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File: Kuro_1920.png (2.54 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.54 MB PNG
The thread is for requesting colors/edits. If you want something drawn, go to the drawthr/e/ad.

Drawthr/e/ad: >>2850558


- Respect /e/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Link references instead of including them in new posts.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Don't be a dick to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you, you ungrateful shit.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.

Requesters, feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! If you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.

Previous Thread >>2850721
File: WindowVista.jpg (1.45 MB, 3300x1965)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB JPG
Please remove both panties and give them closed-slit vaginas. If possible, also remove theyellow top of the girl to the right so her back is also exposed.
requesting a nude edit
File: 1711588394771633.png (81 KB, 630x1200)
81 KB
Requesting Topless Edit And Shoes Removal Please
Requesting bottom bikini removal
File: E Request.jpg (556 KB, 2009x1972)
556 KB
556 KB JPG
Requesting the pillow to be more Laughing Coffin themed, please.
Changing the YES to their symbol, shown here:
And the pink colouring to a more dark purple, shown here:
Would probably work quite well.
Full image here:

The symbol doesn't need to be fully visible, as I feel it would work better if it were in the middle of the pillow like the YES is.
File: qwe.png (432 KB, 450x811)
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432 KB PNG
request nude edit with pubes
Requesting a bush for Frieren and average pubes for Fern please
File: IMG_2577.jpg (272 KB, 1416x1003)
272 KB
272 KB JPG
Requesting topless and text removal edit
File: 1693875563080.jpg (1.66 MB, 2452x3451)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB JPG
Requesting remove bra and pants, add nipples please.
File: pok mallow 1.png (611 KB, 1764x1700)
611 KB
611 KB PNG
requesting to remove her red shirt please.
File: Palutena.png (2.76 MB, 2171x3070)
2.76 MB
2.76 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Palutena.
request coloring. chara is hagakure tooru from my hero academia. if you can also uncensor it will be great but only if you feel like it.
Requesting an uncensor with slit pussies. Characters are Ionasal.kkll.Preciel from Surge Concerto and Kunimasa Erika from Augmented Reality Girls Trinary.
File: 1698422901950.png (3.99 MB, 5790x2400)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB PNG
Requesting coloring ref https://gofile.io/d/a1T9Wx
File: Camilla.png (3.16 MB, 2100x3600)
3.16 MB
3.16 MB PNG
Requesting putting Camilla's both hands on her hips to uncover her tits.
Hi, I’d love to see a bush on Milim please
Remove her bikini, please
File: 1655287263158.jpg (970 KB, 4093x2894)
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970 KB JPG
Please give her a nipple and a closed slit vagina like in >>2865506
dude, idk, but this kind of request seem to be too complex for the retards doing the edits on ms paint here, I dont remember ever seeing anyone move hands like that
remember, if its not done in 5 minutes with minimal effort, its already too much for this thread
>dude, idk, but this kind of request seem to be too complex for the retards doing the edits

read the name of the Photoshop EDIT thread. there is no "magic tool" that makes you move the hands of the thread unless you redraw it. the readraw thread is another one, if they don't satisfy you, you can't do anything here because you work on the image to change its details not to recreate it

why so salty?
File: 1716219545357857.png (3.59 MB, 2100x3600)
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3.59 MB PNG
no it is not retard. there would be no layer below and ONLY the TRANSPARENCY remains

Unless you want something like this
File: BunnyTub.png (3.86 MB, 5790x2400)
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3.86 MB PNG
Who're these two?
requesting the removal of the pasties
File: 1713022814694459.jpg (2.52 MB, 2896x4096)
2.52 MB
2.52 MB JPG
Requesting removal of the text box and add color for this office lady and the evening city background.

Reference for the background cityscape and the OL if that helps:
File: b8uv28.jpg (1.07 MB, 3510x2898)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB JPG
Requesting this sketch of Mt. Lady inked and colored
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/8y33un.png
File: Juniper 2.png (823 KB, 2500x4200)
823 KB
823 KB PNG
Requesting the removal of her pubic hair. Also, can you color in those two transparent spots on the lower outline of her breasts?
File: 1716270510897919.png (727 KB, 2500x4200)
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727 KB PNG
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663 KB JPG
File: anim9037F.png (938 KB, 1000x2000)
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938 KB PNG
requesting decensor of this image.
if you're feeling ambitious you could also remove the pussy juice if you want but that is not required.
Remove her underwear, please
File: 118912665_p0.jpg (128 KB, 768x1024)
128 KB
128 KB JPG
requesting she get nipples
That was quick. Thank you and nice work, anon.
File: no pantsu.png (521 KB, 600x800)
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521 KB PNG
I have removed the lower part, for the upper part it would be better to redraw the boobs since the part below the nipples would have to be done anyway, but I am not good at drawing only one part and match it with another style if you want the 'original tits' I can do just that.
Requesting color for Sakura.

