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/e/ - Ecchi

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>>2863211 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Pony secret tag cheatsheet: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
Request anchor
Oops, fucked up the previous thread link.
Real previous:

As discussed last thread, no highlights today.
Added that pony secret decoder ring to the OP resources.
Have a good day.
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Requesting more Vocaloid IA a la Mecha Musume.
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I felt asleep, here is more animated shit.
taking requests for txt2vid prompts, img2vid transformations
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I'm curious how much these things can do with exhibitionism tags by now, but don't have the space on my PC atm to give it a shot myself. Can somebody try some heavy crowd/stadium/etc exhibitionism stuff?
ranma-chan, cyberpunk style, pantyshot, glasses, red elbow pads, red high heels boot, red leotard, ahegao face
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requesting Ami and Mami Futami for their upcoming birthdays on the 22nd. I'll probably request more later as the day approaches.
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fixed up the 2x scale gen from last thread a bit, but the tech around proompting alone isn't there to support it yet
though im still mostly a moron at inpainting and i have no manual skills at this
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are headpats /e/?
I just wanted to gen a genki girl, but I think it's trying to say something to me
>no highlights
not so fast
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I'm out of ideas kek.
We should have a theme for the tread. Maybe it's because I'm working while genning in the background, but a day at work? (erotic or not)
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try loading your prompt with a ton of tags that can work well with each other
alternatively use the all-tag wildcard like 20 times after (1girl, <your desired exposure level>) and see what you get
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Not a very good result, I believe all of that can be fixed with inpainting but I'm still in a process of getting ready.

I need an example of that, sorry I'm retarded.
Nice anon. Your gens are great. The background seems missing from mine randomly but I guess I can inpaint that like you said
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I use some loras that might fix background I think.
StS_detail_slider and add-detail-xl
I don't think they're doing much but they're doing something.
I wanted to make her sit on the floor in a pile of papers she dropped, but it genned this instead.
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the tech to make proper oppai loli you guys taught me last night is life-changing
With how tired she looks, makes sense lmao
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yeah, there's already plenty of room for hi-res detail in 1.5x gens
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Mine made it!
Can't recall if i did the saber too
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The other one got genned with a medieval pillory for some reason, but I clearly inserted "wariza" in tags.
It's obviously the same thing. Meanwhile, I'm just spinning for random jobs lol
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I should do that too, but I don't have SD open atm.
Anon how can you forget your own proompts...
Share what jobs you want, It won't be in the same style but I can gen some for you
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Farmer and a maid I think, maybe a bartender with a cig. Not very good with coming up with things, so if you have something on your mind you can gen that too.
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Image slots, yay!
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What does the "NAI enable" part of the metadata mean? You appear to be using A1111 and Pony, which I also often do, but I do not know what the NAI thing is. As far as I know NAI is an online subscription AI image generation service with their own home-cooked SDXL-based model and loras?
he's using the nai api extension for local, which is objectively better
I'm using Forge/a1111 api extension to gen with NAI, it allows for a bit more control over inpainting/prompting compared to their default web interface. The loaded pony model isn't used in the gen
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Thanks for the info. I wish the new NAI model would leak just like the very old one leaked 1.5 years ago. Sucks being a poorfag.
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>he says while genning on his rtx4090
fucked eyes but good nonetheless
Life guard on the way

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God I wish. GTX1660S user. Images take ~2 minutes on standard SDXL models with 20 steps, or ~1m20s on lightning with 12 steps. It's kinda rough, but this is just a hobby for me, so no reason to upgrade to a better rig just to pump out lewd 1girl images faster.
2.5d faces have grown on me but i respect that
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hmm, fixing the wrinkly hands somewhat
that's rough. ganbare over there, anon-kun
We're in the same camp. I just gen in the background while I'm using another device - I like to turn it on when I have long calls
why is she so smug?!
Her bikini top is gone and (you) have to find it.
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My PC is still usable while the AI is generating, so I can still watch anime or youtube at the same time. Some less demanding vidya like old school WoW or NDS Emulation still work even while I'm generating, but I prefer not to mess with the AI.
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I didn't really word the first idea too well but it's too long to explain in full and you'd probably better off installing one of those plugins that writes prompts for you, don't remember what it's called though

