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Queen's Blade needs an urgent revival with the original style, not the garbage moe one.
She's unlocked with the premium premium currency
I was only 9 years old.
I loved Cattleya so much, I had all the merchandise and OVAs.
I pray to Cattleya every night, thanking her for the life I’ve been given. “Cattleya is love” I say, “Cattleya is life."
My dad hears me and calls me based. I knew he was just proud of my devotion to Cattleya.
I called him a man of culture.
He gives me a high five and sends me to sleep.
I'm hard now and my dick hurts.
I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm...
It's Cattleya! I was so happy.
She whispers in my ear "You are my baby."
She grabs me with her giant hands and lays me on my back with my knees up to my chest. I'm ready.
I spread my legs for Cattleya.
She kneels facing me, positioning herself with me between her legs, with her feet placed firmly on each side of my hips in a squatting position.
She uses my thighs for support and starts bouncing.
I can feel my thighs tearing with her muscle pressure. It hurts so much, but I do it for Cattleya.
I want to please Cattleya.
She roars a mighty roar as she drains my dick dry with her love.
My mom walks in.
Cattleya looks her straight in the eye and says,
"I'm his mommy now."
Cattleya leaves breaking through my wall.
Cattleya is love. Cattleya is life.
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The moemoe designs were meant to revitalize the sieres, but it ended just digging the grave deeper.

Lets take a franchise which entire appeal is the detailed characters designed by famous artist and turn them into generic nameless npc, what could possibly go wrong.

But the thing that really surprises me is that the QB gacha still holds.
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Leina is the best QB girl, I love her.
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Until they ruined her with the narcolepsy bullshit and the retarded new costume like they pretty much ruined every other single character without exception.

Whoever thought it was a good idea taking a cool character like Aldra and turning her into a random elf in naked apron deserves to be hanged by the balls.
Is as if they made a complete different new character and said "wow, this sucks, no one will buy this book, I know, lets say its actually Aldra!"

The only one ever beneffiting from one of the designs changes was Ymir.
And may be Risty, too bad they never used Risty new design
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It's really a shame. The original designs had so much personality and uniqueness. Hopefully, if they ever decide to bring it back, they'll learn from their mistakes and stay true to the essence that made Queen's Blade so special.

But yeah, it's pretty surprising that the QB gacha still holds strong despite everything.
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That's a funny way of writing Tomoe.
Dogura is the best girl. He makes my dreams come true
I prefer her with the ultra instinct hair.
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Why out of all the girls they decided to kill Shizuka is something I will never understand
That is why Spiral Chaos is canon for me.
My waifu is still alive in that timeline.
Can they even do it?
Cattleya's artist is MIA.
Eiwa is still active, but I dunno about the others.
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I miss my shimapan princess.
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I too wished this version of her got more attention.
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I wish to enslave her
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whats wrong with her thumb? why does she have so many fingers?
AI, obviously
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do you actually like this AIslop or are you just trolling us
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For me it's Hachiel
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Post you're prompt.
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For me too
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the only girl wich design actually improved instead of getting ruined
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If this is just going to be an AI thread now I might as well hide it.
I can post old fanart if you prefer it, although probably has already seen it a millon times now.
Same for good old screenshots.
I would say we need a new anime, but seeing how the last ones were it would probably be a monkey paw.

The series has not quite got a second wind since the first series, every new anime team seems to miss the mark.

