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A thread for the master of milky torpedo tits
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I like the boots.
Sometimes pants look really good
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Best girls new protagonists
Don't count Yuuko and Yoko out of this also, seems that Yoko might joint forces with them
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What do we think of Blonde Oriha?
hair looks like a snowcone

does anyone have the fantia comic of this girl? someone uploaded it a couple threads ago but it expired before I could see it.
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A very short chapter this month.
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End of the chapter
When is volume 28 coming out? Can't he just revive Chisa? She's so cute.
Good god Yuu is HUGE
Does anyone have this clean and high resolution image?
Yuu will only get huger. She will make the Sagiri's look like a-cups.
Wonder if sensei will give us updated measurements for all the ladies post-timeskip?
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Oh wow the only character to get anything continues to get anything. I know I shouldn't complain or be choosy but fucking hell.
I mean the previous one also had Yoko, Goryu and Suzue so there's that

Yuuko is basically the main attraction in the series for awhile
That’s 97cm I-cups for you
The milkier the better
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what happened to the other berzerker twin?
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She had all her blood swapped out like forever ago and is now working for the new badguys and has white hair. It's perhaps the biggest current unresolved plot.
That all sounds very stupid.
was she the pasties one? I liked her more.
She's now with Erika on the run from the Black Label gang. Though I have a suspension both are gonna comeback into the story by the time the gang faces the new enemies
*Reika, dammit autocorrect
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Love this woman
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The Gang goes to Detroit!
And exactly what you'd expect to happen, happens.
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Draw this in a thin book!
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Thin books are doujinshi.
Sorry to be the noob, but when will the new chapter be posted?
Triage X is entering its 15th anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
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I can't believe it's still going sometimes. Not complaining but still.

Yeah I think a lot of people are actually surprised that it is still ongoing...due to mainly know the series through the anime which was horrible for the series really...
With how many still want HoTD just because of the anime it's a real crime that the Triage anime was so bad when it'd have scratched the itch and could have lead to more seasons.
I agree completely.
How likely is it that we get something special for the anniversary?
Volume 28 releases on June 7.

The lastest chapter can be read here, along with the most recent several chapters.
I am looking forward to the purchase privilege at Toranoana. Probably a tapestry.
Thank you very much!
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nice do you have the one about the op girl? I think it was about drinking cum to power up or something. someone posted it a while ago but it was expired before I could get it.
Thanks for sharing.
That's fucking hot. Do you have more?
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Nice. Any with Shizuka/Yuuko or at least their look-alikes ?
Thanks bro, after like a year of checking kemono daily despite knowing full well that the fantia importer is broken this is exactly what I needed.
Any chance of getting the latest one featuring the triage x girls, or another of the pink storm ones?
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No look-alikes of them yet
>No look-alikes of them yet
Thanks anyway, bro. Have a great day.
Thank you very much.
I forget if I ever posted the Christmas one
After today the only ones I haven't seen posted here are the Tanpoko one, Pinkstorm 1-3 and the 3rd one featuring the girl in the OP.
The first 2 of her were posted in imgur albums that got nuked though so there's that, thank you for sharing all this by the way.
I wish imgur was still usable because catbox is annoying for mass uploads
Was this the tanpoko one you were talking about?
Yep that one, that's even better than I imagined.
Thank you again. Thank you.
Hi, great anon.
Pinkstorm 1 to 3 please.
can you reupload the first two that you mentioned?
I didn't save every page, only the ones I wouldn't skip past.

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it's so beautiful.
My beloved.
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I wish this special doujin he did was scanned.
I think there were only like 100 copies printed
Whoever had copies of this doujin are so lucky. sigh
ughhh those eyes
wait what is this?
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It's a Triage X / Howling Moon collaboration doujin he drew. It was distributed only by a lottery draw promotion to a lucky select few.

I've seen it listed a few times on Japanese auction sites, but as far as I know, it has never been posted anywhere online.
>Howling Moon
Oh yeah. That was totally a manga that existed.
I thought it was neat
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There was another doujin with Triage X and Fire Fire Fire, same deal, only distributed by a prize drawing. This pic is I THINK from it, but it's the only image I've ever seen of the content and it was posted in a past thread. It's still expensive, but seems a little more common than the Howling Moon one on online vendors.
Good lord those are some fat tits
a Triage X and Fire Fire Fire doujin exists!?!?!? how did i never know about that, Shouji is just based as fuck
I own the Howling Moon doujin. I'll happily share some images from it if the person who owns the Triage X one shares some from that one.