ok here's some stuff for you or anyone else who's super bored and completely out of ideas:

the wildcard thing is pretty simple, install dynamic prompts extension if you don't have it
get this wildcard
has like 6k tags off danbooru
then just prompt your usual quality tags, 1girl, pose/exposure if you want, then prompt that wildcard 5 or 10 or 20 times, the more of it you have in your prompt the higher chance for wild/broken images, you can also use it fewer times to add a bit of randomness into each gen

you can combine this with img2img by putting any random image you find on the internet that you like, pick a random painting for example, I usually like taking snapshots of something from here https://www.wikiart.org/en/paintings-by-style

something like this can work too https://www.pakin.org/random-art/ as in the first example

your img2img denoise should range from 0.5 to 0.8~ depending on what the input image is, and you can also just write your own prompt the way you normally would and generate it this way instead of text2img
turning paintings into anime can be fun sometimes

anyway these arent particularly good just a demonstration, first two are completely randomized and the bottom one I wrote the prompt myself
> almost 6 hours ago
> It's a hardcore image in /e/

Jannies are asleep, I guess.
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Those are really good anon, thank you!

I'll try that out later, thanks for explanation!
Even with smart space management, SDXL makes me stop everything. It almost time to upgrade anyways though so I'll start to save up for that
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Happy you enjoyed them anon, I just realized i forgot about the pointed ears though. My bad
he's the master of disguise. I wouldn't even notice if you didn't point that out lol
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Not an issue anon, I forget about them sometimes too.
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Smug girls are best girls
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Okay anon I tried that, pretty interesting. I'm a bit confused by wildcards and dynamic prompt, but it works I get random stuff! Thanks!
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This is getting broken.
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i do like 1000 prompts a day lol
half of them are shit
any tips for a proper doyagao? the tag itself doesn't work
"half-closed eyes, smug"
with either "open mouth" or "closed mouth"
I've unironically been doing this for the past half hour, is this what you guys are talking about?
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forgot reference
Usual advice. Either copy tags from an existing booru image, or better try to assemble the expression from partial tags as described in the tag wiki:
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Alright, can you do a style lora for this artist? please?
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I achieve something similar with "mesugaki, naughty face, smug"
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close, but its supposed doyagao is more on the "proud" "superiority" feeling, rather than teasing.

Its hard to say where is the line
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I should probably quit dumping /e/ images onto /hdg/. You guys seem pretty cool too.
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Requesting Ymir (freckled) from Attack on Titan tied up in her underwear. Hogtied, tied to a chair etc, any position is fine as long as she looks pretty pissed off about it.
i know I know this character but I can't put my finger on who she is
/hdg/ is a shithole.
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Reply with the oldest image you have that you're still proud of.
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Very nice anon, I like your style
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Something like this? I'm not sure if this looks like she's proud and feeling superior.
Pre-SDXL file, I love this image
You sure? Looks kinda familiar, but I only prompted 1girl.
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Thanks, the artist is Eonsang.
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Why do non-Pony LORAs straight up refuse to work on Pony, while Pony LORAs do somewhat work on Animagine?
I've since lost a lot of data but I'm currently diving through /h/ looking for my old posts, is there a way to search through only the diffusion generals? Like a "only posts in a thread with X OP?"
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I forgot I'm on /e/ and not /g/, have a lewd pic as compensation.
tbats closer, just try with closed mouth instead of open and you may get it

well, she looks kind of like the kendo girl from any of the 456 early 2000s harem anime, so may be thats why she tells me something but cant put the finger on exactly
there's a bunch of settings in it that I haven't gotten into myself but the wildcards by themselves are good enough for me, there's more of them here
and probably more on civitai too but I haven't looked there
I think its because the score system
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Does fixing a finger now still counts as it being an old pic?

