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>>2858940 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Theme Anchor
Current thread theme >>> Big/strong/powerful girls love
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Previous thread highlights
My own gen in the OP again. Just thought it would be funny to put that smol cutie between two bigger girls, last minute idea.
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Do some for the ENF bros.
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Embarrassed Nude Female
The opposite of exhibitionism, basically. A woman who was either not expecting to find herself naked in public or who is overwhelmingly embarrassed by people seeing her naked body.
Please forgive if there are any small imperfections in this gen.
i drank a *lot* of rum this afternoon and everything's kind of blurry and my monitor won't hold still..
I don't trust her...
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Can you replicate this or "extract" it in a better shape?
Isn't chun li by the canon actually pretty small?
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did you forget the after detailer?
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NAI lost.
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Not really, it's a discount cirno. Missing wings, and the second one missing a finger too... Didn't figure out inpainting yet, only fixing stuff by upscaling 300 times.
Fuck, NAI won (again).
>discount cirno
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img2img with Sango from inuyasha
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>we (((multiple girls))) now!

working on sharpening eyes and de-saturating it
And then what happens?
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step 1- generate the hot girls
step 2- fix the AI imperfections
step 3- .......
step 4- profit

beats my 9-5 job at the ball crushing factory
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forgive me padre for i have sinned in the name of feet
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We are getting close!

We have the technology!
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Based experimenter, go for it king
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And the experiment being....?
Follow the chain reply?
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There's 0 explanation on what he's getting at, looks like some weird bait or I'm not in on the joke idk. The girls all look identical except hair.
I mean sure, everything posted so far looks kind of bad but he's getting experience out of it, maybe he will post something really cool later
Yes, I was just curious what's the idea there.
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Love the cattleya images.

Is it possible to put her in a white dress? Doesn't have to be exactly like the reference, just some generic white sundress, while keeping the sexy body and huge tits.
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More girls wandering in places like pic related.
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Ladies and Gentlemen..... We have done it!
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taking care of maids in heat is part of your duties
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B-But muh 1girl, standing, looking at viewer!!1!
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Requesting Isane, Usagi, and Hinata all naked hot-tubbing together.
very cute
what artist/s?
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*sits down*
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Berry good my man, now try to make them coherent enough and on a nice background
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requesting Ibuki's shirt be removed and the pussy decensored
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Based composition enjoyer
Requesting female kimimaro.
Doesn't need to have the same clothes. Just similar hair and notable facial features.

I know it's longshot, but maybe someone can make it work.
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I respect prompters a lot more.
Getting StableDiffusion to generate decent images is not ez mode.
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Cool pic
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How much of a pain in the ass is training loras anyway? If this one for Kiruko was trained on only 25 images and still gets good results, it can't be that bad...
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sure, that is a perfectly feasible request
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In care you wanted something less nsfw. Although her mere existence is nsfw
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Late but I liked this idea.
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Poor Kita...
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>male swimsuit challenge
This aint really a thing when you live in a country where topless is quite normal
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OK this almost feels bad now.

You've given me an idea, let's see if it works...
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They went on vacation.

Also this is the last fucking time I ever try to put 4 characters in the same scene, god damn.
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>OK this almost feels bad now
It's hot!
5'7"..which is not super tall but the theme is big/strong/powerful not big&strong& powerful.
The girl demolishes cars with her feet for christs sake
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She's having fun now though.
Training a character LoRA is the least hassle especially if it's an anime character for an anime base model. Usually only needs 20-30 images.
If you're training a LoRA on a style it can be a pain to curate a good dataset which can be 100-200 images. Tagging can also be time consuming.
Canon- and onmodelfags should be disregarded outside their respective fandom threads anyway.
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With pony? Absolutely nothing.
You can dump there 20 shitty ai images done with a 1.5 lora and still get a solid lora.
You can dump some screenshots from a 1991 anime tv rip and still will get a solid lora.
BUT believe it or not, not everyone likes pony.
Even inside anime niche there is lot people out there that prefers standard XL.

And standard is a complete different story, 20 images are not nearly enough to starting to get a good resemblance, it needs 40+ or even in the range of 60 for decent results.
And you have to bee careful to balance the styles,

Also, if you want to train it with screenshots, it better be an anime with a 1080 release.