I feel they forgot the things that made the first series great, the ecchi was contextualized, like in an old hentai, it wasnt just tits while characters were talking like parrots.
Not to mention the downgrade on the designs
Based Ymir enjoyer.
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Be the change you wanna see.
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>I would say we need a new anime
I genuinely believe the first Queen's Blade was pure gold, especially by ecchi standards.
>great varied designs
>excellent soundtrack
>a plot interesting enough to keep you invested
>good fanservice
I'm baffled at how many lesser ecchi series got multiple spin-offs while Queen's Blade faded into obscurity.
I'm not a huge fan of AI myself, but unlike the AI haters/contrarians, I embrace it as our only chance to get new QB content.
Sure, it's far from perfect now, but I hope one day it will be able to produce an anime with the same quality and style as the original. Then, my fanfics could become a reality.
Would I prefer one made by humans with passion? Absolutely.
Will it happen? Very unlikely, and if it does, it will probably be moe-shit.
At least Eiwa is still active. I have no idea how he keeps using Tomoe's design though.
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Based. Rana is so lucky.
Yet, AIfags can't generate a pic like that.
Only the glory of manmade art can achieve such aesthetic that makes you think: "I wish that was me."
>Whoever thought it was a good idea taking a cool character like Aldra and turning her into a random elf in naked apron deserves to be hanged by the balls.
But Aldra's plot is that an evil artifact was controlling her and gave her the evil persona and it was destroyed in the season 1 finale.
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Just found the blogspot page for queen's blade battle.
Not really that interested in the app itself, but those queen's blade books is a treasure trove. Were the OG Queen's blade illustrated by different artists? I noticed elina and nowa's drawings are different from the rest.
Yet she was never an elf.
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>Just found the blogspot page for queen's blade battle
Link it.

>Were the OG Queen's blade illustrated by different artists?
I believe so. Almost every girl was drawn by different artists.
Tomoe by Eiwa, Melpha by Zundarepon and so on.
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all the illustrations are under "media" and "update"
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Thanks, anon! Pure gold.
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I haven't watched Queen's Blade in quite some time.
Remind me: Do they ever show their private parts?
If not in the anime, do they show it in any official media?
Or is it just the boobs?
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In the world of Queen's Blade, where battles are hot,
Rana’s found fortune in his peculiar lot.
His mom, Cattleya, wields her sword with such grace,
Yet Rana often ends up in an interesting place.

Dodging her strikes, he lands with a crash,
Face-first into her warm, soft ass.
It's a warrior's dream or maybe a plight,
But the pleasant aroma makes everything right.

With each swing and parry, he finds himself near,
Caught up in the moment, with nothing to fear.
He’s living a fantasy with every encounter,
In the chaos of battle, it’s her presence he flounders.

With a sudden misstep, he ends up stuck fast,
Right in her ass, it happens so fast.
Blushing but grinning, savoring the scent,
For Rana, these moments are perfectly spent.
That's why I love QB initially too, it was SEXY, not cute. The women were adult, mostly, and exuded mature eroticism.
>I hope one day it will be able to produce an anime with the same quality and style as the original
I wonder if Sora would already be capable of doing it.
It will likely be censored and restricted as hell.

It's a shame they didn't went with this design for Aldra post the 1st saga.
They did so many things wrong with Rebellion and the other spin-offs.
It's like they planned it to head in one direction, then changed the writers and went in the opposite one.
>It's a shame they didn't went with this design for Aldra post the 1st saga.

I wouldn't had issues with that, because at least that make sense, it was a fair character design progression for the character,
Honestly I believe the apron elf was meant to be a complete new character but for some reason they decided to make her Aldra.
The apron elf is not that bad as a concept, is just doesn't make sense for Aldra in particular, as a new character would have been on the week side, but acceptable
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Unfortunately not.
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Based. I wish I was Rana too.
They added another fucking premium summon currency to the gacha. Those pearl things were bad enough at a rate of 1 per $10 spent or whatever they chage, but now there's an LR summon which then limits you to using 10 normal summon materials a day. If you were doing F2P you could at least use gems 10 times after saving up from normal gameplay/idling.
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Eiwa is OP.
Is there a MEGA link that compiles all the QB artwork created by the original artists, including those posted on restricted websites (subscription only), but not found in their social media or official QB merch?
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Will she usher in a new Queen's Blade era, or will the moe curse continue?
The artist isn't known for showing nipples, so I wouldn't hold my breath. At least my waifu Melona finally gets her time to shine
Risty is bestie
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I wanna see an adult Rana OVA where he goes to the swamp in order to defeat the witch and free Airi.
I can't find any episode where cattleya actually dominate her opponents.

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