Just figured out proper inpainting a few days ago, so I'm retroactively ashamed of everything all the way back to 1.5 days.
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Like that?
Pony pretty please
nta but neg teeth if closed mouth doesn't work
her mouth is supposed to be just a single curved line
looking through them now they're all garbage wtf did i really like this stuff
I figure that's why normies love so much low quality AI art. Judging by Pixiv at least. You just don't see it until you gen stuff yourself for a while.
Post results when you are done, Im always open to some Mutsuki fun
Not really /e/ but I have a bunch of mecha girls that I really like how they came out back in the 1.5 days
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I often tell to myself "1.5" wasnt that bad, then I go and look at my oldest 1.5 gens
I will investigate when i get home, the first torrent doesn't work, only have 502 images to train on. just letting you know.
For this link
Try the second torrent option, the one with 74 downloads, that one works
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It's unfortunate how it seems like SDXL/Pony haven't gotten as popular as SD1.5, so we're getting less LORAs of random seasonal anime characters on Civit. And it takes longer for good LORAs of newly revealed gacha game characters to come out.
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I have to go back.
Oh okay, then I'll try that when I wake up.
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>((((oppai loli))))
Do brackets multiply in power same way they do on NAI? I guess this would be a 1.46
decided to recreate it - need to fix the eyes
increase weight on closed mouth works
no, local multiplier is higher, nai's curly brace is actually pretty weak
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As far as I know they do, so
>1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 = 1.4641
A lot of the heavy lifting for the Oppai Loli artstyle is done by the LORA a kind anon shared here last night
and I'm really grateful for it. It does change the artstyle, but it also really slims down the hips and legs, helping achieve the body type.
I know, it's 1.05 on NAI and 1.1 on local. I'm just not sure if they continue multiplying on local if you use more than one pair.

Well it's kinda pointless since we can use direct numbers, never mind.
Do you understand inpainting? A quick mask on the eyes improves quality dramatically.
>502 images
I cant talk for standard xl but on pony styles trained with about 150 images already work really well
thats some juicy ass
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I've tried inpainting in the past, but I never know what settings to pick, so sometimes it ends up being really weird. Can you spoonfeed me what settings I should use to inpaint the eyes on that image?
not bad
Those who use ComfyUi, what is your set up? I have a pretty standard workflow but curious if I should modify it
In this case I would do something like this. Important bits marked, masking a bit more then your target to give some room to blend in, "only masked" inpainting is used to increase clarity of region, when using only masked you set the resolution to a box, I use 1024 but you can go higher for more definition. Denoise is good at 0.3~4 when just trying to clean regions, high values like 0.6~7 are when you want to change it completely.
Link is a simple guide I had made. Inpainting is an invaluable tool to make your pictures look nice, and is quick and easy if you're just doing simple parts like eyes.

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forgot image
Pretty basic too. Phoneposting so I'll share a box tomorrow, only thing I can think of right now is for inpaint. Make sure to use maskDetailer from ImpactPack so you can do things like this >>2865673, the default inpaint using Set Latent Noise Mask cannot compare.
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Thanks for the help. Whether the new image is better or not seems a bit subjective though. Why specifically inpaint the eyes? I feel like eye/face generation has gotten really good nowadays, especially when compared to the early SD1.5 days. Hands are still wonky so I generally do armpit poses...
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You did something wrong, the result should look like pic related. Eye/face generation has gotten really good when you use enough pixels, t2i generations are not giving enough pixels to the face, inpainting redraws the masked region with more pixels. Hands can also be generally fine with enough pixels, but I won't berate you for armpit poses.
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These are my settings.
dpm karras is the issue. euler A works very well, euler a sgmuniform is recommend for lightning models.
nta but your eyes were pretty good before
This would've fixed melted eyes like >>2865655
which usually result from too low resolution, especially when she's viewed from afar.
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>euler a sgmuniform
Didn't even know that was a thing! By using it my result is a lot closer to your example. Great stuff.
NTA, but will keep that in mind. Will need to take >>2865676 's advice
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goodnight, oppai loli general
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Would you guys be interested in timelapses? I remember a guy that used to do them and it was cool, but mine aren't that good. I also have to figure out how to make the things without bad compression.
Hey /edg/, anyone still training LORAs for fun? I've been messing around with OneTrainer but am too retarded at least for now, got a dataset if anyone wants to use it. Character LORA for ToTK Zelda Dragon (humanoid).