>Tagging can also be time consuming.
You can auto tag it
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anybody playing stellar blade here?
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H-how did you know?!
Can anyone magic me up a sword girl wearing armor that covers everything but her most important bits?
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I like using fisheye lens to make them look like they're surrounding the viewer
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I like this theme
can you re-word this? what are her most important bits? please specify in simple terms what the armor is covering and I'll have a go at this
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Pony really doesn't want to give me a gravure style with the face out of frame.
Hmmmm. How about sword girl, armor, exposed pussy, exposed breasts?
why don't you just crop the image?
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thoughts on animal girls?
They make me go absolutely wild.
female knight, armor, exposed breasts, exposed pussy, breast cutout, nipples, sword fight,

I'll make it easier to copy and paste the prompt. Only novelai quality tags are in place.
>exposed breasts, exposed pussy
These aren't proper tags.
Hey, those are great! Thanks for that!
What happened to lycoris? I thought it was going to replace lora.
oh no I better remove them since they do nothing.
Typical snarky retard, how unexpected.
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I don't think this armor has much defensive purpose.
I modified your prompts slightly, have a happy doggo.
>knight, armor, breasts out, pussy, breast cutout, pussy cutout, breastplate, pauldrons, greaves, thighhighs, garter straps, gauntlets, circlet,
someone can correct me if im wrong but pretty sure if a composite tag is not recognized it will split it up, so if "exposed pussy" doesn't exist it will change into "exposed, pussy," which means it will do something but you could have the same effect by simply writing pussy
Feels like cheating even if it's just the obvious fix.
Can you prompt her with the mob cap (assuming that's cascade's Remilia)
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Requesting Candace (Genshin Impact) belly dancing topless.
Making the ai do absolutely everything just gives bad gens; there are too many loras that could have been photoshop filters
Yeah I'm on that stance in other ai threads when I see loras made for shit you can do natively. And I can get native eye crop ut just likes to lean into full body.
Will I benefit from WebUI Forge if I have a 7900XTX or does it only matter for low to mid vram cards?
lycos are great for styles.way better than lora.
I use forge even though I'm on a 3090
Forge let's me gen while gaming / baking loras due to the more efficient memory usage
it bwenefits everyone up including 4090 havers
>I have a 7900XTX
It's already over for you.
Well that's certainly cute too!
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Gave her a basic ass mob cap without the red bow (character knowledge is kinda in the dumpster atm).
On the plus side, see-through seems to be working nicely.
Not bad, did you upscale the gen with some method or did you gen at that base resolution?
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WTF are these wings?..
Even better see-through.

Yeah I do t2i at 1024x1536, then i2i at 0.4 denoise at 2048x3072.
Fuck that right leg looks like trash, never going to post quickly again.
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Whomst artist?
Kinu Nishimura
chacol ebara default style
Is Forge more efficient than comfyUI?
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feet allowed?
Asuka and megumin butt pls
I mean, it still works.
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Stretching before workout.
What happened next?!
Illegal and punishable by toe succing.
Requesting rias gremory from high school dxd
there's a no loli rule on ecchi
Good morning Sir
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is there a way to do a lower LoD for difficult details like zippers/laces/etc? specifically for inpainting
Can you recreate this but with her hair down (and very long) instead of it begin in twin-tails?
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I'm not even into feet, but goddamn this is some good looking foot
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What is the current model meta? I remember pony and autismmix popping up a while ago but I never managed to use them. Are XL models easier to use now (controlnet etc)?
I got about 4000 images to train a character Lora but there's definitely a fair few duplicates in there, is that gonna matter?
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nope, its fine.

I found someone else who was genning face out of frame, for me these prompts worked about half the time: ((lower body,head out of frame))
Obviously it also helps if you don't prompt for facial features or other stuff that should be out of frame. Post more moth.
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>What is the current model meta?
Local? Pony mixed with another thing, NAI v3 is still a better model overall but is being hold down by being part of a paid service with limited tools

>Are XL models easier to use now (controlnet etc)?
Idk what do you mean by this, I haven't had that much of a problem with my gens on either pony or NAI(I admit tho that I only do basic bitch gens)
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nice idea & gen, fisheye didn't really work for me on it's own was there anything else you included to get the effect?
Naruhodo, I'll look into the pony mixes then.
About the XL thingy, normal gens are fine but I couldn't get all models of controlnet to work properly, other than canny. Whenever I want to do something more fancy I default to using controlnet so not having it held me back when I started tinkering with XL. I'll keep looking into it. Thanks!
Whoever made the OP image is a god damn pro
holy crap
You can't just use 1.5 cnet models if you are. You have to use sdxl cnet models.
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I'm liking how this turned out but how goofy is it for a sword to go through your hair? I could inpaint it around I guess
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This picture is very close to what I want but the deformed arm needs to be fixed. Any good inpainting tips on how to clear it away?
Using SD 1.5
....is this actually AI? The fingers and face are too perfect.
Yup it is AI, I was just testing a lora I baked.
It's not perfect though, the fingernails and the corners of the eyes still have some artifacts.
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do a slop sketch like pic related first. and you really should upgrade to XL. a gpu that can do 1024 on forge shouldn't be that expensive, the inpainting competency upgrade is incredible.

