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Takeda Hiromitsu New Thread
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Thanks, man.
I've missed this thread.
asking again how do I figure out which maken ki chapters are the usui delusion ones? I thought it would just be the x.5 ones but apparently there's more to it than that.
>no official haruko lewds
It's joever...
The chapters that have more than 25 pages are usually the ones with it
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Wish he makes a IF bad end doujin of maken ki... he is allowed to do this right?
I wish they would make a sister breeder ova since the older sister looks like espada and espada will never be animated herself
Anyone got the old translated status screens of the girls from Big Breast Party NTR?


This old link is all I can find and most of them are gone.
Will we be getting more Tsundero episodes?
Kurt pov:
Are there any person who have the recording of his latest streaming?
You mean the one from a month ago? I think the previous thread had a download link in it.
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Are these from AI?
That look good but something is off.
>Are these from AI?
Thanks, man.
Very impressive.
>That look good but something is off.
>something is off.
...Really? Jesus no wonder ass hats keep getting away with producing this garbage.

For starters, first pic has two pairs of panties, her necklace is melding into her flesh, the snaps on her pantyhose are different, nipples are different sizes, her clit melds into her labia, pic 2 her eyelashes have completely different designs, the necklace is again morphing into neck and collar bone, the "text" on her shirt is complete gibberish with some korean in there, her thumbs and pinky bend unnaturally, the pubic hair placement is sporadic and screws with the shading, and her panties literally disappear into her asshole, pic 3 is the least offensive with the only issues being the...skirt(?) makes no sense what-so-ever, it has no back, and there's no strings to imply is some sort of apron, you also wouldn't get the kind of fabric displacement this pic has given the position of her legs/knees, and the folds connecting her ass to her outer thighs make no sense, that's not how anatomy works.

Use your eyes, and stop encouraging this trash.
> Use your eyes, and stop encouraging this trash.
Or what? You gonna commit sudoku?
I feel sorry for actual artists like Takeda who put attention these tiny details that can literally make or break an image, when I see people who think this genuinely passes as anything more than an interesting thumbnail that you'd forget about in the next 5 seconds (perhaps an artist can take these thumbnail ideas and make it into a proper piece though).

But then I'm reminded a good chunk of people who consume hentai are literal coomers with no standards who just want an endless supply of dopamine hits, as long as it's something "new". Even if said source of dopamine is this cheap disposable garbage.
sorry Takeda get a real job
You are such a good thinker.
I didn't notice these points.
Careful, he might go on another rant about how nobody has standards while he consooms next flavor of de month ecchi anime.
Does anybody have his latest fantia content?
>Enjoy the artstyle of Maken-Ki
>The plot was charming, even if it was bog-standard battle harem
>Cannot stand the whole “slutted-up NTR” style that Takeda jumped into after that

Such is life
I feel you.
Last Arc of Maken-ki is where his drawing peaked. Even the first designs for the NTR Party game were kind of tasteful. Right now he's too far gone and struggles a lot to not draw some P-cup sagging breasts with pancake nipples. Even the way he colors has become very simplistic just because he wants to animate the whole "game".
Thanks as always.
You are saving one's life.
>Mom can I have some new Takeda art please?
>We have Takeda at home
The Takeda in question:
maybe people wouldn't be pumping AI stuff if Takeda didn't take 4 months to finish an event.
Pretty sure that a few weeks ago he said he got sick and he isn't that young anymore so the bone and muscular problems every japanese artist has are starting to get to him as well
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I miss Maken-Ki
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Meanwhile what Kurt feels like waiting for the next update
hes live
>working on a totally unrelated thing because once again he won't finish shit
Not even worth it at this point. Dude is making one of the worst mistakes when making a game that is waiting for the art to be finished to actually start coding.
Oh no..another short manga?

I don’t mind him doing those occasionally (it’s been like 7 months since the last one so whatever), but couldn’t he at least do it AFTER he finishes this Arika event…? Her last event was in June of last year, but as someone who despises gangbangs in NTR – for me her last actual event happened at the beginning of 2023.
Considering his current work pace, I assumed we’d get the full 2-part Arika fall completed around May-June (exactly one year after her last update), but with this new surprise mini-project, idk anymore.
Any chance someone has a zip of this old post? "爆乳パーティーNTR進捗230725" it's from July of last year.
I missed his live...
Are there any person who captured his streams?
Check on SpankBang or Ohentai, all of his streams of the game are there.
What's even sadder is that he somewhat promised we would get the full 2 parts this month because his arm finally healed and he wanted to pick up the pace. He has gone from 2 events per month (2021) to taking more than a quarter of a year to finish one single scene.
as long as the majority on his fantia don't start to call him out, nothing will change other then he might get even slower
They posted a lot of pictures on the thread on f95zone
hes live
>He just made the 6 page thing a 12 page thing
>He has gone from 2 events per month (2021)
Dude don't remind me. These days I'd honestly be happy if we could even just go back to getting a single event once a month.