Requesting the removal of the pokemon
File: 1716355002827689.jpg (313 KB, 1729x2132)
313 KB
313 KB JPG
Do you consider that the nipple to be obscured by the hair? Thanks for the vagina tho.
File: 1716277201749003.jpg (660 KB, 4093x2894)
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660 KB JPG
Sorry I totally missed that part
Checked. Thank you, anon.
File: F2xkZhGbsAAcFkN.png (984 KB, 1190x1684)
984 KB
984 KB PNG
requesting uncovering her pussy
Nice! Thank for that.
If you want to give it a try, I would like too see the result for sure. Thanks either way.
File: Sakura.png (372 KB, 640x1190)
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372 KB PNG
File: Roll Walked in on.jpg (169 KB, 519x1070)
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169 KB JPG
Requesting this sketch of Roll and Megaman inked and colored
Color reference: https://files.catbox.moe/heug49.png
File: 116892468_p2.png (1.55 MB, 2850x4000)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB PNG
please remove pubic hair
File: 1716439457883618_01.png (1.51 MB, 2850x4000)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB PNG
File: 1715190377288841.jpg (3.37 MB, 2480x3508)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB JPG
Requesting the removal of her pubic hair. Sorry, this next part is pretty autistic but, can you also make the upper part her pussy slit line thicker and darker like the lower part?
File: MHA.png (1.44 MB, 992x1403)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG
Not really sure what's going on with her hair color, so enjoy?
File: 1716459997524788.jpg (2.06 MB, 2480x3508)
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2.06 MB JPG
Made the slit a bit thicker, not sure if it's too subtle
Thank you, anon. Nice work editing out the pubes and no worries about subtlety, I can definitely see a difference between this and the original. If you don't mind, could you make her slit longer as well? Like about 25-50% more than the current length
nice remove, thank you!
File: 1716466558487360.jpg (1.59 MB, 2480x3508)
1.59 MB
1.59 MB JPG
Nice. Thank you, anon.
File: full nude.png (1.38 MB, 600x800)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB PNG
Hit the Nail DED On. Thanks a lot for that!
Requesting for coloring (she is Liliruca from Danmachi) removing her censor and giving her a closed slit with a lot of pubic hair, please
File: Flu5yToWYAcJhA3.jpg (95 KB, 640x1113)
95 KB
Hi there, would you like to remove her bikini? Also, give her everted nipples with milk hole like >>2865582 # and give her a puffy innie pussy.
>>2866879 #

Oh! I mean, make her nipples look like this one >>2866524 #
File: 111336231_p0.png (3.08 MB, 2894x4093)
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3.08 MB PNG
requesting remove pants please
File: pp5YPMcjSyqXiuKPcKltXFpF.jpg (1.23 MB, 2540x2496)
1.23 MB
1.23 MB JPG
requesting that she get teal nipples

i wonder if its possible to add a pussy from this angle or its too much work/modifications?
File: topless.png (549 KB, 640x1113)
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549 KB PNG
here a topless version
>>2867051 #

Thank you. Now make sure to remove the bottom part of bikini and give her a puffy innie pussy
File: hagakure_tooru(chenki).jpg (300 KB, 1519x2048)
300 KB
300 KB JPG
Please remove the text and, if possible, the gloves.
requesting a shaved crotch please
Requesting the tail removed and her tits a lil bit bigger
Thank you! Her right breast could use some finishing touches, but overall nice work!
do you mean top text or bottom text? I am not good enough to remove gloves

>>2867250removing the tail (I mean the upper part of the tail) is a pain in the ass. the author drew it on a part of the hair and I'm not good enough to draw the hair again. I can remove just a part of the tail if you want

for the breasts nothing personal but I like to do topless requests or "removing things"
Requesting Color, Reference is Lakshmibai From Fate/grand order https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90397569
Requesting a nude edit with pubic hair please
Requesting naked edit
Top left and bottom right corners.
File: 118913090_p.jpg (2.33 MB, 2700x4200)
2.33 MB
2.33 MB JPG
Requesting Topless Edit
Can you do a nude and non nude versions
File: tailB.png (1.37 MB, 1553x2048)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB PNG
File: PilotStar.jpg (950 KB, 4096x2304)
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950 KB JPG
Please remove the top.