also linking inpainting guide if you haven't read it
NTA, the models I like aren't on XL. I've been coping with using XL for the base gen and 1.5 for the final img2img, but as you can imagine that workflow sucks ass. Is there any way I can transfer the style from a 1.5 model to a XL model?
this, for the guide anyway
i also activate variation seed and raise it until i get closer to i want
then i use the paint pallet button under new gen and continue to reroll fixes after that
this is the lazy way if you want to edit in seperate program
dont want*
Damn, when did Kuro grow boobs like that?!?!
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Have a wonderful day /edg/!
have a wonderful day too bwo
btw nice cocogoat
Imagining the possibilities...
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Far from it, but thanks for the praise.
I love them! Thanks you for the delivery!

Also, I actually kinda prefer the less revealing one. I find it hotter if the clothes are super lewd, but they stop just shy of showing the pussy or nipples.

Either way, both images are great.
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File: tribal choco elf.png (1.3 MB, 832x1216)
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requesting similar to this image.

Basically, chocolate-skinned dark elves that look 'tribal' or savage/primitive. Tattoos, primitive accessories (though gold jewelry is still fine), piercings, etc.

Wild/untamed hair not required, as long as the rest of her looks tribal enough.
(no actual afros and stuff, that just looks stupid)
Can I have box of the OP?
I love the colors and the style.
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oh my science
what is model4?
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I'm the anon beta testing some dude's model. Model 4 is the release model. The dude told me he's uploading it later today to civitai. He's the olympus dude, so it's likely the model is olympus-something.
nta but that's nice to know, its an animagine finetune?
Yes, not pony based. I'm actually hopeful this helps us get more merges out for XL.
by this guy or someone else?
It's NAI, the artist is Trente and nothing else in the mix.
Yeah, that's the one.
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hey that's my gen
My workflow has changed a lot since then, but here's something based on that gen
thanks anon
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pic got ate.
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Requesting a recreation of this scene with Morrigan and Lilith
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You did a really great job on Toki! what did you use?
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man, the /b/ threads have really gone to shit these days.
no pun intended, but...
pun still very appropriate.
These days? it was over the moment they started normalizing having usernames over there.
Thanks bwo.
I made this with AutismDPO and the E-Note lora that I baked; you can refer to the sample images for the prompts I used for Toki.
cba to go check it out, what's up with /b/ threads? Why are they shit?
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Here's another gen I did using fisheye lens.
Idk if this is what did it but I usually use a BREAK to separate the scene and the subject kind of like this:
Regular prompts describing locker room background scene here, fisheye lens:1.3, BREAK, prompt for the cheerleaders

Using 1.5 model btw
Also, if you don't put fisheye or fish in the negative prompt you get weird stuff
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Even after it turned into a namefag circlejerk there was still a while where they kept a variety of content. there were a couple of namefags who didn't do loli/shota, one who only did cute chibi, a few who regularly made landscapes or fantasy armors or giant robots.
Now it's just a loli scat thread all the way through.
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They're actual shit threads now, as in scatfags and pissfags.
Based tbqh.
That's really cute. How would you feel about making a girl outside in a sundress transparent in the sun?
This is so good
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Thank you guys for the tips on how to improve my hands, they're coming out better now.
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Good Stuff. Thanks.
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Are loras the best option with this many images? Trying to wrap my head around all the various training methods
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>4k for a single character
That's absurd overkill, can do it from anywhere 20-200. I like being around 100~ or so for mine.
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What's /edg/'s official ranking on hair colors? For me it's
>God Tier
multicolored/two-tone/streaked/gradient hair
>S Tier
>A Tier
>B Tier
everything else
S tier: gradient, purple
Everything's else okay.
This is some prime pantyhose and some prime Konata, gib metadata?
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I'm trying out cutoff for the first time, and i got it working for the colours, but what could I do to make it stop generating bandages on the body?
alternatively, are there any keywords i could use in place of ''white bandage eyepatch''?
medical eyepatch
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You could try generating the image without the eyepatch and then impainting the eyepatch in.
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Oh, the vixon's styles. I downloaded a bunch including petra and forgot to check them out. Thanks, very cute.
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It's the softest style I've come across so far, I like it a lot.