Normally I just leave it put away to keep it in as good condition as possible but I can make an exception.
I meant the Fire Fire Fire one, not Triage X. Both of them feature Triage X.
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Nah bro, that's alright, you can just keep Howling Moon to yourself.
If you have the Fire Fire Fire one and don't want to share, that's okay. Just putting the offer out there.
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To me this is the hottest thing he's ever drawn, though I doubt it is what it appears to be if it's actually from that doujin since Kadokawa's name is all over it.
The seemingly cropped thing on the right is probably the spoon on the cover and back, wonder if there are similar pages of Triage X main characters or if it's reserved for ones from axed manga no one has attachments to.
As expected, aside from the cover and back here https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1132296567&ref=list&keyword=%E4%BD%90%E8%97%A4%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B8 the only other pages that exist anywhere online are wholly uninteresting ones from auction previews.
The Howling Moon one, while it has some tits, is not 18+ and isn't really any more extreme than what would be in a fanservicey chapter of Triage X (Howling Moon got pretty wild toward the end of its run and it doesn't reach that level). I'd expect the same of the Fire Fire Fire one, though that image of Misa is pretty great.
wow so lewd

yep those are some jugs

can somebody please explain the fire fire fire lore if it has one cause I remember Misa hound was not this stacked on the first fire fire fire
I don't know the specifics but I can tell Black Sword is set quite a few years after the original series since Misa is a MILF in it
The second series takes place years after the first one and iirc the MC is the son of Khamsin and Misa. A shame it stopped partway through. On Twitter Shouji said he'd like to continue it, but Triage X probably pays the bills better.
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I'm too lazy to dump the new chapter but the new girls name is Charlotte
Friend or foe?
Looks like a friend for now
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>for now

Ally, but I have my doubts. Her hair looks eerily similar to Fox mask here. Focus in particular on the blunted face framing strands.
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Also quite willing to kill that guy she knocked out.
Not seeing it.
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I'll spoon feed you then. Again, look closely at the hair.
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Charlotte's boobs look bigger
Also Fox girl's sidelocks go past her breasts while Char's don't
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Her design probably wasn't finalized yet and boobs shift sizes all the time in manga/anime.

And the last one.

If I'm right, and I'm 95% sure I am, I wonder who she'll end up fighting. I'd say Arashi since they both have similar fisticuff fighting styles, but guys typically don't get paired up with female opponents in those sorts of physical fights. Who do you think/hope she'll end up fighting if she turns villain.
Arashi has shown to have problem shooting women
I'd expect a Fox to be a trickster though. Get into the group, and backstab fits their MO.
have ZERO problem. I mean to say. He'll cap a hoe with no hesitation.
>If I'm right, and I'm 95% sure I am
I'd say it's more like 50/50 for me. Though there are similarities in designs, there's enough differences where it's not settled. Though it could be as you said, that Fox's design wasn't completely finalized when Satō introduced her way back in volume 27.
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And he punched Dire as well. There is a difference between shooting a woman and having a back and forth brawl with her though, at least as far as audience perceptions go. I think Arashi is slated to fight the lion masked pretty boy anyways.
While that style of blunted side bangs is unique for a Triage X girl, it's not definite proof, especially as Fox's hair seems to go past the breasts while Charlotte's ends at the top. Too bad we couldn't get a colored page of Charlotte and Fox. That'd pretty much settle the debate.

for me the matchups would be:

Arashi vs the lion mask pretty boy

Yuuko vs either the gazelle mask guy at the back there OR the grizzly bear mask

Hitsugi vs the bear mask

Miki vs the black chick with the bunny mask coz of having history with Inunaki

with like kaoru, chikage tagging along
I just wanna see her(and Yuuko's) bare tits.
Next month's issue of Dragon Age will include a poster by Shoji Sato as a supplement. Buy it!
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Vol. 28's Toranoana tapestry is Mikoto!
Naughty nun