how exactly do you make them anyway?
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lora:p3tr4XLP? Same anon with pantyhose Konata, right?
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Yeah kek, I was working through organizing my backlog of character LoRAs and now I'm stuck on Da Vinci because pantyhose.
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I am so overprepared for an office lady thread.
Amazing, keep them coming. Need to gen some more myself
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How do you guys feel about figurine gens?
Lmao, she will never have a shirt that will fit her with breast that large
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They are fine as long as they look anime enough
With this type of gens I feel like that guy following girls around to take creepshots at every given moment
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I just throw the whole folder into gimp, filter animation optimize, and then export as gif
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Good panty choices
Which ui are you using? Auto1111?
forge, but I may as well switch to a1 since I'm just using nai
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Hair highlights and nipples are really similar
>1girl,solo, <lora:deadnoodles:1> deadnoodles , sweat, summer,blush,cameltoe , full body, pussy juice,large breasts, sun, nipple slip, robe,flashing, shibari
Hmm... did you use adetailer on those gens?
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just raw, just wanted a quick preview
The body shape and proportions seems alright, hope it retains the colors
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This magical girl is here to protect the thread from perverts. Please do not bully her.
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this one is so fucking good
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Nice setting.
Got the Chloe to the left?
Is this available anywhere? I really like the look of it.
More please. This woman reminds me of my English Teacher Ms. Stevens who groomed me in high school!
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nai does some real cool armor

check last thread
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Fuck yeah St. Louis, best girl ever
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Fukken same. I had a teacher in high school who looked almost exactly like this. Right down to the giant saggy tits.
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>Fukken same. I had a teacher in high school who looked almost exactly like this. Right down to the giant saggy tits.
Teachers like this are a blessing. They care so much about their students needs.
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Fuck yeah she is. I don't even know anything about azur lane.
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Picked up some coffee for you. Heavy cream like you asked
There isn't much to know honestly
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So just like a lot of gacha waifu machines.
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like the other anon said check the previous thread >>2865267
big thanks to the anon who shared it
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thanks, I'm gonna use this exclusively for mature women
What you need to know is she's waifubait with a beautiful face and amazing tits
Yeah, it's one of the first ones actually. But canonically shipgirls just sit in port waiting to sortie. Unlike say the Genshins or Arknights, who have their own agendas besides helping the player fight.

Reminds me I should check if North Carolina has a lora somewhere.
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1.03 MB PNG
generating shortstacks is beneficial for your health
Genshin is so weird. The surface fandom is filled with gays, theys and women, appreciating cuteness and trying to build a comfy community, being progressive and inclusive and making this gacha game feel more like Touhou with its memes and gameplay....
while the underbelly is filled with insane amounts of pornography. Raiden, Yae, Yelan, absolute fetishfuel. I can't help but feel like that was the company's intention, and they helped encourage the creation of NSFW content.
It reminds me of Overwatch, when they claimed it was a progressive video game platform but snuck in unapologetic waifubait like Widowmaker, D.VA and Mercy to fuel the million dollar porn machine....sometimes I feel like they made Kiriko specifically to appeal to fetishes and be a character in porn.
Keep in mind their primary market is China, and they make far more money at home then they do in the rest of the world combined. Whether some gender confused person in UK likes the game is not really a concern for the game's development.
It's not weird at all. Trannys are the end result of extreme porn addiction.
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1girl forever
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>Trannys are the end result of extreme porn addiction.
Actually that is incorrect. What you need to know is...
>I just realized where I am
....carry on.
Peak autism
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3.51 MB PNG
Well that was for Genshin. Overwatch is now owned by Microsoft, I have no idea what's going on there.
oh hey, looks like she made a mess of the moisturizer. Since this is /e/, I'm sure that's just moisturizing cream, right?
i have to take a break bwos, my dick hurts
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It's casual Friday at the office.
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Requesting a topless edit of Oriana Thomson.
did you use any style lora on top of da vinci lora or the style comes from your da vinci lora?
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I am working on, dare I say, my dream girl...