Better quality at:
File: Fate-lady.png (853 KB, 926x1429)
853 KB
853 KB PNG
File: 1716660452548636B.png (1.1 MB, 926x1429)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
File: no text.png (2.5 MB, 1519x2048)
2.5 MB
2.5 MB PNG
File: topless.png (1.48 MB, 1553x2048)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB PNG
File: Topless.jpg (1.76 MB, 4000x2250)
1.76 MB
1.76 MB JPG
Thanks to both of you!!!
Thanks for both deliveries
Requesting colors
Requesting footwear removed
File: doot color request.png (406 KB, 1100x655)
406 KB
406 KB PNG
Requesting colors for this sketch of Delthea from Fire Emblem.
File: orange.jpg (36 KB, 512x768)
36 KB
requesting a no pan edit
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871 KB PNG
requesting a pantyless edit
that looks hella weird with the white clothing still kept
like a hole in her panties
File: 1710339950662241.png (717 KB, 844x1200)
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717 KB PNG
requesting a nude edit + colors
ref: https://3hentai.net/d/678308/1
pls give her a vag like the one at >>2865506
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794 KB PNG
File: Alt10E.png (43 KB, 779x952)
43 KB
This one should be easy, requesting nude edit of this picture of Aisha Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star.
File: F6dy3kQbEAAcOTi.jpg (185 KB, 1431x2048)
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185 KB JPG
requesting nopan
Requesting a few changes to this one, please.
-Remove all clothes except for their chokers and the tie between them
-Remove tattoos
-Change Misty's choker and hairtie colour to match her usual one
-Change Misty's eye colour to her usual one
Here's the references for Misty's colours:
File: 111429524_p2.jpg (3.54 MB, 3525x3046)
3.54 MB
3.54 MB JPG
decensor please
requesting that chun-li's belly gets edited out to make her less chubby
Nude filter the girl please.
File: 110863216_p0.jpg (823 KB, 1600x2552)
823 KB
823 KB JPG
Requesting removal of her red panties so he clean-shaven vagina is visible.
File: Luna copy.png (1.25 MB, 2700x2200)
1.25 MB
1.25 MB PNG
Requesting the removal of her bush
Panties off.
Requesting removal of leaves from Misaka's body.
File: 1716969914015234B.jpg (3.36 MB, 3525x3046)
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3.36 MB JPG
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1.37 MB PNG
File: guild sweetheart biked 2.jpg (365 KB, 1260x1925)
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365 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit, and to remove her weird sweat droplet on her chin (she looks like melting...)
please shave her crotch (bonus points for fully shaving her legs)
Requesting nude edit, character is Shauna from Pokèmon. Artist is igphhangout, if you're curious.
File: reference for request.png (138 KB, 748x376)
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138 KB PNG
Looks good. Thank you, B. Sorry, this is very much a nitpick but if you don't mind I have a revision request. In the middle pose, where the outline of her pelvis meets the outline of her leg, can you make the linework at this intersection thinner? Put another way, I wanted that black colored area at the intersection of the outlines to be made smaller. I realize this request may sound weird, but hopefully this reference will help illustrate what I mean.
nice decensor, thank you!
File: 1717052563663691Bv2.png (1.37 MB, 2700x2200)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB PNG

Here you are.
Thank you very much, B. That turned out exactly how I was hoping.
File: AutumnMisaka.jpg (1.84 MB, 3156x2103)
1.84 MB
1.84 MB JPG
This one was done already.
Thanks, I was not aware of it before.
Requesting nude edit
File: media_FbzzVExaUAAAW0a.jpg (512 KB, 2150x3271)
512 KB
512 KB JPG
Please get rid of her stockings. Thanks.
requesting decensor and a shaved crotch
Requesting removal of cap, character is Rosa/Mei from Pokèmon. Here's a reference for her without cap: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/5/51/Rosa_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/505?cb=20210525060055
Thanks early.
File: udonurahara.jpg (3.58 MB, 2894x4093)
3.58 MB
3.58 MB JPG
Request uncensoring.