I can't wait for this spicy
I'll be upset if Arashi picks someone else over her.
I pre-ordered mine.
I need religion
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Volume 28 cover pic is out
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And can anyone read what it says at the bottom? Maybe a bonus fanservice chapter that is sometimes included in the volume releases?
>The new and ruined Oriha on the cover
It's like Inazuma is just maliciously rubbing it in now
It just says it includes a bath chapter, probably referring to the recent ones. No mention of anything new.
I like Triage X but 28+ volumes is way too much for that series, should have ended around 21-24 Volumes.
Which Shouji would have made Fire Fire Fire his main series, still think thats by far better and more interesting then Triage X. Such a shame the magazine went broke and he stopped after that..
Nah more volumes equals more of this >>2864736 and this>>2863306 keep em coming!!!
Anyway, he isn't gonna draw them being naked.
Yuko and Mikoto are peak i get that but FFF had such a more interesting and fun concept and characters, it was by far better then Triage X in all aspects other then the girls even though the girls in FFF were also peak.
Hopfully Shouji can revive FFF in the Monthly Dragon Age once he finishe's Triage X
I’m always surprised looking into FFF that he never gave the characters listed body measurements. He always does that.
FFF is another case like High school where it's famous because it ended and left you wanting more. Frankly I'm half surprised I don't see you retards trying to act like Howling Moon was his opus. FFF was nothing. Two volumes of nothing.
>Oh gee this chick got raped to death and my sword go taken.
>Nah you keep the sword.
Fuck FFF and fuck you.
You're a little faggy bitch
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Take your anal beads out of your ass faggot.

FFF is unironacally Shouji's best work imo, it even competes with HOTD
Howling moon is just Inazuma being horny for precure magic girls lol
Nice, I have the Dragon Age issue with this cover illustration.
The one bundled with teen Yuko mousepad.
I’m surprised Howling Moon wasn’t more successful than it was, just based on its premise. But I guess the manga itself might’ve just been mid.
Didn't have a guy for people to self insert into for fucking these hot mahou shoujos. That'd be fine if it was an anime like, Symphogear or something, but it's a manga. Also, magical girl transformations that age up the girls first before lewding them are cringe.
Why can't we get some lewds of the actual main girls, I feel nothing for these tertiary whores
Thanks bro, I was going to complain about it now being half a year since C103 and still no scans but getting the fantia stuff so fast definitely makes up for it.
He'd need permission, not going to happen unless it's axed and even then it's very unlikely, as much as I'd like to see it happen it's certainly easier to imagine these sluts taking part in these kind of things in canon.
>Why can't we get some lewds of the actual main girls,
Because they're the actual main girls, stupid.
I wish He also draw Yuko and Mikoto in a cowgirl bikini like this
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Should Saeko have gigantic titties or should she stick to a D-cup?
Everyone should be scaled to proportion. So if she gets mega tits every one else gets an appropriate bust up.
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I'm torn because my brain logically says that Saeko being smaller adds variety and also means she has to try harder to be sexier in other ways which is cute, but my dick can't say 'no' to J cup Saeko.
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Or there's this one that's a little more on-model
Anyone got the webm of bunny Yuuko?
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Thanks. Have a nude Yuuko.
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The uncensored onsen pages from 28.

is this the only animango character with nipple piercings?
Nice boobs
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Does anyone have a scan of this poster?

Nice. Is this the first time we see Yuko's sister naked?
I can't believe it took this long to show the berserk twins titties.
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Some people have all the luck
I miss when some of the girls had slightly visible bush. And big asses.
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From X
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Yuu’s I-cups are looking more like J’s these days
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>Yuu in Triage X volume 40
Go back to your world.
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Sightly visible bush? I think I missed that, mind sharing?
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Why am I noticing now that she even wears her earrings during baths? Is that safe?
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Fantia stopped taking Visa so I can't post em anymore
This is very sad news.
Damn I was hoping this wouldn't impact you specifically, but it is what it is.
Appreciate all you shared prior to this bullshit crackdown anyway.
Just buy tora coins brother on otakumode its a little bit expensive but that's the only way to use Visa and Master card in Fantia.
More please.
Do you still have access to things you previously bought? I ask because there appears to be 5 more images from this >>2859815 set from the same payment tier, unless I am mistaken about how it works.
I second the above anon's request, if you'd be so kind.
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I checked and it locked me out of the old ones
That's lame as fuck
that's why fantia is a scam
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I checked and yes I still have access for the old post. I was also affected by the mastercard/visa issue
That's fucked up, bordering on fraudulent.
Well, that's strange, wonder why he got screwed over then.
i love you

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