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Previous Thread: >>2805216
This is a thread for new content recently posted at the original source.
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Honestly, I feel like Tatsunami Youtoku's art quality is getting worse...
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I don't think it's getting worse but it really hasn't improved in 10+ years and the quality isn't really consistent. What I don't like is the stories have been veering towards NTR and mom NTR
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I agree that it certainly hasn't improved. I just think about 'Twin Milf' and got the impression that the art is WAY better... But maybe that's just my imagination?
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I don't think I saw any kimonos being drawn this year for new years
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Is there a textless version anywhere?
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on fanbox

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It's a glorious day.
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Guys, I think DOT DOT DOT might like huge tits....
and that's a good thing.
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Don't mind me just on my way to spend millions of dollars on paywalled shit
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More squishy girls, the squish zone needs to be squeezed.
Dude I have been seeing your threads for years. Always a treat.
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can't believe its been this long
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Every time there's a flavor of the month character I get sick of seeing it really quickly. Pekomama in particular. All of them look exactly the same to me. This one caught my eye however
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FOTM is usually miss unless the character has something that really scratches an itch, so to speak.
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Is that the first time she's not wearing the green shirt?
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shes naked often on fanbox

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Here's some recent ass for a change
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Source on artist?
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search (number in the file name) + pixiv

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I feel similar, including the "unless it scratches an itch" part.
I wonder if it is because a FOTM character often is depicted in a common, fairly basic pose or scenario? When many artists draw their favorite character or an OC multiple times, I feel like I see them depict more varied poses or actions. Chinushiro being a good example. Same character, but you see more situations and such.
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I love bras.
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Properly drawn large bras are already amazing, but "removing bra from under shirt" is a tier of its own.
I gave it its own folder.
A man of taste i see.
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Blast from the past
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"How big are they?"

Quite Big."

"So what does that mean for me?"

"Well, I'd tell you to get new clothes...
But clearly, you already own a tank top that fits them..."

"So you're saying I should just keep doing what I'm already doing~
I'm not even sure why I came here~"
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She's telling her they have to order from overseas and even then they have to make alterations

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translation? are there sauce pix w/o bubbles?
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get Cotrans Manga/Image Translator
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more of her
needs public hair
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These chubby OC's are the best, a good tummy and boobs just makes me happy no matter what.
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