Much better version at:
https://gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10039663
requesting a smaller pregnant belly, if possible also add milk coming from her breasts
Skimming some of the requests itt, shouldn't you guys have llama cleaner web ver linked in the OP? Some stuff like simply removing pubic hair or fixing a bunch of lineart can be done there in a few seconds.
ok, I will anchor it to the OP if someone else does the next thread
Holy gods, what is she doing, bringing quintuplets to term?
File: 1691382129405324.png (1.72 MB, 1200x1600)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB PNG
if you dont mind the slight departure
Requesting color
Reference: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6249045&tags=lucretia_%28doctor_masube%29
File: Hayasaka pole 2.png (3.06 MB, 2600x4000)
3.06 MB
3.06 MB PNG
please remove pubic hair
File: 1717375360409315_01.png (3.05 MB, 2600x4000)
3.05 MB
3.05 MB PNG
File: noir and blanc.png (1.61 MB, 1272x1562)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
Could someone please remove Noir and Blanc's towels and get rid of the fog covering them?
File: 70789455_p0.jpg (175 KB, 835x1181)
175 KB
175 KB JPG
Remove pubic hair please
beautiful , thank you!
Requesting nude edit, please.
File: Untitled-3.jpg (1.56 MB, 3300x1965)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB JPG
please remove her panties
HOT. Thank you.
File: 71864915_p3_.jpg (158 KB, 600x960)
158 KB
158 KB JPG
Requesting a decensor thanks
File: Edit.png (1.07 MB, 2512x8191)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB PNG
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487 KB PNG
File: Untitled-1.jpg (475 KB, 1764x1700)
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475 KB JPG
had to fix a thing bugging me
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214 KB PNG
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120 KB JPG
No I'm meant Topless VTech and remove the shoes please and why I always get something wrong
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1.22 MB
1.22 MB PNG
Requesting two versions of this.

One without the Grass skirt and one without both the Lei and grass skirt.

Link also.
honestly I wasn't paying attention I've been on the phone
File: Untitled1.png (215 KB, 630x1200)
215 KB
215 KB PNG
It's ok
Now thank you
finally, but I asked for pubes too since leaving her like that makes it look like if she had nothing between her legs, and that's lame and gay
check this image for reference on the pubes >>2846348
File: _20240605_142617.jpg (1.36 MB, 5954x3409)
1.36 MB
1.36 MB JPG
Please remove bath towels.
File: 1711706177824.jpg (2.58 MB, 3277x4096)
2.58 MB
2.58 MB JPG
Requesting naked edit
try your luck in the AI general, no one's going to redraw the photo background for you
How about no grass skirt then?
File: Edit2.png (3.88 MB, 1600x2552)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB PNG
plausible, hopefully someone picks it up for you.
File: myahogao.png (2 MB, 2350x3391)
2 MB
Please nude edit the gloves and the boots out. Feel free to cut&paste other sets of hands/feet if it makes it easier.
Thanks mate, looks great! Thanks for taking the time
File: Untitled-2.jpg (121 KB, 450x811)
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121 KB JPG
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235 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit
very good, thanks!
File: bitepillow.jpg (915 KB, 2009x1972)
915 KB
915 KB JPG
Might take another pass at this, I dunno that logo doesn't distort well
OR here. Thanks for the great delivery. Much appreciated.
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2.03 MB JPG
File: embarassed.jpg (382 KB, 1416x1003)
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382 KB JPG
Much appreciated!
I do love the way this looks though, thanks for that.
Could maybe make the lines thicker and take up more of the pillow to sort of hide the issues?
Having it contorted because of the creases could work well too?
requesting uncovering her boobs and pussy
remove her panties
File: 1717619396453698.png (1.48 MB, 2350x3391)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB PNG
File: QuinellaDown.png (1.57 MB, 1600x1200)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB PNG
please remove the "cloth halo" hovering around her head.
>wait wat
Sorry for not noticing sooner. Thank you. Must tell you that the underbood looks a bit weird.
Not sure if light bondage is allowed, but here goes.

