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When losing the battle means stripping off your clothes, and bowing down in submission.
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But her attack is a one hit kill no matter what you do. And I don't think Yae Miko would offer you .... wait. Nope. Yeah. I can see that.
the neatly folded clothes next to them add so much to it. it means that rather than just a simple bow that they had to methodically strip themselves and slowly fold the clothes and place them on the ground before bowing, it makes the submission so much more thorough and complete.
For anyone that doesn't already know, this pose is called dogeza. To overly simplify it for a bit, in Japan, bowing is the most common form of apology. The deeper the bow, the more formal the apology. Dogeza being the deepest bow one can possibly do.
So if someone is in dogeza pose, they already gave up, essentially.
Naked dogeza, as seen here is the fantasy of being the recipient, demanding that a simple dogeza isn't enough, and that they strip naked/forfeit all possessions, to show that they are truly sorry.
Folding the clothes up neatly, also makes it easier for the recipient to take their clothes, as part of "accepting" their apology.
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the pose is called どごぜ 「do-ge-za」you'll get more results searching for that
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I'm sorry but this one just really fucking gets me and turns me on. Any idea of why?
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I love dogeza but I wish artists showed the progression more exactly like this anon describes >>2835954
>methodically strip themselves and slowly fold the clothes and place them on the ground before bowing
All we get is the end result and some bottom half nudity if we're lucky, which is great, but it'd be so much better if we got a gradual reveal and emotional journey as she removes each article while facing the one she's apologizing to.
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I've been using that as a keyword but sadly many websites don't have it as a tag.
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We need more dogeza
>Stripped Surrender
this looks soooo stupid
I surrender to that butthole
That angle is the best
So, how do you search for dogeza? Sometimes there isn't really a tag for it. Any ideas of how to look for it?
Any site worth its salt will have this as a tag. No point even visiting a site that doesn't.
Dear lord, that asshole looks delicious.
I hated how easy that fight was after the entire quest arc is about hyping it up. Hell thet even make you immune to damage
We need to see more dogeza from that angle. Girls’ buttholes are so beautiful.
Power dynamics
I like it because it gives you a good look at both of a girl's holes. That and I like seeing all of a girl's clothes presented on the floor. It's cute for reasons I can't quite pin down.
Finally some good fuckin food
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i love this so much

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