Spent over 9000 eons training and tweaking and I feel I am getting close. She is looking good in almost all forms IMHO.

I am working on an upscale batch of my latest tweak right now but this is my last raw output.

What say you? If anyone wants me to post a full sized individual then let me know. May catbox some of the top pics later.
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Does this company come with reimbursable provided bots?
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That's great and all, but can she do reverse suspended cong... oops wait a sec, this is /e/. Make her do pic related!
No offense but she looks like a generic blonde girl to me.
She needs some particular accessories, clothing or expressions that bring the character to life-
Some more contextualized images to show her personaity would be better too

>generic blonde girl
isn't that what most men are into nowadays?
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small asses are where it's at.
>extraction complete
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I agree to disagree

Thank you. Don't know why, but I woke up to a futuristic vibe
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Seems pretty stable other than the hair streaks. Sure, post them.

If you want to to see how well it works you should test a bunch of wildly different prompts.
>sitting in a chair, drinking coffee, annoyed, baggy shirt, leg warmers, morning hair

Various expressions, poses, clothes, perspectives, styles, etc.
>sitting in a chair, drinking coffee, annoyed, baggy shirt, leg warmers, morning hair

Interesting prompt, I like it
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yeah it's comfy
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What can I use to make a character apply lipstick without turning the tube into a deformed mess?
Current prompt:
> best quality, masterpiece, 1girl, anime, score_9, score_8_up, applying makeup, asuna \(blue archive\), blue lips, puffy lips, pursed lips, source_anime, 2d, holding lipstick, applying lipstick:1.6, applying makeup:1.6
with 4th Tail 0.4 (Pony) as the base model.
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it's not like that she has massive breasts under the baggy shirt honest
I'm sure she's very mature in spirit. Nice gen
Decided to go back to forge to fix my faces. The eyes are better
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seems like gacha and lipstick tube is the right tag but it'll randomly give her random huge ass tubes, tried natural language too, hit or miss. there's probably tags that work off other sources but cba looking them up, here's what I got with just prompting, tried tags similar to yours

if you want to fix the tube reliable way would be with inpainting and photoshop but that's effort

the hardest part in this image wasn't even the tube, her hand kept misbehaving, I'm pretty sure it's still fucked and her head is too big but just wanted to see if I could make her hold it against her lips and thats good enough

I guess if you generate a close up of just her face and then inpaint the tube/her face with masked area only it'll likely fix the shapes but I haven't tried that
here's a catbox of a few of these just in case, they have metadata
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>This is how your homeroom teacher announces sexual education week.
>Veiny breast

Fucking based
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Don't forget to go outside today gents, so your bratty tomboy childhood friend can tease you for being out of shape.
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Running girls are great
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Based Cyberpunk enjoyer
Noooo, this one is cute but I can't ignore the long torso
it's not a long torso, it's a wide hip and very low cut panties. Believe, anon.
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1 MB
Shorts were lost in the process of running.
>Hours before capture

>Genki Girl cheering her on regardless
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An anon on a videogame general thread reposted one of my old gens from the SD1.5 days, and it reminded me of this question. So here it is!
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I see you're just casually dropping really nice pieces
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Requesting the expertise of those who have been plugging away with AI for a while now. I'm wondering what the best way is to incorporate AI into my own illustration/animation practice.

I posted some work in a couple drawthreads and a couple of different anons used them as prompts. IDK what exactly they did which is why I'm here asking y'all. (I imagine it was img-to-img, + controlnet, + some specific LoRa?)