Requesting removal of her white dress.
request to remove that text from the OP's pic.
File: Edit3.png (1.25 MB, 2350x3391)
1.25 MB
1.25 MB PNG
File: 2406070050.png (1.4 MB, 1600x1200)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
The Good Stuff.
File: longbow.jpg (2.18 MB, 1481x1890)
2.18 MB
2.18 MB JPG
Requesting the removal of her bush

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/bsz53o.jpg
File: 20240607_231850.jpg (318 KB, 557x1087)
318 KB
318 KB JPG
Requesting a nude edit please.
File: IMG_9575.jpg (973 KB, 956x2200)
973 KB
973 KB JPG
Request to remove pubes pls
File: 1717758404870904_01.png (3.28 MB, 1481x1890)
3.28 MB
3.28 MB PNG
File: Untitled-2.jpg (747 KB, 956x2200)
747 KB
747 KB JPG
Nice work. Thank you, anon.
Requesting Super Saiyan version (blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin)
File: Untitled-1.jpg (467 KB, 1431x2048)
467 KB
467 KB JPG
requesting her right boob exposed.
File: Untitled-1.jpg (2.81 MB, 3525x3046)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB JPG
Was going through doing random ones and I didn't notice this one was done already
File: MISAKI SENSEI by satelyte.jpg (3.71 MB, 4000x5000)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB JPG
For both poses, can you give her an innie/slit pussy? References below if needed:
File: Sengoku Musou.png (1.03 MB, 1280x720)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
like this?
Hey thanks for working on it, but I was really wanting them to look like this style
do you mean the colour palettes? I don't see the point of using the ‘illustration style in a portion of a screenshot (edit)

as for the color I used now, I tried to make it more similar to the original
I mean like the way it looks now is like a single patch of color with a outline around it, I was wanting them to look more like actual pubes with definitive hair follicles like the imagine I sent. The color matching their hair is good, they just don’t look like real pubes
Basically just a lot of lines with no outline boxing them in
File: testing - Copy.png (1.03 MB, 1280x720)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
I made a test version to see if it is better or worse, obviously it is not final, tell me what to improve keep in mind that I always try to keep the original image as much as possible.
requesting uncovering her boobs and pussy
Requesting nude edit
Just like that. It's looking great from what I can see. Thanks a bunch
Am I fucking crazy or is there a server error or something? I see an image from earlier that has nothing to do with pubes
Hey, as the person above mentioned I think you might have linked the wrong picture or replied to the wrong post
yes sorry guys, I wanted to link to the post above you and this >>2871400
but I was half asleep and made a mistake
File: 1717911369237697.jpg (205 KB, 1310x2048)
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205 KB JPG
any chance of uncensor please?
File: shiver 45.jpg (1.37 MB, 1200x1600)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB JPG
not sure if possible but might as well ask

requesting removing her panties and that her nipples be seen by transparency

>captcha : H4RD
File: 1717451574397095_03.png (1.29 MB, 835x1181)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
File: bmk_3321_82613165_p4.png (146 KB, 564x800)
146 KB
146 KB PNG
requesting the removal of the pasties
this is not draw thread
requesting the removal of the censor bar
its the most fitting term since whats being done here is redrawing for the most part.
you're genuinely retarded and delusional - no one has ever mentioned creating things from scratch nor were drawfag threads and what these faggots do a part of the conversation.
Edits are done via redrawing. You dont magically reveal whats under a censored cunny, you redraw the part that was censored. The only edits that dont involve any drawing are to the color pallettes, but theres no requests for these itt.
Jump out the window post haste if your IQ is too low to understand basic concepts, sentences and words.
Requesting smaller but still big boobs
Got to the buildings and I realized i had no idea how I was going to do it. Someone else may have to tackle that.

File: IMG_4993.png (991 KB, 1000x1399)
991 KB
991 KB PNG
Requesting watermark removal
File: example .png (2.91 MB, 3480x1012)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB PNG
>Edits are done via redrawing.
>You dont magically reveal whats under a censored cunny

not necessarily, that's what I'm trying to explain to you, retard.

you can take two images and blending togheter (ad along match with original artist)

is not necessary need a good "draw" skill having a good "template" (no background ) image can help you without draw nothing
pic rel is 30 second example

low iq brain anon
File: Nessa.png (2.44 MB, 2400x3200)
2.44 MB
2.44 MB PNG
Requesting colors for Nessa (Pokemon).

