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The path toward the object of desire. That perverse sign of the Id. Where there is hair, fertility follows. It is a sign of maturation; this is no girl, this is a woman.

But that just makes the juxtaposition more desirable, when the frame of the girl is so delicate you'd fear it break.

Post all ranges of pubic hair, from a small tuft to the whole jungle. Other body hair is optional.
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well I'm glad I didn't have to make this thread yet another time, was wondering if anyone else even cared anymore
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i like this
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is armpit hair allowed?
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I wish more of this guys stuff was translated, theres only his first book
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OP says other body hair is optional so evidently it's okay
Ex had a bit of fluff, maintained down there.
Was so hot going down on her, it was perfect. Not a full on bush, just a bit of it and trimmed/well kept.

Man, I miss her.

My taste in hair as grown with age. When I was tugging my little 12 year old penis to porn I liked looking at bare pussies and I always asked my 15 yr old gf to wax/shave. By the time I was 20 I hated razor burn on my dick and told my gfs to stop shaving, wax if they wanted to, otherwise just trim it. When I turned 30 I had a Korean gf who didn't trim but, being Korean, it was just a little tuft of hair anyway and I grew to really like it. In my 30s I stopped liking bare cunts. I was fucking a couple of girls in their early 20's and I told them to grow out their hair. I don't like bare cunts anymore. Now that I'm 40, fat, and unemployed, I'm not getting pussy these days, but I jerk off to full bush now. If I ever do get another gf/fuck buddy I will encourage her to grow it out. Bigger is better. I want to bury my face in pussy jungle.
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just making sure
armpit hair is like two extra bushes
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Anyone else get really annoyed when people make art of say, for example, Attack on titan and the girl is smooth like she’s been waxed and it just makes the art worse because it makes zero sense?
any girl old enough to be posted here should have hair already, period, and never ever get rid of it
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bottomless girls with a lot of hair drive me insane
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Is there such a thing as too much pubes to you
yes, when it looks artificial and unnatural, like someone installed a tribble in her crotch, despite how much fun that would be to pet I'm sure
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I don't like hair on the tummy or around the butthole, and it's possible for hair around the pussy to be too messy or scraggly, but I dunno if I've ever seen "too much" per se
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o me too much is when the hair creeps up and across the stomach above the legs, or when it's so thick and scraggly it looks wire wool rather than pubes.
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Kaoming is so good
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At the end of the day it's just a kink, and the majority of people seem to prefer them completely smooth for some reason.
I do think it's criminal to portray certain characters, like Tifa, without bush. She just feels incomplete without, yet it happens way too often.
>Is there such a thing as too much pubes to you
Nope. I know some will deny it, but armpit hair I feel is also strongly tied in with a hairy bush.
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It's not a kink. I'm a man and I'm attracted to women, fertile women at that. I don't like a fucking bald pussy that looks like the one of an underage child, I want a luscious bush that I can make a mess in with my cum, a healthy and strong woman able to bear me strong children. Liking beautiful and sexy bushes is a sign of high test.
Exactly, the kink is wanting barbie doll smoothness down there.
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That is one gorgeous, perfect bush
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Ui definitely needs it's own thread
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she's nice but that thread would be embarassingly slow and full of reposts, so I'd rather post her here
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It's less of a kink and more the unfortunate result of the the artists being kissless virgins. Think about it, why would you spend time and effort getting good at drawing naked women for years? Any artist worth their salt would track down sources and examples to bring their art closer to real life, whereas fan art goes the other way to be as unrealistic as possible, it's all socially awkward nerds who are heading into the 40 year old virgin path. The people claiming it's kinks are wrong. It's the fanbase getting used to it, and then atributing some sort of attraction to it.

Anybody who has had sex with a woman in real life knows that even clean shaven, you can see the hair follicles still there. Hell, next-day shaven pussies get 5 O'clock shadows like a man beard. Another detail that people miss in fan art is that more often than not, labia tends to be of a slightly different skin tone. They get all the shadows and lighting effects perfect, but somehow it's all smooth like a baby butt in between the legs of your favorite waifu.
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We need more pube peeks
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[Oh My Gosh] School Idol no Inmou Jijou
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>they shave it
*flips table*
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Not to worry
but it takes years until it's not prickly anymore
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i dunno, i shaved my pubes once, and it felt weird for a bit, like i was extra sweaty. It only took about a month to get back to full bush.

I'm a guy btw
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Why is she showing her pussy to that fish?
He deserves to see something nice before he dies
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She's an exhibitionist, but also really shy around people
She started off exposing herself to posters, then rubber duckies, and has now moved on to fish
she wants the photographer to compare the smell

the photographer said, "hey that fish is the same color as your bush" and wanted to check

she's going to proceed pleasuring herself with this fish
Who is this artist? I love how they draw pubes.
click the blue triangle
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>Step 4: scan barcode
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There's something extremely exciting about a healthy full bush that completely blocks the pussy from view. Both cutely modest and super erotic at the same time.
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Any male who makes it to 30 a virgin and not by choice deserves to be bullied and ostracized
We ostracize ourselves.
that's useful info, thanks for sharing
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OP's words are truly words of wisdom. A fully grown bush is like an arrow sign pointing down towards the vaginal opening. It is nature's way of saying "This female has matured, fully ripe for making babies. Come, enter her and give her your seed."
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Best kind of bikini
nicht übel
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this guy keeps posting pics without pubes so I have to take them from another of his pics and paste them on
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I like big bush and I cannot lie
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or any other kind too
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Based. Also all those virgin nips menhera should be put down like rabid dogs lest they make doujins about a topic they don't know jackshit about, i.e. sex.
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That’s a little too much
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Oh, I was randomly was looking at this artist's work just now.
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any more kaoming?
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what's that
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i'm genuinely curious, do most women have preferences when it comes to pubic hair on men or do they generally not really care?
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no idea about most but some even like the happy trail to the belly button so I'm sure there's all kinds of inbetweens
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t. 29 y/o virgin
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spilling out of swimsuits is just the best
is it me or is it impossible to draw good pubes in the anime art style.
this entire thread is a counter example to your hypothesis
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It largely depends on the artist
What do you prefer, individual strands? A big clump drawn similar to head hair? a few lines to indicate there is something there?
Phew thank Christ the arrows were there. Wouldn't know where the pubic hair was otherwise.

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