The reason I ask is because this could save me so much time. My goal isn't to have an AI img as the final product, but for AI to quickly give me an example of what a final version might look like. So I'm not terribly concerned with extra fingers or botched details.

The problem is in my own limited experience with AI, and probably my hardware? Right now I'm using the Easy Diffusion app locally, and my results are laughably bad, and take much longer than web service img generation. So I'm wondering if you can point me in the right direction as far as what I should be paying attention to (get better at prompts, use these loras, use these settings etc.) New rig isn't in the budget at the moment but could be down the line so advice in that respect would be helpful too. Thanks in advance.
You're going to have trouble with AMD's unless things have changed since back in the day. I would use Automatic1111 or ForgeUI with a Pony model. Whats your GPU? Going to want at least 6GB of ram to do things (4 may work idk). Once you've got a solid system Img2img with a low Denoising strength is your best bet. It will also serve you well to find some innate artists that look similar to your art style for the prompt. Looks like you use pretty solid colors, so check out some other similar artists.
just having fun and trying out stuff
just get it up and running and start learning. preferably a1111 or forge as that's what most people use and are familiar with
depends on what GPU you have
>what model should I use
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How do we feel about robot girls?
once you figure out the basics try this >>8024560
It generates a preview live as you draw
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fuck hands.
god damn AC broke in the office.

What about girls slowly turning into robots?
processor's irrelevant, GPU matters.
>how did they do it
Controlnet for finishing drawings, img2img at low'ish denoise works aswell since it affects the scope of changes https://github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet
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>"What? My shirt?"
Into it.
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Uno mas before I switch styles.
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Can they fix the AC? It's too hot
the image you drew is really nice

>New rig isn't in the budget at the moment but could be down the line so advice in that respect would be helpful too
right now in this moment rtx 3060 12gb is the best budget option I believe but by the time you decide to get a new rig things might change in terms of what's the cheaper/better to buy, so it's probably better for you to ask here or at /hdg/ when that time comes
Why is sweaty office area such a nice prompt
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>why are you looking at me like that anon!?

>never seen a girl stretching before?
I actually haven't
hot. god I love such scenarios
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>O...oh well you look like you must work out all the time.

>I am new here but i read on a health and fitness forum that I should drink plenty of milk and eat lots of oats then do squats...

>...can you show me how to pick things up and put them down?
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it is gacha... I've had better results after I moved to forge from comfy, seems like higher CFG scale is also helping along.
fuck those pics of yours are sexy, thank you anon
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Thank you very much for this guide. I just started a few days ago and eyes and hands have been a big problem for me.
who are you and where did the lady with the braid go?
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a real artist among us : 0
Skill issue.
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I hope people aren't mean to her.
we had quite a few in the previous threads

I like this hair, catbox?
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How could they be when she's this cute?
Unfortunately if i try to get her in the middle of a crowd they all turn into shota so i can't post those attempts here.
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last one
With how much lora mixing I've been doing, sometimes it's nice to just see a single source lora
>Panties are not on the list of uniform items.
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1.22 MB PNG
very nice
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I need an extreme midriff tag.
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It's worth reading the guides in the OP to get you started. It can be a bit overwhelming, especially since this is still pretty bleeding-edge and user-friendliness wasn't top priority at the beginning; don't give up though.

SDXL is the current model base in use. A lot of older guides focus exclusively on the older SD1.5, which looks like what your example is genned from. It was okay for its time but nearly everyone moved to SDXL when it had some models available. I say some because SDXL's requirements are higher than SD1.5, 8GB VRAM and a modern Nvidia GPU. Your increased wait time may be because you are running in CPU-only mode, which is much slower, but doesn't have any GPU requirements.

