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Post pokegirls.
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Do it.
It’s nice to see some Penny love. She’s very unpopular on /vp/, unfortunately.
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big ionos...
They can't appreciate best girl when they see her unfortunately.
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this artist reeks of western, you're just gonna dump all his shit?
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Odd how there was no bitching until this past week, when kids typically get out of school. It's probably a summerfag with nothing better to do.
good lord, didn't think I'd still be hearing about the summer boogeyman in 2024, like 12 years after moot himself debunked it.
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somehow 2 chicken-chans.
They are the best.
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Liko ...
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that static/dithering effect looks so bad, and all it does is bloat the filesize.
Such a cute May! Love how accurate her proportions are.
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MandJTV: *nosebleeds*
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I swear this is WAY better then /vp/
cause we're just posting porn.
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That and the board has gone downhill to the point it seems like they get angry over everything
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