>the softest
I actually wanted to color-correct your gens, oops.
Tell me if I'm completely off: https://files.catbox.moe/crbw9d.png
I mean you do you but I personally like the airy ethereal desaturated look exactly because it's so different and soft.
I apologize for the shilling, I will only do it once because people were interested. It's on civitai:
Yeah I wanted to test a few artists you were using with this one, thanks.
You mixed your ponyXL model with something? Seems like your hash is different to base model.
idk why i didn't think of that before, thanks for the pointer
>You mixed your ponyXL model with something? Seems like your hash is different to base model.
Idk, I got it pretty much right after it dropped so maybe they changed something since then? It's not a mix or anything, not that I'm aware at least.
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Only tested fkey for now, need to sleep. It looks fine honestly. Probably best fkey I've seen on local, but upscaling is very noisy, maybe I even liked base res gen better. Will be fiddling with it more tomorrow.

No worries, I think I pretty much got the look from your catbox, so it's all good. Just found it funny that there was this whole conspiracy theory about your hash when I searched for it: https://archived.moe/h/thread/7950305#7950727
>Just found it funny that there was this whole conspiracy theory about your hash when I searched for it
LOL I didn't even see that post. After reading that I kept trying to figure out if maybe Pony got updated on Civit at some point or something and then I remembered just now why my hash is different: I baked in the sdxl VAE pretty much right after I downloaded Pony because I kept switching between Pony and a 1.5 model for comparison gens and I was fed up having to manually switch VAEs all the time so I just baked it in.
Conspiracy solved.
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Damn I really wanted this model to work but no matter what I change I can't make good things with it
Both are raw gens, one with the current pony mix + style loras that i'm using and the other one is ArtiWaifu with pure prompt
ponymix: https://files.catbox.moe/8ljyt7.png
ArtiWaifu: https://files.catbox.moe/q7vz4t.png

I really like how Artiwaifu does the backgrounds but shit has way too many artifacts here and there
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>Generate initially with Pony
>Use a person detector to regenerate the background with ArtiWaifu
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Pony 25 steps refined with arti 10 steps then full arti on the hiresfix.
Good night edg!
super cool
requesting amelia from fire emblem holding a great axe but with zero clothes and with long hair
>Damn I really wanted this model to work but no matter what I change I can't make good things with it
Bro do you not see what you just posted
normal feet
visible pussy through veils
visible nipples through veils
elf ears are correct
you hit the fucking gold mine with this gen
Oh that's neat. I feel like darkness and high contrast is always a huge bitch to do, what was your process for this?
Good night and amazing gen! It's got that cute sexy energy
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nice moth

now do some darkstalkers like this, say morrigan and felicia

just so happens I was prompting something pretty similar just the other day...
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tried your prompt with my experimental workflow
foreground is cleaner but background suffers
lemme see if I can get the background to behave
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heunpp2 to the rescue
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upon further testing, it's not the sampler, but the schedule that makes the diff
AlignYourSteps to the rescue
Is it possible to have a Request thread for only requests ? These threads move fast. Or would another AI thread be bad ?
>artimeme and refinermeme made their way to edg
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fkey is one of the ones I'm ambivalent about. It gets the textures and painterly style right, but I think the faces aren't really fkey style. Regarding the noisy upscales, there's a weird thing with this model and Karras samplers. If you try the same prompt, but with a non-Karras sampler it should look much better.
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I personally wouldn't mind splitting and getting rid of the anchor. But it all depends on whether mods would allow. There's already two separate regular threads for non-AI art and edits requests and there's that AI art stigma, so not sure. Someone could try asking on IRC/email before doing it (provided that most of us would be on board, but we could do a poll for this or something).
>AI art stigma
yea thats what I figured. Unfortunately the anchor doesnt really help when the thread dies so fast. I imagine people get lost along the way.Or have to dig back into the archives

A poll would be nice

Or a booru ? Is there a booru for /e/ related ai posts ? Could just tag every delivery as a request and that would help.
This is good, would you be willing to edit out the hair in front her breasts to?
>>>Poll for the requests situation: https://strawpoll.com/e7ZJGNpwKy3 <<<