Read through the OP guides and get your GPU drivers and CUDA drivers installed. Then install a webUI like Automatic1111 (don't start with Comfy, it's not noob-friendly). A1111's installer script will automatically download the requirements for you, the only slightly complicated part may be getting Python 3.10. On Windows, it's a binary download and install: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui?tab=readme-ov-file#automatic-installation-on-windows

Once you've got Automatic1111 running, download the Autismix-DPO model (or just the regular confetti... for your purposes not much difference https://civitai.com/models/288584?modelVersionId=324524 ) and put that into your models/stable diffusion folder. Refresh the webUI and select it as your checkpoint (at the top-left).

picrel is my basic setup if you want to copy. Most important setting is changing resolution to 1024x1024, but I've found you can go a bit higher without much issue.

Good choice
After all, the girls need to be able to show that they aren't wearing any non regulation uniform items.
Idk why, but I can't get lowleg to work for me. That's the other portion that makes your gen's really kick
NAI seems to understand it, but I think local is going to need a lora.
And certain artist mixes are better at it than others. Raita is a fucking lowleg God.
I'm shit at inpainting lol
Now with (((pussy peek))).
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Looks sharp. Are you using an upscaler as final step without an img2img pass after, or do you do a very low denoise img2img pass? And also which upscaler.
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That one was two passes of Ultimate SD Upscale plus adetailer on eyes, tits, and hands in comfy.
I want to improve my workflow in terms of sharpness. If you could specify what denoise you did for first and second passes and which upscaler you used (or maybe you use latent/NN latent if comfy?), it would be very helpful.
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2.38 MB PNG
>Didn't make it
It's so joever.

Sure I'll bite, always down for some OLs.
Screenshots of the relevant modules; the workflow's a horrible organic mess full of notes that I can't share
>image sharpen
sometimes the simplest things are the answer.
It's sharpened first and then sent to the upscalers, they don't really illustrate the flow well
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Yeah, I figured, but the sharpness is still preserved, especially with nearest exact on the first pass. Surprised you don't get all sorts of fucked up shit from 0.35 denoise on the second pass doing such small 1024x1024 chunks of the final image at a time, considering that these individual chunks don't really adhere to the full prompt well. I guess it's right on the threshold of denoise value where image would change significantly.
What do you use to get good hands? Are there any recommended LoRAs I'm supposed to know about? (for pony)
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Here's one with the first pass at 0.65 and the second at 0.55 denoise. I've basically set these up through trial and error so no real idea what's going on. Maybe the node pads the denoise numbers or something.
It's more of a question of what loras NOT to use. Basically, if you are using autismmix with 0 loras and 0 innate artists prompted, you already get good hands. But then some loras and some innate artists tend to fuck them up, so you have to balance them well. Base pony is pretty bad with hands though, to my surprise feet actually are more consistently good than hands there.
I just sketch the hand shape I want and in-paint that area at weak denoise.
I've tried a few automated methods but none have worked better than just rerolling the gen (ie. not worth it in the first place vs. amount of time spent on it).
It helps to have a high base resolution, as the more pixels the model has to work with the less likely it'll fuck up.
WTF super weird. I would get hands feet and heads popping up everywhere with multidiffusion on forge at 0.55 at this resolution, also chibi versions of girls. I'll try the comfy node later to see what it's doing.
Thanks, I'm tired right now but I'll try tomorrow.
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I accidentally left my settings in the Inpaint screen to resize from 1048x1048 to 1536x1536, and it took me 10 minutes to get rid of an extra finger.
Don't be like me.
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2.81 MB PNG
what happened to her nose?
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Rebuilt it to strip out most of the unused nodes and other stuff

Let ranbooru go wild and it made this. Pretty neat.
File deleted.
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Oh, hey, thanks for doing all the extra work to share it.
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now in-paint an even tinier version of her on the sushi in the sushi
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84 KB
Can you recreate this outfit in AI? The character is Nalzgis from the game Mamatoto.
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cute, thick and good quality

eyes look messed up and not enough sweat imo, otherwise not bad

cute and tasteful

nice and thick, shoulda fixed that pinky while you were removing the text

I laughed
(You)s providing time? Okay, I'll make it quick.

