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Dark hair,
Baggy eyes,
Horny, yet gloomy attitude.
Anyway, I have a challenge for my fellow /e/roticism /e/nthusiasts...
Can you find a song that is more fitting for these types of girls than Witchyworld from Banjo-Tooie?
Dude, you could have just said Tomoko. We all know you meant Tomoko.
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You're partially correct, Anon. While Tomoko is one of the two most well known Mojo Girls, Hex Maniac is the other.
But since they're the most well known ones, does not mean they're the only ones. In the future, I'll try to post more niche Mojo Girls.
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don't forget the sexbeast known as ui kozeki
>don't forget
She's been 3rd degree burned into my mind because of you.
Thanks, Pal.
I still haven't received an attempt to the chall/e/nge in the OP.
Come on~~~
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she's just so cute and stinky, there's no helping it
different characters would get different songs, despite the similar appearances
some of them would get delicate music boxy songs, while others would get funny moody songs like you suggested
Would you care to provide any specific examples, anon?
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she's in your house, playing your video games
>A) bully
>B) bully (by giving headpats)
>C) bully (by giving smooches)
D) Tickle fight
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I want to smell her delicious body odour
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Can anyone TL?
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