There's AIbooru. Not sure if many anons would bother using it though (I wouldn't).
ah that place. was hoping for some more /e/ related but maybe that works if we just tag stuff there as a delivery from here ?
I don't know their rules if they allow tags like this and as I said, not sure that other anons would bother using it. I do requests and I wouldn't upload there myself. And if say you or someone else would try archiving every fulfilled request uploading it there, not sure if it would be feasible in the long run and I wouldn't want to clutter the threads with more request-related stuff tbdesu.
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Nta but you can use img2img on a pure black picture at 100% denoise to get a similar effect. It's a great way to add a color cast for things like sunsets. Gradients work too, and most of the time you can force backgrounds to generate better by using some kind of noise.
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Laundry day is always risky...
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Do you think thats a problem? Look at this
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Girls und Panzer characters like Kay, Saori or Anchovy but done with a Takeda Hiromitsu style and pervy outfits, please
What model is this???
its an animagine finetune
80 steps is crazy
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Come with me if you want to live
30 already feels overkill sometimes
Umm, maybe you should get out of that puddle of dirt and take a shower first lady?
I thought so, too, but I actually ran comparisons and 80 is significantly better than 50, which is better than 30. I also saw that artiwaifu mention that it requires more steps, so this might have something to do with the training procedure fro current XL?
cute goat
>but I actually ran comparisons and 80 is significantly better than 50, which is better than 30
nta but 50 does help a bit for anything complicated. i usually did 36 before, around 20 is the minimum for something decent. this depends on the sampler though, only applies to dpm++ 2s and 3s and more effect with SDE
Maybe but nothing in that gen suggests using even 50 steps let alone 80. And I can't imagine it having any positive impact above 50.
i agree
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SDE benefits from more steps, especially for prompt adherence. Here I had riding horse in prompt, that only happens at higher steps. I also had dark skin and that only happens in higher steps.
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metadata? this is hot
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What a demanding master!
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How many tests did you run? And on what model?
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come on, quit staring and lend me a hand
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I don't feel like Morrigan nor Felicia would be embarrassed by this but that's what makes this fun.
25 step chads rise up
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and a cleaner artstyle
>25 step chads rise up
>I don't feel like Morrigan nor Felicia would be embarrassed by this but that's what makes this fun.
tHEY would in the face of the man they love
I ran enough to satisfy me on the models I was running, man. I'm not here to convince you of anything, if you want to run 12 steps euler a, you do you. I'm glad you're happy, please keep posting. I'm just sharing my metadata. If you wanna run blind A/B tests on a representative dataset, remember to tag me when you post that.
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thanks anon
Meds, I only asked if you've tested it properly and wasn't using of those meme models that actually ask you to gen on insane amount of steps because of botched training. Keep raping your gpu though.
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I dunno, I imagine Morrigan would be more like this, being a succubus and all. Maybe it's just my aggressively forward women fetish showing.
Isn't easier/faster just to retry with low steps than increasing the steps?

I mean, if I want a girl riding a horse I give it 30 steps, like any other picture, then I wait a bit to see how it goes, and if she is not riding the horse I just interrupt it and gen again until she actually rides the horse.

I believe thats faster than setting to 80 steps and waiting to see if she actually rides the horse or not
So exquisite.
Love it!
The slutty elf was made on the ponymix
Pony wins again.
Interesting, what did you use?, I only used forge with the recommended settings by the author of the model
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I did more experiments
AlignYourSteps make a distinct difference
Same for high step count
Try AlignYourSteps + 100 steps + heun
>100 steps
Uhh post results and comparation please? no way I'm using 100 steps for a quick cute slop
>100 steps
Holy based, but can we go even higher?!
>10, 30, 30, 30
I guess I really do use 100 steps, interesting
I've tried arti and from my experience the artifacting gets worse or better depending on the artists in your prompt, higher steps help but they don't seem to matter when you go past 30-40, I think you can get away with just 30 for base gen, could be wrong but figured I'd leave my observations here
Doesn't the max useful amount of steps depend on your sampler and scheduler though
>using anything other than euler a
This but without the A.
It just doesn't look good to me, gens are lacking detail and have unfinished look. Even Animagine is better.
Sure, but this is a one thing gen. Sometimes there's multiple things, which all compound.