Takeda's saving grace is that at least no matter which project he works on, I can rest assured it'll still be NTR. So I can't really be too mad as long as we get some sort of update once a month, even if it's not the RPG.
What happened to the discord server??
What's your guys' favorite characters between both the game and Sentai project?
For me it'd probably be something like:
Arika>Pink>Chisaki>Rietta>Terena>Yellow>Arika (enlarged clit version)>Blue
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Terena > Chisaki > Mizuha (Blue) > Rietta > Yellow > Pink > Arika
Arika > Terena > Rietta
Blue > Pink > Chisaki >>>>> Yellow
Yellow>Terena=Arika(clit dick version)=Rietta>Mizuha>Chisaki>Pink
Chisaki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else.
for me will be: Chisaki>Terena>Rietta>Pink>Blue>Arika(without clitdick)>Yellow>Arika(with clitdick)
Blue > Pink > Arika > Chisaki = Terena > Rietta >>>>> Yellow
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Don't care, I'll still gen slop.
Chisaki > Terena = Arika > Pink > Blue > Rietta > Yellow
Wait, so let me get this straight – he said he’s only halfway done with this short manga he just released, so does this mean:
A. He plans to take another week or so to finish up the remaining pages, and then actually still delivers the delayed RPG update during this month as well?
B. He dedicates the entire month solely to finishing just this short manga, and ends up delaying the RPG update for 2 months instead of 1?

I mean, knowing Takeda it’ll probably be the latter unfortunately. There are probably other scenarios like him dropping the short when it’s half-finished, but I don’t think it’s as likely.
You know it's going to be B. He's become very disorganized, nobody asked him to do this thing and even in his streams, he was lost drawing whatever just because he had to "deliver something" for the month. He was throwing his assistant under the bus saying it was HIS ASSISTANT'S fault and not him for not finishing in time, meanwhile he hasn't touched any of the other systems his game has like the communication stone thing or any of the sub-events.
what ai model is this?
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One of the funny consequences of Japan's censorship laws is that now AI can't even learn how to make non-mangled-looking genitals, while also remaining consistent with the artist's style they attempt to imitate at the same time.
true if it was really takeda her clit would be the size of her thumb
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yeah really ugly behaviour by takeda. his latest comment on his fantia even hints at the fact that he straight up says he doesn't care about our opinion and we shouldn't bother him about "old updates"
and this police doujin is the biggest pile of mess he ever did....it's fairy to say that Takeda has lost his "special touch"
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He has rotten. No other way to put it.
His proportions have gone to shit, he can't draw some normal-sized breasts to save his life, his rendering has gone to shit, the most recent events in the RPG have nowhere near the amount of detail the first scenes had, even if they are "animated". His only saving grace was his character designs and even there, he can't stop using those stupid dick-themed pieces clothing every 3 drawings , just look at the latest comic, the bodysuit is horrendous, the "lewd suit" looks ridiculous and not even "degrading" or "hot". Dick earrings for the -nth time now, the dude has lost it completely. No wonder even Asanagi was throwing punches at him in their doujin.
yeah I completely agree, he hast lost it the moment he canceled the bbc doujin because it showed him he could get away with anything, as his nip fanbase will tolerate anything he does.
the proportions he does now only work on milf like characters in my opinion, but he does it for everyone....
rpg animated scenes are his only saving grace but even there looking at the last boobjob scene....it looked bad in terms of quality comperad to the rest...
it truly is over for takeda hiromitsu
He's doing 1 page per day.
His assistanst isn't done with the RPG scene.
That's it.
>he straight up says he doesn't care about our opinion
He never cared about "our" opinion, newfag. We have been aware of this for quite some time. This is the reason why he stopped drawing vanillashit and told vanillatards to get lost. He draws what he likes.
Nice schizo babble. Asanagi and Takeda are close friends, schizo.
no shit you fat faggot, I just highlighted the fact that he straight up said it again in his post
oh and btw he does care what his nip fans want sometimes, just look at the polls he did for the bbc doujin for example you fucking schizo
It's sad that this is reality now. At one point I used to look forward to his new stuff, but now everything is the fucking same. Girls are all titcows and the men are starting to look like the same stock-template NTR fat guys.
>they are friends and friends don't criticize each other!
he canceled the bbc doujin?
Looking good.
I'm pretty much counting on AI creators who are using Takeda Lora.
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I made some.
That looks his art.
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The Takeda lora is pretty good.
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You're crazy? Takeda is at the most refined stage of its design and proportions.