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/cgbx6e.png
File: gab.png (1.48 MB, 1221x1765)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB PNG
i hereby request the divine light to be removed
File: chahaharn_e.jpg (2.01 MB, 2000x2824)
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Requesting for uncensoring. If you can also remove the hand, pink object and the text if would be greatly appreciated.
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requesting steam removal and nipple adding
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requesting coloring reference and separate images: https://gofile.io/d/gQohPW
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>showcase layering FROM SCRATCH is a non argument either, retard

>There's no point to arguing with someone doesn't know the difference between editing something and create something

now excuse me I am trying to contribute to the thread so sit down lurk more

File: Misaka.png (1.74 MB, 557x1087)
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I tried friend but making a complete edit is tough, I hope it's okay.
requesting the removal of the pasties, full version: https://files.catbox.moe/ygyocy.png
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requesting a pantyless edit
What's a good negative tag to have to stop NovelAI from putting random text on pages because most of the source images come from art books?
Wrong thread m8.
Anyhow you can try"official art" "signature" or whatever danbooru uses for these images, go check the tag urself
It looks good edit anon. Thanks for the edit :)
Loli are /b/ only

I am glad you like the deliveries
Is she considered a loli? that's a shame. could just add some tits though for the post if you're willing and others could splice it back together
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>Gab is a loli
The fuck? No she isn't. Her sister is though.
the pussy is okay but the boobs are not a success

its just color shifted to skin and theres just as little details as before
theyre featureless
File: Improved Edit.png (2.89 MB, 1200x1600)
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2.89 MB PNG
Here you go bro. I added some more detail to the boobs for you.
here you go, since >>2872425 is a faggot
2 different versions for nipples and 3 for pussy - I trust you can do basic stuff like layering, so you can mix/match whichever of them you want? - if not, paint.net has the simplest interface where you just drag 2 files and run eraser over an area, then click merge.

Alot of the requests itt would be better served by AI (like the boxes above) in the AI general tbf. This should be left for color correction and cases where you want to preserve each line with utmost accuracy
Editing is dead.

This AI bullshit brought all these failed artists here with their fragile egos and ruined it all.
hey thats an awesome one
thank you for all the tries

and i hadn't tougth about the ai thread
i thoutgh the ai threads didn't do requests
/h/ one doesn't cause it's a cesspool but /e/ and /vt/ have request anchors
>have request anchors
use ctrl+f
For what? /h/ doesn't have one.
I think you didn't understand ctrl +f is for finding words on your computer. so if you requested "asuka" you search "asuka" and then if someone made the request the no.
anchor is useless
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pls remove pubic hair
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Thank you.
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another order of pubic hair removal please
could i have that thong removed please
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pls remove them pubes
no offense, but that's not a very clean edit. mind giving it another try?
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nta but https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama idk if this'll suffice
requesting removing the text thats cut off

and also, please give her teal nipples while at it
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Requesting bikini removal pls
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that is actually better, thanks anon

i've gone ahead and broken up and softened the lines down her spinal column; i felt like that gave the edit that extra touch of softness that it needed.
Requesting nude edit
requesting bigger breasts please, like G or H cups
Could people PLEASE respond to deliveries? I've done like half a dozen and most have gotten no reply. Kinda stresses me out a bit if I don't know if the OR has gotten them or not.
requesting her nipples be seen by transparency like ref.
File: media-FQ5jFDBXoAAWSXQ.jpg (203 KB, 1296x1400)
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Requesting Sailor Moon here completely naked. Accessories included, sans the Infinity Gauntlet.
Sorry for the late reply, was a bit busy and didn't see it until now, thanks a lot vtech, it's a very good edit!
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please de-censor
OR here. Sorry for the late reply, but this looks really good. And don't worry about the buildings, I think they look great for the setting.

Thank you for taking the time, anon. Much appreciated.
Could somebody do a full nude edit and also remove the QR code and tear streaks on her face?
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Best I can do.
requesting the removal of the sushi
Appreciate the effort. Maybe I'll try for the rest of the nude edit in the future.

Thanks, anon.
Why not just ask right now? That's what I figured would happen after I only did part. Do eeet.
Can someone remove the vertical line on her stomach and make her stomach and crotch skin-colored like her face
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Best free sushi I've ever had.
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decensor please
Honestly, it doesn't matter if it's a thank you or a fuck you; acknowledge deliveries, you pindicks.
Try asking in the AI ecchi diffusion thread before giving up, they have a request anchor
Could someone please add nipples?
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For a second there I thought you wanted all the text off, thank god I read again before attempting that nightmare.

