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Elf girls and dark elf girls.
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wow even chowbie can draw sth in good taste sometimes
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As someone that grew up with fantasy before he discovered the degenerate ways of the ecchi and hentai, it pains me to see japanese elves as cowtitted bimbos. Instead of the lithe and slender, ethereal and elegant +DEX, -CON race they are described in actual books, rpg's and novels.
Japanese elves are such a wasted potential.
At least HEA exist.
Also, a loli with absolutely no curves at all isn't the "proper way" either.
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>draw a cow
>call it an elf
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>>2838994 >>2838996
kinta has always been on a good track
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Elfs are too cute
Was never an elf.
it's a thin line between elf and "elf-like knife ear". you can only know in context.
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>you can only know in context.
Yes, and the context is that she was never an elf. Instead some magical power armor. That's just her "human form".
pretty grey for the board but technically maybe ok
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I wanna breed her
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Based (on love and kindness) and correct.
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Love Elf girls. Simple as.
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Based. Correct Opinion.
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no clue anon.
picrel isn't an elf but you can't know without context.
>Elf girls and dark elf girls
Which one is better?
food analogy.
a dark elf, like dark chocolate, is earthier and has denser, warmer flavor. even when she's very dignified she will have a bit of warmth and mystery around her.
if she smiles it has a great depth of mellowed flavor.
fair skinned elves are probably cuter, they have more of that volatile girly attractiveness like perfume, more light-hearted, outgoing.
they can also be cold and perfect marble statues like in tolkien. her smile will have more variety but on average less depth
t. fag with free time
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holy perfect proportions
Thank you! I take great pride in my work!
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Meant to attach a just nude version to this reply, sorry
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