>can't even bother to finish the lineart
>it's all pink fishnets and dick accesories
>bbc doujin tits size is the norm now.
Nice bait.
He's live
Damn, so many new projects. Takeda is killing his assistants with work kek
Can't wait to see my hentaifu's new illustrations!
That quenched my thirst.
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I've got tons of blue gens. Don't know if I should post them since people here seem to hate AIslop.
Publish more images, don't listen to people who don't like AI, this is a good way to enjoy Hiromitsu's art much more since he is currently still stuck in his games. Rather, it is surprising to see how perfect these images look, they even seem like they were made by Hiromitsu himself.
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Alright, I'll dump some of my gens.
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>>2852653 < wrong gen
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Ok, that's enough for now. I've more but they are /h/ and I don't wanna get b&
This one looks especially so good!
Love it.
Based anon, thanks for sharing
I've uploaded more pics in e-hentai.
And I say it again, it is surprising to see how perfect these images look, so much so that they even look like they were made by Hiromitsu himself. The image of Terena naked, pregnant and with her gigantic tits hanging out of her is brutally hot.

I would like to make images like you do. For example, I have seen images made with AI of the character Sana Sunomiya, which belongs to an anime, and the quality looks as if it were taken from the same anime.

It would be amazing if you could explain how to make these images?
Wtf has this thread gone to since I last checked it lmfao? Came to see if there are any big news due to the surge of new comments, and ended up realizing it’s just an endless spam of “pin-ups” and people complaining about Takeda girls being too thicc for the 100th time.

Didn’t realize so many Takeda fans were this low on test cuz I think the current proportions are the epitome of perfection. If you wanna see some realistic bodies then there’s no shortage of real porn out there.
>fat misproportioned cows
>unfinished lineart
>flat colors
>epitome of perfection
Sorry anon, but even the AI slop poster here is putting more effort in that current Takeda.
I’m genuinely wondering if comments like this are AI-generated too or if actual humans think this way.

I’m just some casual hentai enjoyer so I dunno how much my take is worth, but even I’d probably end up reaching character-limit if I had to start naming everything wrong with this single low-res image alone. I’d go as far as to say if this image was actually made by Takeda himself then it might be time for Takeda to consider retirement (or get a new pair of prescription glasses at the very least). Since even the current washed-up Takeda’s unfinished sketches look more proper than whatever this is (like seriously, the clothes are literally merging with her right breast, while that breast itself is busy blending into her arm).