I appreciate the sentiment, but I dunno that I was gonna go so far as to antagonize. Never really found that to be effective on the interwebz.
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Uncensor pls
thank you for removing the extra text and for coloring the nipples
it works well with the text thats left

and sorry if it was so hard
No I meant removing the leftover would've been hard. The other stuff down on the right was no issue.
Requesting one or both edits:
- Give her a tan so she matches the tanned character CG model (but keep the glasses): https://files.catbox.moe/q5lg5e.jpg
- Remove her glasses and give her the hair and eye colour of: https://files.catbox.moe/k5ux7r.jpg

I'd be happy with either, and ecstatic if someone did both.
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requesting removing her panties
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From what I've seen the request anchor in that thread is only used to post ideas for new gens, not edits of existing stuff.
you've seen wrong then. There were image/canvas extensions or clothing removal requests in previous threads
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please remove bikini bottom
Requesting for uncensoring.
requesting decensor, bonus points for reducing the size of her nipples and clit
can I get a pantyless edit?
Requesting a nude edit please. Higher res: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10067716&tags=raika9+
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via AI.
>the top of her clit is the best looking part of the image now
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not perfect, but not too bad!
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Via AI so hope I didnt miss anything major. Dunno if the pussy's passable, 2 a little bit different alts for it
Holy shit, those both look great! Love the touch with the abs, too.

Thanks for putting in the time, anon.
I live to give! (Not really), but you're welcome!
It seems like this thread has become a branch of /edg/
AI spazzes can't stay in their lane, film at eleven.
take her bikin off please (the panties are optional tho)
Thanks I only saw now
Characters are delightful rider and delightful assassin
File: fubuki(ichikawa_feesu).jpg (282 KB, 1462x2048)
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request for pubes removal
requesting decensor
requesting decnesor, if possible also remove the wiped cream, the pubic hair the stars hanging from her nipples
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Requesting exposed nipples and crotch
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requesting showing her nipples
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requesting a no-pan edit
Thank you.
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Could some kind bro colour these two pictures of Fubuki from Senran Kagura?
Here is a reference. https://files.catbox.moe/qdmueg.jpg
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The bikini here should be black.
nice work, thank you!
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Requesting clean up on Temari right arm/blade
I don't get it. You want the top and bottom cut and the image extended to sides by drawing the hand and male body?
Or do you just want an upscale?
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Thank you anon
I'd like the left and right extended to be made that resolution, please.
Could have it a bit lopsided so that they're both a bit off to the right of the middle to make it seem more dynamic.
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pls uncensor
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not gonna bother doing it myself but that does at least explain the goal better. Still though this ain't /e/ content. Try asking on /h/ - the AI thread might do it if they don't have an edit one.
Ah, my bad then. Thanks for that.
Which thread?
Dunno if they'll do it though, good luck
Thanks again though. :)
please remove pubic hair
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Req for uncensoring.
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please guive them hairy suppis with matching colors, please!!!
nice decensor, thank you!
beautiful pussy, thank you!
new thread?
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No, you spastic little shit.
why not you spastic little shit.
Premature threads are spam.
Thank you!
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Try as I might, I couldn't get a anime-style twin-tailed bush to look right. Try this instead.
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requesting that her nipples and pussy get exposed
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675 KB PNG
please remove the band-aids on her pussy
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why? because of the page 10 rule? if so, it has become an ia thread without being an ia thread
Courtesy. If you want to spam enough times to piss off the mods getting us moved to /trash/, go ahead.
>enough times
since when does the count ‘up to one’ fall within this definition?
When you have to fucking ask. Shut up.
Hey thank you so much!
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requesting that the coin on her pussy gets deleted
Threads last quite a while. Even on page 10 to the point that some people say that making the next thread until the old one has hit page 10.5 is the optimal use of the board.

>if so, it has become an ia thread without being an ia thread
KInda agree, yeah. Wait a bit even after page 10 before changing.

/e/ does not move that fast.
File: primordial succubus.png (552 KB, 1776x1337)
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Requesting colors for this succubus.

Two colors please.
- one that is bluish/lavender-ish like the hand from the right corner here: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9841042
- chocolate brown like these:
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>/e/ does not move that fast.
quite unlike /trash/

interesting comparison
>>if so, it has become an ia thread without being an ia thread

perhaps you have not noticed some posts let me list them for you

Well, thanks
File: IMG_8307.png (2.37 MB, 1378x1771)
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2.37 MB PNG
Requesting decensor on pussy
>it has become an ia thread
You mean AI then.

>Wait a bit even after page 10 before changing.
Agree on this.
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please remove pubic hair
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requesting decensor of her pussy and a shaved crotch
nice pussy , thank you!

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