This is based on feelings, so your mileage may vary, but I have the feeling that running at 80 is more satisfying to me than running at 30 (which is why I changed to 80 - I actually ran 20 steps at some point). I also have a 4090, so it doesn't matter much. I can gen pictures faster than I can imagine prompts.
>Even Animagine is better
Aesthetically speaking animagine mogs pony
If you like that slightly fried 1.5 1girl look, sure. I actually like more meaty look of Autism. Colors/contrast aren't great in either, but I always fix that in post anyway.
it just looks like anythingv3
Oh and thanks for the pic.
>higher steps help but they don't seem to matter when you go past 30-40, I think you can get away with just 30 for base gen,
Yup, that was proven right on my tests yesterday
*like it in comparison of course
Ideally, I'd prefer it more 2d
anythingv3 was the last major model that was in the right direction
after local shifted to aom2 merges spam it was fucking over
i knew it
He knew.
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AlignYourSteps works great for me at all counts though
what's alignyoursteps
>1000 steps
ArtiCHADS, I kneel...
1k steps new meta.
Just look at how erect that mountain is at 1k steps. Lowstepchuds could never experience such sovl
is that even allowed? erect mountains? in my /edg/?
Someting strang ehappened with my steeing
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It's just her mountclitty.
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I guess we have attracted the local schizo attention. What do we do when that happens? Does this mean /hdg/ is no longer doing blacked meme gens?
What are you on about?
What's steeing?
Is that Sadako? Looks hot
Is this nai
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>download LoRAs of characters I never heard of just because I really like their design
Anyone else do this?
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Yes, I browse Danbooru characters tag and gen the ones I like sometimes.

Here's box: https://files.catbox.moe/ahhtfp.png
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Only really ever check civi for styles or concept loras,if I do find a character that I like or am curious about I just make em myself
This model looks promising
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Sadako anons rise up
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Honestly lately I don't download much loras because right now I find more fun in making loras than in generating images.
So I almost don't download them because I know I wont even use them, just bookmark them or something in case I want to get them later.

I stopped scrolling because I recognized this character, not because the character but because I follow the creator of that lora and just saw it

I'm patienlly waiting until that creator releases the BA Akira lora btw.
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this PR for A1111 is based on it

Comfy already has it
1k steps unironically looks the best
god I love her
it's the resident whiner schizo, he's always upset over something, pay him no mind
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Yeah, I think I'll keep using my current ponymix and style loras, thanks for sharing your results tho
Told you it was the new meta.
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a more fair comparison

I can't find the paper now, but it was about modifying the model training to align the inference with the low steps used commonly instead of assuming the same same step count as training
Altenatively, there is also this, which is training free

Both AWA and Olympus v2 works okay with Hyper-SDXL, you can have results in 10 steps when combined with AYS
Olympus v2 works fine on CFG 1.0, but AWA needs higher CFG (try 4.0)
How did you get these pantaloons?
1000 steps is not worth it unless you want to gen 1 image per day
doesn't look better but the method sounds valid
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tip: black and white AI images come out 69% faster than colored images.
We know.
I can't wait to get my PonyMix to work properly. First downloaded PonyDiffusion V6, then learned I should run AutismMix.
Can StableDiffusion color images?
with controlnet which takes a while
If you're starting out you should try to reproduce an image you like from civitai, it's good for learning since the tags/models/embeddings are visible. Sometimes your settings are just wrong so being able to reproduce something means that at least you got that part right.
>from civitai
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There wasn't a single image in the dataset with bloomers, so its the model interpretation of the tag given context.
Yes, but I think 1.5 models work much better at that than XL
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How do you guys feel about bald girls?
maybe if they're aliencoded but i like hair
That gen looks so good.
finally an honest opinion on this thread
Depends, if its because fashion choice, good.
If its due to some sort of illness, bad
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It's hydrodynamic
Can I see the original prompt for this please?
There you are.

Thanks! And I see that the filename was enough for me to guess and check for myself.
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remove the pubes
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not based

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I actually don't know the character enough to know if this is good enough. Is it?
I'll have to experiment, thanks for the tip anon.
Love the huge tits Cornelia Arnim, anon. THanks for making this!
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nai is so fucking based
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Love evil women.
Thanks for the tribal elves! I really like how their tattoos came out. Glowing primary colors on chocolate skin is amazing.
On danbooru, the "rolled_eyes" tag is for when someone is rolling up their eyes from pleasure, and the "looking_up" tag is for when someone is just focusing on something above them. But I've found the tags in Pony to do the opposite, "rolled eyes" makes them look up and "looking up" gives picrel.
it's rolling eyes not rolled eyes anon
You're right, thanks anon. This is much better. I thought I verified the tag on danbooru but I must have made a mistake.
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Incorrect form. :(
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Prompting Viera
Human ears sneaks through.
I hate when I do this.
And after the workout?!
Evil women are made for breeding. This is known.
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Post-workout cooldown.
Shouldn't it be in the shower?
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Nope, gotta do the post-workout workout first. ;)
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I heard toys are not /e/
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extra ears in negatives anon, it's a proper tag
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First /e/ post
Is my wife allowed here?
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Have a good day ahead, /edg/
You too bro
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Glad to hear that
Because she isn't even allowed on her own game's thread. "Thanks jannies"
Fuck off with your namefagging, retard.
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Sure, no need to be an asshole, nogen.
Good. Behave.
Bad, don't behave
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Very nice and clean
Except those hands.
Glad I don't care about hands :)
oof those hands
hello sharky!
0/10 I only fap to hands
Bro your hand fetish?
>nogen trolling starts at the same hours as /hdg/
>muh nogensss
Go back, sdg-troon.
And take your meds.