I wonder if some people’s mind just works like “wow pretty colors that somewhat remind me of Takeda” and instinctively arrive at the conclusion it looks passable enough? It may explain why some people were into all the Takeda-clones even before AI was around. But in their case at least some of those guys tried exploring some stuff that diverged from Takeda himself, so I can at least see why they liked it.
>even the AI slop poster here is putting more effort in that current Takeda.
Sorry but I’m pretty sure every coomer out there has a folder of images from their favorite artists. As far as I’m concerned – producing that just means going one extra step to throw said folder into a virtual blending machine and cross fingers that whatever comes out of it may be somewhat-palatable (and at least according to some people in this thread it apparently is, assuming they’re actual people).
Going by Takeda’s streams, I’d say a single Takeda sketch takes more effort than that. But hey, I guess it’s just a sign that people like Takeda’s art so much that they’re able to stomach whatever those are while they’re waiting for the actual Takeda to update. As for me - luckily Takeda isn’t the only artist I like so I can catch up on them while waiting for Takeda to progress his projects.
I probably jerked off to Mischievous Girl more than 300 times since it released.
Who is your hentaifu?
Keep up your great work!
I'm looking forward to your next ones.
hey, I'm the guy who made the pics above and you're totally right. I don't think they are high quality masterpieces but I'm starved for blue content. It's been 2 years since he halted progress for sentai and honestly, making slop of blue feels almost like catharsis. I just really like Takeda's art but the fact he's taking so much time updating the RPG is soul-crushing.
>Going by Takeda’s streams
Even more proof that he doesn't put in any effort. He knew the whole month his assistant wouldn't finish, and yet decided to throw in this cop slut comic in the last few days just to give "something". And again, it's nothing but rough sketches, with unfinished colors, badly done hands (and it's not AI lol), And now that filler comic is going to use ANOTHER month to do so because he doesn't want to work on the game. How is that putting in any effort?
the moment Takeda realized that he could cancel the bbc doujin was when his work ethic died, since then he got slower and slower with releases and more and more excuses have risen up since.
we can thank the cucklord nips for always yelling "OMG SUGOI SENSEI" in his comments instead of questioning him
dude's art got so bad AI generated images can replicate it well
He's still working on the game off camera, sissy. He was doing Rietta's next scenes after Arika's event. And he's working on other things for other companies as well
>working on other things for other companies
buddy that's the problem
your mom is still working off camera
Dude, that rietta thing was 3 doodles and that was it, he did that in less than 5 minutes. Also
>And he's working on other things for other companies as well
How is that a good thing? For the game specifically.
>he's working on other things for other companies
Man, that's not a good thing for any of his projects, everything just got delayed for who knows how long and he keeps piling up more work just to fill the fanbox monthly quota.
that's funny because he doesn't care about the money.
People were always asking him to show his Aki hentai pics in the streams so he asked them for a site to share them privately. Fans told him to make a fanbox. Takeda didn't wanted to. At the end the fanbox was created to share Aki hentai because his fans begged him to do it and because they wanted to support him by any means.
The game was always just a hobby for Takeda. He just wanted to learn how to make an rpg using rpgmaker. And again, the fans forced him to do the shit we have now.
IMO, Takeda should close the fanbox, stop streaming, and release porn once in a blue moon.
at this point it doesn't even matter what he does, because he is clearly past his prime
I just want a sister breeder ova by the same studio that did the tsundero ones
u are lucky then

Based takeda
I hope he draws a new illustration of Tsubaki as well, she was my first ntrwaifu
hope she gets an ova as well, she was hot with twintails
Any discord invite? Each new thread is meant to have one
anybody have that poster of aki sensei in the nurse outfit where she has an ahegao?
Anyone recorded newest stream?
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This? /e doesn't allow dicks, check the link for the uncropped ver: https://nozomi.la/post/7414227.html
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Nah, he refers to this one. There's no scanned version yet.
Yeah, this one, thanks
nigga dead
Nobody recorded the last stream? :(
>decide to drop by since it's been a while i've come here
>70% AIshit
>the rest if falseflaggers and/or people fake engaging/baiting
jesus fucking christ, guess this is my last visit to this fucking place, unfortunate
Not defending AI, but Takeda barely does anything these days, he takes 5 months to complete a single event from his game. Meanwhile, AI is pushing new tech and shit almost every week, it was bound to happen one of these days desu.
Anyone got the new video?

Btw, is the any place like kemono where I can download all of his stuff?
rev up those AI generated images
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I added a few in my panda gallery.
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Nice, add more Terena pls
I fucking love Blue
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Same bro, she's the perfect girl.
I wish I could lick her hairy pits
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I want to drink her pee
You are doing great, man.
That quenched my thirst.
I remember the younger sister being exactly my type, but it's been a while.
Buchuikisu is literally made for ntr
Aren't you bored of AI yet? You know you'll always be in the shadow of who ever artists your copying, All this time spent prompting could have been put towards better use developing a skill of your own. Not just drawing.
Hey, show us the amazing skills you have developed since apparently you're not "losing time" with AI. Must be an astronaut by now.
Haven't been able to find the JP original of Sister Breeder anywhere. Bugs me. I wanted to see Takeda in his full glory.
I'm glad you asked, because I'm currently creating my third videogame in Godot right now. I'm going to remain anonymous because if you knew who i was you'd be really pissed off at me right now. and yes, I've done a lot of great things so far and so have my friends too.
You say that like if any kind of masterpiece vidya ever came out of Godot lmao. But fine, you do you fag, let others enjoy AI slop the same way you enjoy using a shit-tier engine.
Anon, I'm going to ignore your saltiness and politely inform you that 7 months ago Unity now charges you a runtime fee right after john riccitiello sold his stock in the company, I've also tested all videogame programs and Godot is a very customizable engine. it's not my fault that other people create shitty products.
Share the link.
>pregnant blue with dark nipples
Holy fucking sexo! Need more
Does anyone still have the extra maken ki chapter where kodama returns to the campus after the series ended? I can't find it anywhere
Can anyone post an invite link to the Takeda Discord server?
I've been waiting for an invite link after being kicked out of the server for apparently lurking. I didn't realize you're supposed to actually contribute.
It's an ai shithole now don't bother. Contribute to society. The more time you spend writing discord messages, type, post, edit message, are invaluable seconds that can be spent crafting your own legacy.
Ai antis are so buckbroken.
i thought the only thing that u need to do is choose a role because i only spam
Anyone know the artist who are just copying takeda's style. It's not ai.
sanagi torajiro?
The admins kick people without roles because sometimes there are snitchers who tell takeda people are sharing his streams and he goes in an autistic fit and stops streaming because of it.
Can you post an invite link to Hiromitsu Takeda's discord server? please.
Check out Lestart, his style is similar to Takeda but he draws even nastier shit.
There's also eliaz who does commisions:

This other guy who is a straight copycat:

And theres another guy that draws bestiality shit but i dont remeber his name, also you can check #武田弘光 on pixiv to find more similar artists :
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Unsure if it's ever been asked, but has a high quality version of this really old dakimakura of Aki ever been found?
Takeda disabled the comments on his new post because he was finally getting ass blasted by people angry that he didn't finish anything at all.
the guy admited to only be drawing 8h a week, on stream lol
Thank you
We already have new news about the animation of Takeda's work, this time it will be Seika and Honami's turn.
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Imagination Real.
Nice. I want Manaka though, but I guess that’s impossible. Can’t they just change her hair color and name slightly?
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Honami, my beloved.
My waifu Seika is going to be animated.
This is amazing.
AI anon, do more Pink/Kosaki please she's my favorite
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Post the Honami one pls
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A shame Haruko only appears for like one page in the Maken-Ki epilogue, i would love to see how she looks like in his current slampig art style (apparently he said he's never drawing porn of her but i bet he has a folder full of art of her getting the D)
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I used to like this guys' art and stories. But lately it's all bbc mind break rape NTR. The fuck is wrong with him? This trash is unejoyable.
bbc? He only tried it once and the doujin got canceled afaik. And he kind of has always liked NTR, his only semi-recent vanilla work is Sister Breeder, which is only popular with vanillafags. Even he hates that work.
What did he say about Sister Breeder?
How do you feel about Ima Ria?
He said he would finish the Arika video early this month, and yet here we are, it's already the 15th and he's gone radio silent, just after 2 weeks in May where he streamed almost every day and was over the roof with motivation. This dude is stupidly inconsistent.
he's live
Honami's aphrodisiac bath is the best.
Anyone got the recording for latest stream? Pls
He's live.
Anyone got a stream recording?
Yeah he overexaggerates proportions now to the point where the heads are looking small on gigantic bodies.
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Ima Real episode 1 and 2 are apparently out. are there any raws uploaded yet?
they're uploaded now. there wasn't as much animation as I hoped, especially for the ninja warrior parts in the 2nd episode. I'm still hoping for a sister breeder ova though.
You sound like me.
it was extremely disappointing. Hentai animation has really been lazy. I guess hentai animation does not sell as well as they hoped, to actually put in that effort.

So lame.

tl;dr Akane preorders should ship next week, apparently there were plenty of defects, if you receive a defective one contact them within 7 days (lol we're fucked overseas)
The updates to 爆乳パーティー are becoming really stale. Most of the ntr progress is almost finalized in all the girls so the upcoming scenes that are still missing will only appeal to the big M anons and NTS freaks. A sad state really because this was supposed to be one of the best ntr games, but alas...
I think lot of anons here (including myself) were really excited about this project, but after more than 4 years in development at an awful pace (especially in the latest months) and the overall abandonment of other interesting projects, most people lost the interest. Just look at this thread, Takeda threads used to be some of the most active ones in /e/ but now there's barely 1-3 posts in a week and no one even comments about the updates or whatever he's doing on stream anymore.
We all are in the discord, newfriend. This general is useless now.
NTA, can you point me how to get there?
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nta as well but...
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I see, i dont have much interest in Takeda's projects anymore and i just kept checking here from time to time in case something interesting popped up, but i think it's time for me to move on, i dont fell the same excitement for his works anymore. I just hope he finishes the RPG and draws something as good as Ajisai and Himawari someday. May the force be with you Takeda bros.
>Just look at this thread, Takeda threads used to be some of the most active ones in /e/ but now there's barely 1-3 posts in a week and no one even comments about the updates or whatever he's doing on stream anymore.
Mod used to post an invite once in a while
Alright, I guess I'll just lurk more, then...
Nigger NTR was not an interesting project, I'm glad that was trashed.

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