittedly a footfag, but even the average poster around here can see that those feet are just plain bad.
they are bad, but they also aren't what we're looking at
Yoo where'd you get the Illya one? Is there one for Kuro as well?
Orders are only active in sale period, next sale probably won't have those but they come back periodically
Yes there is Kuro one by this artist
Why normal person would look at feet?
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Was waiting 2 moths for her.

She's perfect.
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And delicious armpit at the end.
you licked it, didn't you
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Koakuma-chan by Blade
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She has amazing box, wish more companies do that kind of boxes
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And bonus pic
whats the manufacturer? looks kind of meh.
Charm, it's brand of WINGS
It's quite new manufacturer
And I must disagree, figurine is very well made.
Maybe it's not a Alter or Amakuni level but still I'm happy with the result
patrician taste.
The box was probably my favourite part tbdesu
Fucking preordered
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New ke-ta dakimakura of Flan
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She has very little cute fang
I like figure upskirts.
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I especially like when the show didn't have pantyshots but the figures save the day. Official pantsu is just better than fanart.
Hope this is lewd enough for /e/, not sure where else it would go.
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After hoping in vain to get a Rikka pantyshot in every episode of Gridman, her figures were extremely welcome.
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I really love school uniforms.
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Man I wish Love Live! had pantyshots. Thank god for figures.
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Can't believe the mangaka demanded no pantsu and then dressed them in skirts this short.
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Ritsu playing drums in that skirt was always lewd.
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Damn, I have a lot of plastic butt pictures.
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Since pantsu was forbidden in the anime, I like how the Panzer figures have cute different colors.
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I swear Chika must constantly flash her pantsu to everyone except the viewer.
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This figure was teased for so long in such a seductive pose and of course the promo shots never gave you the good angle.
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Always found it extremely hot how Kasumi just wears a big shirt over panties for her casual outfit.
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All right, I think that's just about enough out of me. Hope some of you enjoyed the autism.
>not sure where else it would go
The normal /a/ thread.
More importantly, why would you spam fucking 65 images over the course of an hour?
Just archive (zip) the set and upload that somewhere else and link to it you retard.
I appreciate you
Ignore this anon
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I take your point but I didn't think the /a/ thread would appreciate the dump, and to be honest, I wasn't planning to upload so many, just kept finding more butts that I liked. I should get my shit organized and post a Mega folder or something though.

Cheers bro.
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Not mine, but: https://video-cdn3.gelbooru.com/images/58/32/5832895121d74ec92b350892d39c33f1.webm
Kaedeko Illustration Miyuki Sasaki (Summer Cloud White Bikini Ver.) Figure

I am preordering this shit for the chance that her sister shows up next.
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this sister FYI
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De-chan from Amakuni, artist Belko
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couldn't forgive myself for keep holding out from buying the onsen chapter
now they all sold out
That is a perfect cute pussy. I love it!

Is this yours?
All pictures I post are my figurines
Those are from my collection, I collect both daki and figurines:
Yeah, fuck that other anon. You're doing gods fucking work, and you get bonus points for posting guppies.
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I'm so glad the GUP figures delivered good butts when the show was such a tease.
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I love this style. Is the character of an anime or manga? Saucenao and Yandex do not give anything. Nor did I find anything by the name of the artist 'Sayori' according to the text at the bottom.
Sayori is pretty famous. She does eroge and some artbooks. Most notably Nekopara
The girl in question looks like "The Ditzy Demons are in Love with Me"
Thanks, I had no idea. Does this style have a name? I have seen it before evidently drawn by other artists.
I don't think her style has a name? She started doing gothic lolita cat girls and then went with the style she has today. Very good hentai considering she was starting a family when the games came out.
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Juliana by Charm
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Tomotake Yoshino by Alice Glint
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Anyone know where i could possibly purchase lewd decals/stickers for figures? I’m talking about womb tattoos, ropes of cum, etc. or a figure that comes with said accessories? I coulda sworn there have been several like this but i just cant remember the names.
used to be on native but long sold out
If you want to find other works with this artstyle? Search by any doujin art ranging from 2008 to 2013 and you should have a good headstart. It’s primarily the glossy eyes and shading that won me over artstyle-wise.
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Can anyone suggest a pink SFW toy kinda similar to this, but still sexy but not sticking her ass out kind of sexy? Just bought this sailor moon figure a few days ago. Love it.
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this might be too sexy, but I like the look of this one.

I was look at this one exactly :D
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recent haul due to the weak yen
mostly old stuff I always wanted to get but never did

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