it's the whiner schizo, best ignored
wonder how fast until I get a vacation
2 weeks
10 business days
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Not really a fan of cnuy but it looks so soft
Quick! Give some fat to those legs!
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nai is so good bros
it's nai
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I don't know how to fine tune asses though. Specifically just bigger cheeks without making the whole lower body fatter
Liquify in PS https://files.catbox.moe/lu19fi.png then i2i/inpaint. Or try some weird tag combo like skinny/petite/narrow waist + ass/huge ass/wide hips, with thick thighs in negs.
Quick! Continue using thick thighs in negatives and thigh gap in positives!
oh for sure I do a lot of image editing and negs, I guess I meant how to do it well. is there an easy to pirate old version of ps?
All major versions should be easily pirateable, I using the latest 2024 one, no issues so far, except that gen. fill doesn't work but that's the only drawback, no need for logging in or anything like that either. Look on rutracker, I downloaded from there.
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I was hoping they wouldn't be that noticeable since I'm not very good at manual redraws.
Manually redrawing that shit would be a pain, just scribble some shapes for the hands/fingers with the correct colors and inpaint.
love me some see-through clothing
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Me too, anon.
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>bad hands
> Excuse me anons, while I masturbate with my family heirloom golden tweezers while looking at this one image from 1997 depicting a shaved high school girl.

I see no gens.
>t. nogen
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Is (heterosexual) kissing too erotic for /e/?
Sylvie be blessed, cave not to anon shitflinging
Not /e/
Solid gen.
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Requesting an img2img of this art, with the addition of sweat and a firing range background.
This. It best be in highlights or else.
I'm taking all 4, thanks. Will put them in my basement. Will feed them well but will NOT clean up their body excretions! It all stays in the basement!
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nice decapack, sis
janny don't look!!!
Didn't ask, here's the control rings, get them and you out of my stall, surfacer.
Reminder: avatar or signature use
Cool texture
Lick it.
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>/e/cchi is NOT for:
>- Blatantly-sexual images involving men...
source: da rules
ok I got one but it doesn't support drag dropping new images onto a project, that's a huge demerit for me, does it work for your version?
>Since the program runs with administrator rights, drag and dragging does not work, use "Open with..." or "File" "Open..."
uncultured apes
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I currently have the one by m0nkrus /viewtopic.php?t=6506848, drandrop works on it.
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Nice erufu
ok ima fight
damn this hard
What does this mean bro?!
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What's up broski?
alright thx, now I gotta unlearn gimp
sharky is only for wholesome stuff
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bro your era?
It's actually pretty close!

Something like this but with green eyes and some of the red eyeshadow would be good I think.

Either an edit of this or a new generation with similar features.
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does she have a nipple on the knee?