I love you anons!
Love it. How does one convey to a woman that this is an appealing bodytype?
Send her that image and say "This is what I want to fuck". Remember to report back.
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Can I get Ami and Mami Futami wearing nothing but ribbons sitting in front of boxes of presents? It's their birthday.
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Idk how I feel about this style to be honest
i'm seeing some legpussy and elbowpitpussy and the sharpening arouund the linework looks like complete ass
excellent choco
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"Anon, I can't believe we're about to do it for the first time. So... how do we start?"
No we're getting you to the hospital, your fingers are broken.
my sides
>shoulda fixed that pinky
Eh, looks fine enough especially since she has nails. I've seen worse.
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1.2 MB PNG
I love AI!
I do too anon, happy genning
Oh I like the style here, may I get a catbox?
File: Candace.png (2.31 MB, 1024x2456)
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/nn7d1a.png
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I broke my WebUI after not prompting for a year or so, so I'm trying out ComfyUI.
Thanks anon, was just mixing some artist I like until I landed on this


This is nice anon
is faetastic doing anything? not a pony model.
that's a lot of (You)s thank you so much!!
huh, just removed guess I don't need it. Still fumbling around with SDXL
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3.33 MB PNG
I'm bored, someone give me a pokemon and I'll gen something in the same color scheme (and might add in some features as long as its non furry)
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This one was nice anon
Ugh lordy this is so clean. That hime cut is PERFECT
Yeah, I had a general idea when I saw Klefki but this came out better than I imagined. Any other mons in mind?
Another angle
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I love elves!
Would Zapdos be doable?
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I don't know why this elf made me nostalgic all of the sudden, I remember when I was a kid I saw an elf girl like that on TV and she was the most beautiful elf ever
Yeah, for kicks I'll do both forms
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The beauty of elves is beyond compare. I've been in love with Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War forever.
OMG thank you for helping me find the name of this girl THIS IS HER and the show was called Record Lodoss War
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Happy to help, fellow man of culture.
Man almost makes me want to find a 90s lora =
Kanto Zapdos. A pose didn't really come to mind

She's not as well endowed as her sister, but she does track and makes up for it in her legs
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my wet dream for the day
looks like young Risty
This one is better, deleted the older one
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>a day at work
They say you should find a job you'll enjoy doing.
She cute as fuck! thank you
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Soon as I figure out how to get absolutely sweaty, even with modifiers it's hit or miss.
sweat is very easily inpainted

You're welcome anon. I like G-Zapdos a bit more, but feel free to request anything else
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Thank you kindly

May I get a box for this as well?
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it's really nice. I especially like the eyes
How about Salamence? One of my favorite dragons from Gen 3
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ty anon
Dark elves will always have a soft spot for me
Love me some office lady outfits. Seems like the A/C is a lil broken today.
dark elfs in general are soft
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I really had fun with this one, there are a few design that didn't make it to this iteration but I still want to play around with this one
Thank you kindly

Vshojo offices
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Very nice.
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Smug catgirls
>It's fully advised to wear underwear in the office

One more post before I go to bed. Meet you guys in the next thread in however long hours . Have a dark elf for the road
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See you folks on the other side.
Good gens anon, tried to get your style to work for me but t'was a total disaster. Still rocking these? <lora:NyantchaV2:1>, <lora:Lunas-Namespace-LewdCactus64-SDXL-A1:0.7> , <lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:1>, <lora:cutesexyrobutts style:0.8>,
These are really nice! thank you, I think I wanna try making something like them too
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nevermind works without the character lora
There, thread's fucking over
It better fucking be, that piece of fucking shit. Fucking.
what happens now?
It's over.
where is it
baker ate the bread
/edg/ Mishima...is dead
Yeah, one of us is gonna have to step up to the challenge, here and become new OP. I'll leave it to you folks, can't do that now.
>thread limit already
We are getting faster...

Yup, it's the same ones. Try messing with the ratios and sampler
still page 4 though

We can migrate
4chan should just get an /ai/ board and ban all diffusion generals there. /e/ is clearly too slow for us now, we'll have /edg/ piling up as time goes by.
Shit, I'm adding to the problem

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