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You wouldn't fuck a horse.
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>You wouldn't fuck a horse
Uh, yeah, totally. Not! I mean totally not.
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>>2848097 (OP)
>You wouldn't fuck a horse
Not before marriage!
This thread monitored by the Yakuza? Cuz I hear ecchi of horse girls is heavily shunned by them
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horse racing and the betting therein in japan is widely known as a front for the japanese mafia who own a great number of the horses
when uma came out and various r18 artists started drawing porn of the girls, cygames made statements urging people to please not do that, since all of the horse names and likenesses were used on license by those owners.
if an owner found the porn of their horse's anime design distatseful, they could just nix the aggreement and cygames would have zero recourse but to literally erase that character from the franchise. fail to comply, and worst case they could resort to threats against cygames individuals or, since they're still a crime syndicate, go after the artists.
this chilled a good bit of the r18 fanart, pixiv was actively moderating the scene for a bit and random nip netizens would identify and report en masse any lewd they found.
but porn is inevitable, so it still exists despite their efforts
cygames made subsequent releases essentially washing their hands of the responsibility to police private individuals. they fulfilled their obligation by saying 'hey we dont apporove of the porn and we believe you guys should stop drawing it', and that seems to have satisfied the JRA and the owners enough that erasing uma is no longer a legitimate threat
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Why not? Catherine the Great did.
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i made a drawing of her once and got a message in terrible english telling me to delete it to keep the community clean if I want her to be in the game, it was so vague I didn't understand what the fuck he was talking about but it makes sense now.
it was funny, a handful of white knights trying to hold back the deluge... although for a few weeks it seemed like it was kinda working
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I hope that a horse wouldn't fuck me either.
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There alot of nudes from pixiv I never saved and its now lost media
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Trying to find the nude version of this saucenao only had the thumbnail sadly
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>Global got announced
It's over...
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