>I used to be an adventurer like you but then I got a nipple on the knee
Here are some tools I use the most in PS:
liquify filter - great for small-ish fixes bad shapes and lines by moving them, comes with a drawback of making shit more blurry (you can use sharpen tool at low strength over the blurred parts if it gets really bad). Also good for pre-inpainting quick edits like I did with that butt earlier (there is a bloat/pucker tool inside the filter to make shapes bigger/smaller). Def lower the default pressure and density settings in it though, if you're gonna use it for post edits.
remove, patch - to quickly and more or less cleanly remove some unwanted shit, works great on parts without complex lines or texture.
clone stamp - when you need to redraw a small part but there's a texture you need to retain.
brush > smudge > blur - simple brush is great if you have a tablet and there's no texture to retain, so you can just quickly reference the nearest colors and draw over what needs fixing. Then smudge if needed to blend you brushwork in, and if there's still some visible edges that need to be softened - blur at low strength. That's just an easy and okayish workflow I came up with randomly though, I'm sure there are proper and more complex blending techniques that give better results, but I can't be bothered desu.
O lawd...
How did I miss that damn
great thanks, I especially like the smart healing thing. but it freezes up very regularly on me and requires force closing, any idea what that is? usually after I start a selection.
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I don't believe we should see both breasts from this angle.
No idea, works fine for me, could be a ram thing cause latest PS versions aren't lightweight at all. I have 32gb of ram now but it also worked fine for me when I had 16. Google it, could be something minor and fixable with a setting. Smart healing brush is hit or miss btw and works best on non-complex smaller ares, otherwise I prefer patch and clone stamp to it. But since I've started using tablet I've been mostly using the regular brush over any of these. Oh and last thing: I don't recommend using the auto color corrections, it goes too hard with it most of the time. Use adjustment layers instead for your color/contrast corrections, it allows you to play around with settings one by one each on a separate layer. I usually do curves/vibrance/exposure/color balance/contrast. In curves layer you can press the hamburger then Auto options and select one of the options there, it usually does decent job adjusting curves automatically (tick the snap neutral midtones box in as well, when it's available), but everything else is easy to do manually. And as a final touch you could apply a warm/cold photo filter at sub-10%, some smart sharpening at low strength and a bit of noise. Sharpen edges also works good sometimes, but not on soft styles.
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yeah I've been using adjustment layers it's pretty good. when selecting a region to layer off for colors, can you set a "feather edge radius" as you would in Gimp? or is that done afterwards in the Blending Options on each individual layer? this blend menu has so many settings, on gimp I just set the feathered edge in advance and it just works.
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pic related, one checkbox and the layer blends
I rarely use it, so maybe there's a better way to do it, but I usually do it like described here in the mask thing part adobe.com/products/photoshop/feather-edges.html
ok that's it, thanks.
so smooth
I hope that you don't go on vacation and just keep posting that delicious shark.
Please respect my privacy
No. Gimme
Much better yes! Thank you for the delivery!
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I rate it FBI/10
Hmmm curious
Such wonderful little girls!
Unfathomably BASED
nice /e/ content retard
I think /h/ cuny should be catboxed to /h/. Otherwise, like a35x0r.png, rest are too smol, but that's just me.
my bad I got banned from there, just wanted to share somewhere and yeah they got too smol which I also hate (wanted to give fat thighs but fucked up)
>just wanted to share somewhere
you could have gone to /b/ and /trash/, why here?
Cunnyhaters be like
>N0000 that's pedophilia You disgusting bastard kys kys kys

Lolis when they find a handsome, tall and strong man:
So happy for them
why not?
retard bro? can you please read the name of the thread?
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Nice to see Rain pics.
That's what catboxes are for
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We need some hags to balance things out.
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70% of this thread is hags, what are you talking about
catbox? looks cool
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It was literally ONE post with catboxes.
You're exaggerated.
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Let's get that new bread gamers.
Eh sure why not
high quality as fuck, I love this
Thank you for the Lulu
Id gen her but my local stuff is ass still
getting the hang of inpainting
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thank you, it's uh an interesting prompt
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I grabbed an old catbox and tried to replicate it, and this override settings thing appeared
What is Emphasis: Original?
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You can refer to the catbox link in my first image >>2861694 if uou want to replicate it. What are you running now?
It's a backwards compatibility setting. The "original" emphasis code had a bug where certain combinations of emphasis produced NaNs, resulting in garbage output. It got fixed but that meant breaking all the old seeds.
Well, I better not touch it then lmao. Thank you~
with AnyLora
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If you're trying to recreate an exact image from a seed, it's required, but if you're just making new images using the same prompt, you can remove it.
Ouch. We're mostly using SDXL now, specifically Pony Diff V6 or Autism/other pony-based Mix now. Assuming you've read the OP, you might be using SD1.5 due to hardware restraints. The good news is that you can still run SDXL on weaker hardware, bad news is that it's slower. I used to be in that situation and believe me even then it's still worth waiting the extra minutes for an exponentially better image.
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Fantastic hag, thank you for the catbox,
Okay now we're getting somewhere.
Finish it off.
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too old
sometimes you get happy accidents
Thank you! I'll try to switch to SDXL! I already downloaded Pony Diff V6.
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Do you use a lora for this flat anime kinda style? I'm trying to replicate it.
It's a secret. Don't ask these kinds of questions here. LoRa/Model sharing is strictly discouraged.

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