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Contemplate the sweet, soft, subtle, intoxicating aroma of a beautiful woman's ovulation pheremones
In some Asian cultures, it used to be that the upper arms were considered a highly erotic erogenous zone for women. It was considered extremely slutty to expose them in public, to the degree that a girl's grandma might slap her upper arms if they were too exposed
Yes , what a pleasure to get a whiff of the fair fragrance of a young woman in her fertile peak , there is no smell in the world that compares .
Is she wearing a perfume or is that her natural scent ? You don't know...
Sometimes a brief flash is enough for you to remember forever
Do they understand how erotic it is? Or is it innocent ?
A girl in heat ...
You're trying to work, but you catch the smell of the opposite sex and instantly your mind is drawn to wonder if this girl's hymen is still intact . Might you be the first ?
If the smell is that good .... imagine the taste ...
fucking child porn armpit thread yall should get a job
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Jesus fucking Christ, the thread was almost archived.


there's an armpit thread up already. Fucking go there, retards.
that thread isnt as good as this one
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Yeah, its kinda dead
completely unlike this thread, which had two whole images posted over the last two weeks and only didn't die because of that troll bump
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