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A thread for us aut/o/ and m/o/tor/sp/orts fans!
Post girls with tuner and race cars. Doesn't have to exclusively be themed on race queens so post anything you can find!
Spoiler alert: not a car.
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Even a goddess can be a race queen
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Wisespeak again because why not?
Still sad to see his original mang/o/ in limbo for over a year now...
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genshin girls make great race queens
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Human artists make even better race queens.
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ai still cant do anything right
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holy fuck a Lotus Europa, lesbos got good taste
those wings..... is that an 86 reference
AI sucks
Looks like Wisespeak will never finish his racing manga then.
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Official art of the racing anime ever
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Alternative version (it is just more zoomed out)
Bitch stop chalking my tire
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Must be the artist's personal car
TWO Altezzas
Last one
Anyone bother to give Etoile a watch? First episode introduced the series in the worst possible way but every later episode has been less worse. Yeah the 3DCG is a massive filter but that is the least of it's problems.
small threads on /a/ for it, show isn't very good, starts really weak but in my opinion continues to get better as it goes
some things that people would think are flaws (like MC being retarded) are actually some of its charms
It definitely is a series I expected to hate but I just didn’t. Will Etoile start a trend of girl racers I don’t know. For sure it isn’t the first girl racer even the artist of OP and the second image illustrated one a few years back and several more came before that. Still shocking how three racing shows aired in less than a year.
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I was promised a second season
Hoping we get more car racing shows in the coming future
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That marks the end of Etoile.
Collaboration with Initial D: The Arcade is imminent
Kinda, MF Ghost is the sequel to Initial D. This is the main female "love interest" she works as an "angel" for the company that sponsors the racing event the series is about. She's one of several girls who act as eye candy in the series, to its detriment imo.
Still in limbo for season 2
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That girl is tiny, next to the S2000.

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